Showing posts with label Web search engine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Web search engine. Show all posts

Monday, July 30, 2012


The mobile experience is different. There are few places where that is as starkly obvious as when you try to type. The mobile screen is not conducive to typing.

Make your mark on Google with Handwrite for Mobile and Tablet Search
speaking your queries, getting results before you finish typing, or searching by image. Now there’s a new way for you to interact with Google: Handwrite for web search on mobile phones and tablets ..... Handwrite enables you to search by just writing letters with your finger most anywhere on your device’s screen—there’s no keyboard that covers half of the screen and no need for hunt-and-peck typing. ..... Since you can write anywhere, you don’t have to look back and forth repeatedly from the keyboard to the search box...... Handwrite is experimental, and works better in some browsers than others—on Android devices, it works best in Chrome. For now, we’ve enabled Handwrite for iOS5+ devices, Android 2.3+ phones and Android 4.0+ tablets—in 27 languages

Make your mark on Google with Handwrite for Mobile and Tablet Search

Handwrite is a leap. And it just might be the friendliest way to type yet on the mobile screen. When you speak commands, you disturb people around you. And hopefully you are surrounded by people often.

This is so good people might demand it on their laptop screens. Although laptops might come with a warning sign. Do not burn your fingers from too much handwriting.

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Google Plus Ramping Up

Image representing Google Buzz as depicted in ...
Image via CrunchBase
They tried with Buzz, they made an attempt with Wave. Finally they nailed it with Google Plus. So much so that I think Facebook should go into search. Imagine a search engine that only delivers you search results from pages and sites liked by your friends, and friends of friends.

Google+ traffic soars: 66 percent increase in nine months
110.7 million international visitors in June. In the US, traffic increased from 15.2 million to 27.7 million visitors over the same period
These numbers are going to get better. And I expect Google to keep enriching the product.
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More From AdSense

Image representing Google Custom Search as dep...
Image via CrunchBase
Simple Changes Doubled My Adsense Revenue
the 336 x 280 Large Rectangle is the most effective Adsense unit. It typically offers four ads and they are likely to be very related to the topic based on the position between the post title and body ..... Placing your Adsense unit above the fold is imperative for success. This makes sense to me for one reason. ..... The concept is really simple; make one large, well positioned ad do all the work. This will make your page look cleaner and it’s likely to improve your revenue immediately.
Split Testing: How To Increase Your Adsense Earnings 94% Overnight
Maybe the left aligned ad looks more like it’s actual content instead of an ad. .... the text ads were paying more per click. .... Winner: text ads
Improving your Adsense Revenue – An In Depth Guide
In the last year, over half of the Adsense income I have received has not come from new ads or new traffic, it has been from tweaking my current ad placements. ..... Everyone knows that exercise is good for them, but it doesn’t mean they are actually doing it...... The difference between making more money and not making more money is actually doing things. ..... Until you try both, you do not know what works best for your particular webpage. ..... Each webpage is different, some will do well with image ads, some will do well with text ads, some will do about the same. .... wider ad formats tend to outperform their taller counterparts, due to their reader-friendly format ...... bigger ads provide bigger results, but I have also found that sticking a big ad in a small place where it looks weird does not do well. ..... Ads above the fold tend to work well ..... Ads within the content tend to work well. ...... Above the fold did best as did ads within the content. ..... I think most people can probably increase their income significantly by just optimizing, even if they are having the same traffic levels. ...... Adsense for search, also known as Google custom search. It is the Adsense product that has made me the most money. It is not well understood and not widely used. When it is used, it is not used well. ..... The click through rate of Adsense for search is very often around 25 percent...... If there is one Adsense tool I recommend over all others, it is Adsense for search. ...... create a custom search engine that searched all the great resources you know of, and not include all the crappy ones.
AdSense tips
Find your keywords .... Improve your keywords
7 AdSense Tricks that Will Increase Your Income
You can use to find high-paying keywords related to your niche. It will help you to display ads with high CPC. Therefore, you will get higher commission when people click on your ads. Finding high-paying keywords is important if you want to boost your AdSense revenue.
Google Custom Search with Adsense for Blogger or WordPress Blogs
[I have seen Adsense Search performing much better (in terms of CTR and revenue) after switching from the standand Adsense for Search to the more customizable Google Custom Search.]
How To Monetize Adsense For Search On Your Blog
Adsense for Search is another brilliant way to earn money from your Google Adsense Account. It’s implemented by putting an individually-coded search panel to your blog.
Top 9 Google AdSense Alternatives
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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Every Google Search Is Like A Tweet, A Facebook Update

Google 的貼牌冰箱(Google refrigerator)Google 的貼牌冰箱(Google refrigerator) (Photo credit: Aray Chen)Google has had it this entire time.

Granted they publish the top words and phrases for the year and all that. And every search makes the search engine even smarter. But much of what Google does with our search queries stays in the background.

If Google were to figure out a way to publicly display all our searches in real time they might give Twitter a run for the money. What they are sitting on is huge.

And I don't mean literally list the searches. Things more interesting than that can be imagined.

Google allows you to search the web. What if Google made it possible for you to also be able to search through searches made through the Google search engine? That would take the lid off. And there is no telling.

And to think Google has had this the entire time.

Twitter Integration Into Google's Search Plus
Google Should Get The Twitter Firehose
Twitter Should Open Up Its API ---- To Google

For example, Google would tell me how many times people have conducted a search on my name today.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Twitter Should Open Up Its API ---- To Google

Twitter misunderstands real time.

Google Plus Plus Google Search

Real time is not just real time as it is happening right now. Real time is also real time as it happened in real time two years ago. But Twitter thinks only your 3,000 or so latest tweets are relevant. It does not destroy the old tweets, but it disallows access to them, which in my book is akin to destroying them.

My single biggest frustration with Twitter has been that I can not search through all of my own tweets. If I could, Twitter would be my Dropbox. But no, Twitter would not open up its API.

Twitter Is Seeing Rebirth
Twitter Asks
Being Able To Embed Tweets Is A Revolution
Twitter At Five: Not Spitting Out Well

Twitter opening up its API would mean Google being able to access all tweets without paying Twitter. Bad deal for Twitter? No. Like Jeff Jarvis says, do what you do best, link to the rest. Twitter does not do search right, if at all. My tweets belong to me, not to Twitter. At the least I should have access to them.

All tweets ever tweeted becoming fair game to Google Search would enhance the piece of real estate called the tweet tremendously. It is in Twitter's interests to open up. Lift the iron curtain. Mr. Dorsey, tear down this wall.

TechCrunch: Twitter Really, Really Hates Google’s New Google+ Integration

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Google Plus Plus Google Search

Google Plus Circles - Pros and ConsImage by Squidooer via FlickrMonths and months back, more than a year back I went on record hoping Facebook would do this, it would let me search through all my wall posts, and the wall posts of all people I might be connected to. I guess I was waiting for Google Plus the entire time.

Search, Plus Your World

Google just married social to search. I can't search through all my wall posts on Facebook, to my great consternation I can't search through all my tweets (They are all on your servers!). But now I can search through the walls of everyone I might be connected to on Google Plus. Tremendous value has been added.

Of all the features that have been added to Google Plus since its launch, this is the most exciting to date. I am digging it. Facebook had the option to get into search last year but instead it outsourced that to Microsoft. And Microsoft did not quite do it. I guess search is hard to do. Google has the secret sauce.

The Google search engine suddenly has become more valuable. This is not just about Google Plus. This is not even primarily about Google Plus. You smell a conspiracy. Google never meant to launch a social network like Facebook. It always meant to add the social layer to search itself. It was always about search. Google Plus perhaps is smoke and mirrors.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Water: Top Word

Google Logo officially released on May 2010Image via WikipediaWater has overtaken Brazil as the top search term for this blog. And this blog post is now the top visited post at this blog: Why I Liked The Charity Water Party.


What happened? My passion came through? I am so impressed with the Google search engine right now. Their algorithm seems to be able to sense the passion in your voice.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Facebook Could Do Well In Search

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...Image via CrunchBaseSearch is the core of what Google does. Search is where Google makes almost all its money. Google gives away Android for free because, well, it will make money off of search. And I don't doubt Google will keep innovating. When blogs first burst onto the scene, and Google search results were being seriously skewed in favor of blog posts, Google tweaked its algorithms. Google will similarly respond to the content farms and the SEOed to the hilt sites.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Web 2.0 Summit 2010: Robin Li

Robin Li has been caricatured, and he continues to be caricatured. But his is a true success story. Not all of the difficulties associated with doing business in China can be attributed to China being a one party state. The Chinese are like the Jewish people. They both have 5,000 years of non stop history. The Hindus have 10,000 years of non stop history, but that is another story.

Friday, July 16, 2010

A 4 AM Traffic Peak, Mostly From Canada

Internal development of Canada's internal bord...Image via Wikipedia

How do you explain this? I think people in Canada sleep less. Or this is traffic from the northern parts of Canada where the sun is around many more hours of the day. Or parts where the sun never sets in summer.

Hello there. Thanks for dropping by.

The page hits for today stand at 1200, which used to be the previous peak for the longest time. And the day is still young. Looks to me like this blog's traffic is about to take off, enough that I can do this full time, if not right away then perhaps in a few months, or maybe even right away.

Blogging full time would be the best thing I could do for my startup that I expect to launch in about 15 months after I get my green card. Blogging full time would allow me to read all I want to read, to network feverishly in the New York tech ecosystem. I would explore the landscape for my startup through my blog.

If I have 1200 page hits for the day, and the top page for the day is getting only 80 of that, and that page is not a new page, but from a week back, that means I am doing well with the search engines. Traffic from search is the best kind. Otherwise sometimes you get a spike in traffic because some big shot blogger linked to you, and then all that traffic has evaporated in a day.

Search engine traffic is the good kind. It is more stable. Although Google can always tweak the algorithms and make you go away. But then that tweaking can go the other way as well. You could see another spike, spike upon spike.

If I were to treat this blog like a full time business, what would I do?

I like the blog's name: Netizen. It is a solo operation.

Every day I would put out a page of links to all the top stories from all the top tech blogs and from top news sites. A top story is what I determine a top story is. I would be making no attempt to be objective.

And I would write a few blog posts every day on topics of interest to me.

I would go to and blog about many of the key tech events in town. The two top tech events in town are:
I would watch and share videos from the top tech events anywhere and everywhere. You do that enough and you realize watching those videos is often better than showing up for many of those events. You can't show up for all of them anyways. And if you are going to every event on the list, your networking is not focused enough.

I would be commenting at other blogs much more. You have to be out and about, you know.
  • Content
  • Traffic
  • Monetization 
Those are the three elements. 

As for monetization, the Google ads are back up. But Google ads only make good money if you have a ton of traffic. I wish I could dig into the NY tech ecosystem to have more companies let me do blog post ads. 

Or maybe it is too early to think of full time pro blogging. The traffic is building up but it's not there yet. But it would be nice to be able to do it full time for a year. And then I could do a $1 salary thing for my startup the way Bloomberg does for the city, he is a $1 a year Mayor

I should probably send out a few emails. Hey, how would you like for me to do a blog post ad for you? Letting me do a blog post ad or two for you is almost like hiring me as a business consultant. I bring along more than exposure. I bring perspectives. 
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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What Just Happened? 3,000 Page Hits

The page views count for this blog for today stands at 3,000, and the day is still young. What just happened? This makes it the best recorded day for the blog. The previous record was 1200 for a blog post that had the word Bill Gates in the title.

But most of the page hits for today have come from Google. Looks like this blog has managed to hit some kind of a sweet spot with the Google search engine. I am happy. But I can't explain. My blog posts today and yesterday have not been extraordinary.

On another note, my Feedburner count went from 2300 to less than 200 yesterday, and is still stuck around there today. I know Feedburner sometimes does that random act. But I am still anxious. Go back up, will you?

What Just Happened? May 2009

My page views for my Barackface blog yesteday stand at 1200. Most of that traffic is also coming from Google. That is the good kind of traffic.

Maybe I should put the Google ads back onto the blogs.

They say at 10,000 daily hits, you can make a full time income.
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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Tweets And Facebook Updates: The Mumbojumbo

Facebook, Inc.Image via Wikipedia
TechCrunch: Searchtastic Throws Its Hat Into The Twitter Search Engine Ring What makes the search engine interesting is the ability to pull up Tweets from weeks or months ago, which Twitter’s own search engine doesn’t allow you to do. Twitter’s search currently lets you see Tweets from a week and a half back
The tweet is the atom at Twitter, the building block. The update is that building block at Facebook. But the Facebook wall is opaque. Once an update - and that includes links - goes down the wall, it is pretty much lost. Only the fresh content counts. And it should not be that way. And I have yet to come across a decent Twitter search engine. How hard can it be? Twitter hosts all the tweets on its servers. It is not like you need to send out spiders out there to forage the world wide web

You should be able to search through all your tweets and all your Facebook updates. But Facebook has never even attempted to facilitate that search. Only the fresh content counts. That is sad.

The archives are the repository, the archives matter. How about being able to search through your updates and the updates of your friends as well, or at least of those who don't mind?

Twitter Should Hand Over Search To Google

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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Search: Pregnant Territory

Image representing Google as depicted in Crunc...Image via CrunchBase

Once you have figured out that there are four screens - the phone, the browser, the desktop, the wall - it is easy to see search is pregnant territory, rich with possibilities. Search, content, distribution. There is so much to do.

Search is of special interest to me. There is one clear leader, but the challenger is not lacking in money. And for the leader the competition is but one click away. If there was ever an innovation challenge, this is it. Could Microsoft innovate, or find a startup or two that might? That second possibility is more likely. But then Google has been in competition with itself. It never stopped innovating in the search domain and boasts a larger index than anyone else. And its algorithms are still the ones to beat.

Microsoft should try and eat into Google territory. Google should try and eat into Microsoft territory. The consumer will benefit. Search and operating systems are fair game.

Technology Review

What's Microsoft's Bing Strategy? "We are going to compete hard on the core results, but where we are going to differentiate is in organizing results more effectively and providing tools to help searchers make decisions"
Making Search Social
More-Searchable Flash
Opening Search to Semantic Upstarts
Searching as a Team
Building a Better Search Engine
Q&A: Peter Norvig
Digging Deeper in Web Search
Better Search in Virtual Worlds
Wolfram Alpha and Google Face Off
How Twitter Could Bring Search Up to Speed
A Smarter Search for What Ails You

Image representing Microsoft as depicted in Cr...Image via CrunchBase

Microsoft Searches for Group Advantage
A Google Killer Stumbles
Search Engines' Chinese Self-Censorship
A New Perspective on Search Results
Social Search
Jennifer Chayes
Wikipedians Promise New Search Engine

How Facebook Copes with 300 Million Users Technology Review Doing things in or near real time puts a lot of pressure on the system because the live-ness or freshness of the data requires you to query more in real time. ...... There's too much data updated too fast to stick it in a big central database. That doesn't work. So we have to separate it out, split it out, to thousands of databases, and then be able to query those databases at high speed. ...... "Like" became one of the most common actions in the system. ........ a tremendous wealth of photos being uploaded and shared ......... Then we went and built our own storage system called Haystack that's completely built on top of commodity hardware.
Twitter's Growing Pains a large-scale, ground-up architectural revamp ...... it will reduce its reliance on Ruby on Rails, and will move to a "simple, elegant file-system-based approach," to replace its original unwieldy database system. ........ a communications-class technical infrastructure that supports unpredictable activity.
Social Networking Is Not a Business
How Facebook Works
  1. How One Giant Casino Could Turn Around Vegas Time
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  4. A Wind Shift Coming in the Global-Warming Debate?
  5. Are Med-Student Tweets Breaching Patient Privacy?
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  7. Mad Man: Is Glenn Beck Bad for America?
  8. Why Exercise Won't Make You Thin
  9. Is Wikipedia a Victim of Its Own Success?
  10. Why Is the G-20 Being Held in Pittsburgh?
More Angry Investors Say, Throw the Boards Out
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Tuesday, September 01, 2009


Webimax is a name associated with Search Engine Optimization. SEO is key to online marketing. If you can not show up in the search results that go with the key terms associated with your business, it is as if your business does not exist. You don't have a storefront.

Search Engine Optimization is not necessarily about gaming the system. It is about making sure you are doing the best you can to help the search engines find you. The search engines do want to find you. With a little help from your side, they can find you better, easier. That is where Webimax comes into the picture.

Webimax is a top name in the SEO game. "The owner, Ken Wisnefski, was recently named to the Philadelphia Business Journal's 40 Top Entrepreneurs Under the Age of 40."

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