Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Best Riverside HVAC

Best Riverside HVAC
  • Great customer service
  • Consistent good quality work
Riverside, California. Visit them online, have them call you.

Get a heat loss/gain evaluation done. Have load calculations performed. Doing it by size and square footage is the wrong way. "The average home leaks 30-40% of the air conditioning / heating into the attic and walls." Get out of that trap. You should be able to see a 15-20% reduction in utility bills.

Best Riverside HVAC

July: Netizen Blog Carnival Month

  1. Internet For The Billions (July 1)
  2. Wimax (July 4)
  3. Cheap Laptops (July 7)
  4. Microfinance (July 10)
  5. Venture Capital (July 13)
  6. Google (July 16)
  7. Google Wave (July 19)
  8. Android (July 22)
  9. Entrepreneurship (July 25)
  10. Global Poverty (July 28)
So I Have Decided To Launch A Blog Carnival

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Monday, June 29, 2009

Bye Bye Geocities

Fred Wilson
This Reminds Me Of The Web 3.0 Definition Fight
I Did My Part
Google Wave API Google Group: Got To Undo The Ban On Me
Google Wave Protest
Google Wave API Google Group: Stalinist Mindset
My Twitter Suspension Lifted
Can Tweet Google, Can't Tweet Twitter
Netizen Is No Spam Blog
Google: Tweet Me Baby One More Time
I Talked To Google Through Twitter And It Worked Like Magic
NY Tech MeetUp Mailing List Web 5.0 Controversy
Web 5.0 Is Da Bomb
Competing For the Web 3.0 Definition
Conceptually Diligent: Web 5.0 Is Repackaging Hello
Defining Web 4.0

In The News

No rush to 3GS for gamers CNet
Bloomberg: Information for the people will improve government
Red Hat goes to the movies
Walkman vs. iPod
OLPC operating system free on a stick
Google move paves way for Firefox on Android
Ch-ch-ch-changes: A visual history of Firefox
Report: Microsoft to cut Razorfish loose
Why Oracle will continue to win
Get social now!
An FM transmitter for your iPod that actually works
What the iPhone teaches us about cloud adoption
Reading machine to snoop on Web
Delta 4 rocket boosts weather satellite into orbit
Report: Sony considers adding phone to PSP
Is Apple's Mac Mini a MacBook inside?
DOJ extends investigation into Oracle-Sun deal
YouTube hoops star accepts Shaq's Twitter challenge
Michael Jackson's death roils Wikipedia
What PC makers are paying for Windows 7
Google or Bing? Where's the pic of Sanford's lover?
E-mails indicate EPA suppressed report skeptical of global warming

U.S. Companies Seek New Tax Havens BusinessWeek
U.S. Companies See Their Offshore Mistake
Academic's Labor Helps Fight H-1B Visas
Archive: Are More Foreign Nurses Needed?
Summer Stock Doldrums May Be Here to Stay
Stocks Mixed in Early Trading
Marcial: Achillion, a Promising Biotech
Microsoft's Hohm: First in the Azure Cloud
Venture Capital Doesn't Need Government Help
Are Smarter Gadgets Good for the Planet?
IT Firms Increase Focus on India's Media
A Silver Lining for India's Housing Market
DLF, Unitech to Revive Mumbai Deals
A return to the Family Doctor
EU Moots Social Network Privacy Rules
U.K. Officials at Odds over Debt
Daimler Fights for Its Future
Malaysia's Air Asia Sponsors NFL's Oakland Raiders
Michael Jackson: Death of a Brilliant, Troubling Icon Time
Cheating 2.0: New Mobile Apps Make Adultery Easier
Top 10 Crooked CEOs
The Obamas Find a Church Home — Away from Home
Church-Shopping: Why Do Americans Change Faiths?
What Michael Jackson Did on His Last Day
  1. The Pope's Stand in Obama's Notre Dame Controversy
  2. The Story of Barack Obama's Mother
Louisville's Bring Your Firearms to Church Day
California's Fiscal Crisis: The Legacy of Proposition 13
Which State Security Branch Rules Tehran's Streets?
Can Charter-School Execs Help Failing Public Schools?
What the Energy Bill Really Means for CO2 Emissions
The Key to Fixing Health Care and Energy: Use Less
Global-Warming's Rough Ride Through Congress
No OK Yet on Kerry-Produced Film
Did Drugs Kill Michael Jackson?
Michael Jackson: The Sad End of an American Icon
The Young Michael Jackson at Home
The World Mourns Michael Jackson
Go West, Young Chef
SC Governor Considered Resigning, Won't
The Anti–Red Bull: A Drink to Calm You Down
Michael Jackson the boy: A rare and certain star
Obama Goes Non-Denominational

Social Capital And The Venture Capital Game

This article in TechCrunch reinforces with sound data what you could have guessed on your own or rather, what is wisdom in the tech circles, that social capital matters. What you know is important, sure. We would like to believe there is a meritocracy. But who you know is als

Image representing Kleiner Perkins Caufield & ...Image via CrunchBase

o important, very important. It is not true that social capital is less important in a meritocracy. Not everyone has to have 10,000 friends, or even a thousand. How many people you know and stay in touch with depends on your personality type, career domain, success, how busy you keep, and a few other things. Can you smile? Can you say hello?

Maybe you know a lot, but would it not be swell if you could team up with people who also know a lot? Teaming up with people with similar goals and interests can take you a long way. Teaming up with people who compliment your knowledge and skill set is the only way to go. And then there's social

Image representing Accel Partners as depicted ...Image via CrunchBase

capital for social reasons. Who do you want to hang out with? Partying is also important.

And then there is the social capital social media cocktail. You can manage your bank account online. You can also grow, nurture and manage your social capital online. We live in such a day and age.
The Top 100 Networked Venture Capitalists TechCrunch Do venture investors

Image representing Benchmark Capital as depict...Image via CrunchBase

with the biggest and best networks end up producing the best returns? ....... “better-networked VC firms experience significantly better fund performance,” as measured by how many of the companies in their portfolios exited via an IPO or acquisition. ...... all the other venture firms who co-invested with it in funding rounds ...... The more co-investors a venture firm has, the better its network. The better its network, the better its overall returns. ....... better access to deal flow, talent, advisers, potential customers, and potential exits. ..... “to get a high score, you need to co-invest often with others that also co-invest often.”

Image representing First Round Capital as depi...Image via CrunchBase

1. Draper Fisher Jurvetson
2. Sequoia Capital
3. Accel Partners
4. Intel Capital
5. First Round Capital
6. Dag Ventures
7. New Enterprise Associates
8. Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers
9. Benchmark Capital
10. Ron Conway
Whom You Know Matters: Venture Capital Networks and Investment Performance

Whom You Know Matters: Venture Capital Networks and Investment Performance -

Fred Wilson
Facebook And Mashable: Social Media And Social Media Blog
Is Google Wave Social Enough To Challenge Facebook, Twitter?
Is Reading Socializing?
Define Social Media

From The Netizen BlogRoll

One afternoon in NYC Just as the brand started in the UK as the David to many Goliaths in aviation, mobile telephony, and financial services, the Virgin companies in the US are Davids offering a fresh value-for-money alternative to the bigger, bloated, legacy institutions... On Fallon.
A Pause From The Regular Programming For A Commercial
Securing An Independent: Identify Candidates
Sarychev Peak Volcano in Stereo
Bring the world to your event
First Round Capital Office Hours Comes to...Our Office

The King of Twitter He’s still dead. All that follows is discussion and wouldn’t we re

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase

ally rather discuss it with our friends than Al Sharpton? ...... If the Iraq War was the birth of CNN could Iran and Jackson mark the start of their decline in influence? ........ Neda. Piece by piece, the story came together before our eyes, in public. The journalists added considerable value. But this wasn’t product journalism: polishing a story once a day from inside the black box. This was process journalism and that ensured it was also collaborative journalism – social journalism ..... n Twitter, the trends were all but filled with Jackson – except for the Iran election, which was still there, in the middle. That renews my fai

Image representing FriendFeed as depicted in C...Image via CrunchBase

th in us.
Is Blogging Evolving Into Life Streams? Scoble spends more time promoting Friendfeed than his own blog ...... many of the top 100 blogs all look like mainstream media, with a team of writers, photographers, and editors. ..... the iPhone has resulted in 400% increase in uploads to YouTube ..... he’s slowed down on blogging and increased his activity in Twitter and Friendfeed ..... he’s losing his thought leadership, his voice is lost in the noise

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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Memory Upgrade

MAC Memory : Upgrade like a pro.
MAC Memory : For Apple, Dell, HP, IBM, Sony and Toshiba.
MAC Memory : Mac or PC, server or laptop. 8GB, 4GB or 2GB.

There Aren't Enough Photos And Videos Online

Image representing iPhone as depicted in Crunc...Image via CrunchBase

Is there enough text online? Not really. Unless all books ever printed are taken online and are available full text, there will not be. Run ads alongside, I say. Make a little bit of money from a lot of people.

Is there enough text online? There is a lot.

But there is a major dearth of images and videos. Billions of images are not enough. Millions of hours of video are not enough. That is not how that can be measured. It has to start with you, and every you there is. Any image anywhere, and I don't mean images captured by cameras, I mean anything any human eye can see from any angle, is all that online? We are not even at 1% right now. And we already do image search so badly. Images are not text. But we do textual image search. Images have to be searched based on imagerial attributes.

Ditto with video. There we are doing much worse than images.

RIGHT HERE WAITINGImage by zoompict (i'm back on n off! ) via Flickr

We are going to have to twitterize content creation when it comes to images and videos. Every person with a Twitter account is a potential reporter. They can report, if not on major world events then on themselves.

I hear the with the new iPhone people can snap video clips and edit them and upload them directly from their smartphones. We have needed to skip the idea of downloading the pictures and videos to the desktop and then uploading them to websites. That middleman has been a problem.

All Books Need To Go Digital

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Saturday, June 27, 2009

So I Have Decided To Launch A Blog Carnival

I went ahead and launched this blog carnival. The first edition is out on July 1. I hope I can

Carnival in Saint Petersburg, RussiaImage via Wikipedia

bring out a new edition on the first of each month.

These below are some other carnivals run by others of possible interest to me.
I feel like blogging is meant to be a social activity. Carnivals take that social aspect to a whole new level.

Upcoming Blog Carnival on Women & Caregiving | Our Bodies Our Blog
20th Edition Book Review Blog Carnival | Book Dads
"Tracks:" A Train Travel Blog Carnival
Advanced Gaming & Theory: Blog Carnival: STEAMPUNK & KLOKWERKS
Location Independent Blog Carnival #1 | Thrilling Heroics
Fighting Fatigue CFS & Fibromyalgia Blog Carnival #11 ...
Blog Carnival vs Blogroll
Link Love - Asian Women Blog Carnival at Racialicious - the ...
July Blog Carnival Submissions Wanted
Social Media Blog Carnival- Lucky #13 | Austin Social Media

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Search: The Human Vs. The Machine

Search will remain the most exciting aspect of the web experience. Content creation and search will keep feeding on each other ad infinitum. Communication is important, but not the number one function on the web. It is content consumption. Search, search and more search.

Step one is conceptual. What would be the best possible formula? Twitter does not feel the need to index the entire web. The idea that because Google has the largest index of webpages and so it will always be number one has been challenged in ways small and big recently.

Twitter said no thanks absolutely to indexing. Wolfram Alpha said forget the 10 blue lines, let me get you straight to the answer. Bing said maybe we can't do better at search, and we are almost as good, but how about trying to beat Google on the presentation of search results? We are not a search engine, that would be Google. We are a decision engine, we will help you make better, faster decisions.

Disclosure: I have yet to visit the new Bing page, but I hope to shortly.

If you think about it, Google is like Twitter. Most links placed on the web are human decisions. I decide what sites and blogs and news articles and videos to link to from my blog. A purely machine oriented search engine would not care about who links to whom. It would be about how often those links are clicked on to generate visits to your site, to your page. But then depending solely on visits to rank a site might also not work. The most popular are not necessarily the best. Or we would all end up on the CNN site to learn about the latest in quantum physics.

If we could come with a great formula then we could ask, do we have the technology to deliver? Can we get it if we don't have it?

And that is not even getting into the niche search engines. You can limit to show your AdWords ads within a certain geographical region. You should be able to localize your search similarly. Localize in terms of space and time. Show me only pages that were created during the past hour on this topic. The past minute. The past 10 seconds. The past minute in Queens. On this topic.

Dynamic PageRank And Real Time Search
Microblogging Search: What Took Google So Long?
Square Search
Blogger Search Gadget: What Took You So Long?
Wolfram Alpha: An Answer Engine, Not A Search Engine

This is how the PageRank works.Image via Wikipedia

Real Time Search: Twitter Is Not Doing It
Distributed Search
Google Is Working On Search
Search Come Full Circle: That Human Element
The Search Results, The Links, The Inbox, The Stream
Search: Much Is Lacking
The Next Search Engine
Email, Search, News

Numeric examples of PageRanks in a small system.Image via Wikipedia

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Friday, June 26, 2009

Michael Jackson's Death And The Internet: A New Way To Mourn

Michael JacksonMichael Jackson via last.fm

Michael Jackson: A Tribute
Outpouring of searches for the late Michael Jackson

We are no longer faceless fans. We have a voice. We have known to be heard on a presidential campaign trail. And, by God, we are going to mourn. That seems to be the feeling. There has been this immense outpouring of emotion. Michael Jackson touched many hearts over decades. He was a child in an adults' world, sometimes lost, always loved.

Only someone of his stature could have sparked rumors of an internet meltdown. In his death Michael Jackson has written a whole new chapter to this concept called social media.

In The News

Can the Internet handle big breaking news? CNet
HP calculators reborn on iPhone, Windows
Buy-buy Michael Jackson

In Scream, Jackson and his sister Janet angril...Image via Wikipedia

Google thought Michael Jackson traffic was attack
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The cathedral plus the bazaar: Open source and Apple (design) envy
CNET News Daily Podcast: Great spots for globetrotting geeks
Sites swamped after Jackson death
Jackson popular on iTunes, YouTube
Apple triples stake in U.K. chip company

ICANN names new CEO
The greening of tech packaging
Will Novell, Dell turn to open-source M&A to grow?
Latest version of Cooliris embraces browser tabs
Apple confirms it banned iPhone porn app
Microsoft sets Windows 7 pricing, upgrade programs
News sites swamped following Michael Jackson's death

LONDON, ENGLAND - JUNE 26:  The crew and cast ...Image by Getty Images via Daylife

Michael Jackson's death roils Wikipedia
Friday Poll: Which Android app will Google ban first?
Acer's sleek-looking 23-incher coming soon
Couple sues Apple over iTunes gift cards
Week in review: Steve Jobs' secret transplant
In wake of loss, Palm looks to Pre as savior
Thumbing Windows 7 onto Netbooks
Android developers get native-code kit
Beijing adding more curbs to Net access
iPhone syncing app adds voice mail and memo transfers
Indecent Exposure 52: Invalidated expectations

Michael Jackson, cropped from :Image:Michael J...Image via Wikipedia

Cook up a storm without heating up the house
The cathedral plus the bazaar: Open source and Apple (design) envy
Expert: China's Green Dam software is unsafe
Gartner: PC sales to pick up by end of the year
Synthetic 'tree' promises to catch carbon
CNET News Daily Podcast: Great spots for globetrotting geeks
Watch what Microsoft's new security app can do
IEEE awards prizes for tech that benefits humanity

Jackson Death Fires Music Sales BusinessWeek
Settling Jackson's Estate May Be a Thriller
The World's Rich Part with $7.9 Trillion in Assets
Are Smarter Gadgets Good for the Planet?
EU Moots Social Network Privacy Rules
How to Kick Off an Innovation Project
China May Reject GM Hummer Deal on Environmental Concerns
Can Airbus Press Its Advantage Over Boeing
Hedge Funds Face Triple Conundrum
Mohandas Pai Likely to Assume Key Role at Infosys
Recession in the Midwest
Stocks Finish with Strong Gains
Vital Signs: Encouraging News for the Weak Labor Markets
Time Warner, Comcast Plan to Wall Off Online TV
Nortel Liquidation Could Cripple Microsoft Tie
Cash for Clunkers: What Can $1 Billion Buy?
Ads That Break the Mold and Grab Attention
Admissions Chat: Duke

Michael Jackson: The Ultimate Collection album...Image via Wikipedia

For Pro Athletes, Business School Is No Game
Vanderbilt: A Small School with Big Ambitions
Wimbledon 2009: Great Tennis, Corporate Excess
A Blushing Beauty From Provence
Credit-Card Companies: Who Qualifies Now?
Cash for Clunkers: What Can $1 Billion Buy?
Ads That Break the Mold and Grab Attention
Changing Your Corporate Culture
The Knowledge Workers' Strike
How Good Is Your Audit Firm?
An Inspiring Leader Is an Optimistic One
Why Less Is More for Startups
What Small Business Owners Want from Obama
How to Moonwalk like Michael Time
Photos: Michael Jackson's Years of Innocence
Top 10 Michael Jackson Songs
Top 10 Michael Jackson Moments
  1. Ben album coverImage via Wikipedia

    Michael Jackson: The Death of Peter Pan
  2. A Pop Icon's Death: The Talent and the Tragedy
  3. What Happened to Michael Jackson's Millions?
  4. Michael Jackson's Mysterious Medical Past
  5. Remembering Michael Jackson on Twitter
  6. Big In Japan: Tokyo Mourns Jackson's Death
  7. Top 10 Michael Jackson Moments
  8. How to Moonwalk like Michael
  9. The Metro Crash: A Nation's Aging Transit System
  10. Farrah Fawcett: The Golden Girl Who Didn't Fade
Obama Scoffs at Ahmadinejad Critcism

Number Ones album coverImage via Wikipedia

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