Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Google Chrome OS Netbook Assault Imminent

Google Chrome IconImage via WikipediaApple had its iPhone moment. Google had its Android moment. Apple had its iPad moment. There will be a ton of Android tablets, but Google's equivalent of the iPad moment, I believe, we are about to see: the arrival of the Chrome OS netbooks. The netbooks will aim at the tablet - where's the keyboard? - and they will take aim at Windows: why is the machine taking so long to startup?
PCR: Google preps Chrome OS netbook assault: a number of Chrome OS devices to arrive from Samsung, Acer, Asus, Toshiba and HP..... people looked to the web for most of their entertainment, communication and productivity tasks..... the lightweight, low power and low cost netbook ...... a spring clean in order to improve OS start times....."Android is very focused on the best mobile experience there is, Chrome is very focused on the best web experience there is." ..... the minimalist school of design ..... Chrome OS powered netbooks will be available for under $400. ..... 10-inch
There is talk this last decade belonged to Google and Apple, this next belongs to Facebook. I think this next belongs to Facebook and Google. To have both Android and the Chrome OS is pretty phenomenal. Google is running strong still. Windows, on the other hand.

I want the Chrome OS netbook to be super light, super cheap, and I want the screen to be big enough. This has to feel like a mobile device, something you feel okay carrying around. And there should be a small smartphone like screen that you see even when you have it shut. You should be able to place calls. Or a tablet-netbook two in one. Or a three in one: smartphone, tablet, netbook. I want my Chrome OS close, I want my Android closer.

Chrome OS Site: Chrome OS To Arrive In October: actual device sales will be much latter on in the year, most probably just before the Christmas holidays.

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Facebook Needs To Revamp Email Next

NicoImage by Ian Muttoo via Flickr
Mark Zuckerberg: The Facebook Blog: Giving You More Control
Facebook's revamping the Groups feature is pretty fundamental. This has been a demand a long time. People have been saying that Facebook thinks people have only one social graph, the truth is people have many social graphs. I have not used the feature yet, just read about it, but looks like Facebook now lets you have your many social graphs.

And the download feature is Facebook nuking Diaspora. This is a preemptive strike and a pretty big one too. On the other hand now suddenly there is room for some smart aleck startup to do something pretty phenomenal. This is Diaspora's death sentence or its godsend. Is the glass empty or full? I don't know. Let Diaspora decide.

What got my attention though is what is missing. Facebook has not yet revamped its email program. It needs to. 2010 is the year of The Dreaded Inbox. The original app of the computing experience has become a monster. And I think Facebook is uniquely positioned to tackle this huge problem.

How about giving every Facebook user a Facebook email address? So I might get And give each user three inboxes. Inbox 1 is for people who are in my social graph. Inbox 2 is for people who are not necessarily in my social graph, but they are on Facebook and they are sending the email while they are logged into Facebook. Inbox 3 is for people who are neither here nor there, as in they are maybe sending you email from their Gmail account, maybe.

That simple, doable step would solve a lot of inbox problems for a lot of people.

Email has to be a scalable experience. Right now it has stopped being an experience for most people. And so people go hide. They hide on Twitter, and Quora, and, yes, Facebook.

Inbox 2 perhaps should have bells and whistles. You can email someone not in your social graph, but when you do, you are giving them permission to take a look at your full profile for perhaps one day of opening the email.

This is akin to the priority inbox concept. All emails are not the same. All human beings are equal, but that does not apply to emails.

I think the best part of the new Groups feature for Facebook might be that people now have the option to create robust Facebook work groups, and Facebook can now go Facebook Enterprise. Do you smell money?

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Father Of India Dot Com Craze Gives A Thumbs Up To America

Esther's been a member of our board for some t...Image via Wikipedia

Rajesh Jain is the guy who started the dot com craze in India when he sold his dot com for I believe over a hundred million dollars to a local big shot Indian company. Rajesh got his education at Columbia University in New York City. Then he went back to India and has been doing big things since.

The first time I met Esther Dyson was at a NY Tech MeetUp. And she mentioned Rajesh Jain's work in that very first conversation.

Crisis: Opportunity For Greatness For Obama

Rajesh and I have exchanged emails over the years. I like to drop by his blog when I can. He is on my must meet in person some day list.

Rajesh' blog post today is one that many Americans could benefit from reading.
Rajesh Jain: The Secret Sauce of the US: The entrepreneurial energy in the US is still alive and kicking. That is what creates companies like Google, Apple, Cisco and Facebook. ..... There is that inherent belief that the world needs a better mousetrap - and they are the ones to do it.

Bloomberg: India's Economy May Expand 9.7% This Year, More Than Forecast, IMF Says: “Low reliance on exports, accommodative policies, and strong capital inflows have supported domestic activity and growth,” the IMF said in the report. “The rapid pace of domestic activity, evidenced by rapidly rising inflation, led the central bank to increase the repo policy rate.”

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Connect, Communicate, Conquer

(Via CaseyCulture)

Android Is Taking Over As Expected

A printed circuit board inside a mobile phoneImage via Wikipedia
New York Times: Bits: The iPhone Has a Real Fight on Its Hands: “Make no mistake: Google wants to kill the iPhone. We won’t let them.” ..... Phones powered by Google’s Android operating system are now the most popular among smartphones in the United States
It is not possible Apple is surprised by this. This has been a tussle not between rival technologies but rival philosophies, and open was bound to win. It was only a matter of time.

Android is not going to kill the iPhone, it is just going to walk away with the lion's share of the market. That is not death, that is diminution.

Android taking the lead is not news, Apple acting surprised would be. Save the headlines for Apple's reaction.
Newsweek: Android Invasion: Android now has leapt past Apple to become the biggest smart-phone platform in the United States, the third-biggest worldwide, and by far the fastest growing..... 11 million lines of code, the whole program takes up only 200 megabytes of space, about as much as 40 MP3 songs. .... reshaping the fortunes of the world’s biggest tech companies..... Apple’s momentum has stalled ..... by 2014 Android will have 25 percent market share in smart phones, more than double Apple’s 11 percent share ...... The mobile revolution may be the biggest wave ever to hit the world of computing. Just as mainframes gave way to minicomputers, which in turn gave way to personal computers, the PC now is being displaced by smart phones and tablets...... By next year 5 billion mobile phones will be in service, out of a total world population of about 7 billion .... smart phones represent a kind of “exobrain” that augments our regular brain ...... what happens when most of the residents of planet Earth carry a device that gives them instant access to pretty much all of the world’s information? The implications–for politics, for education, for global economics–are dizzying..... will so profoundly change the lives of people in the deepest rural parts of the emerging market ..... the biggest technology market that has ever existed. .... By 2013 the mobile Internet ecosystem–money spent on access fees, online commerce, paid services, and advertising–will be worth more than half a trillion dollars per year .... By collecting location information from mobile phones, for example, Nokia can make traffic predictions. .... a small computer that happens to make phone calls ..... Android-based phones already generate enough new advertising revenue to cover the cost of the software’s development .... 1 billion Android phones in the world and notes that if Google could get just $10 from each user per year ..... Rubin worked at Apple from 1989 to 1992 ..... He was hanging out on a beach in the Cayman Islands when he came up with the idea of creating an open-source operating system for mobile phones. ..... a compatibility test suite, a list of things a phone must have in order to carry the Android brand and to run Google applications like Google Maps ..... the lawsuits demonstrate that rivals recognize Android has become a serious threat..... Gingerbread .... Honeycomb

Android was not an in home innovation by Google. It was bought innovation, but Google still gets credit. Google spotted Android. There is a badge for that.

If the future of the web is mobile, as many say and I agree that to be true for the next five year period, definitely, then Android is in a sweet spot. Google as a company is still on the cutting edge. It does not need a Facebook envy.

Blog Carnival: Android
The Android Architecture
Android Netbook
Donut Android: Android 2.0
Taking The Number 2 Spot On Google Search For Donut Android
Hitting Number 4 For Google Search Results on Cupcake Android
Donut Android: Windows 95, Android 2009?
Cupcake Android Delay Reason: Donut Android
Google Analytics Says I Am Paul Krugman Friend, Cupcake Android Expert
Cupcake: Android 1.5

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