Showing posts with label Instagram. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Instagram. Show all posts

Friday, March 08, 2013

Snapchat's Year

Image representing Bill Gates as depicted in C...
Image via CrunchBase
Last year it was Highlight's year to shine at SXSW. This year I think that honor goes to Snapchat.

Twitter had its year. It was Twitter that put SXSW on the tech map. One year FourSquare stole the show.

Next year I think we will see a new paradigm emerge. That new paradigm is the NUI, the Natural User Interface. It will be like moving from 2D to 3D. All apps will need to be overhauled. New possibilities will emerge.

The Snapchat Lawsuit, Or How To Lose Your Best Friend Over $70 Million
Bill Gates at SXSWedu: The future of education is data
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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Pinterest Fast Approaching

English: Red Pinterest logo
English: Red Pinterest logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Pinterest May Be Bigger Than You Think, Competing To Be The 2nd Most Popular Social Network
67 percent of American Internet users are on Facebook, 16 percent are on Twitter and 15 percent are on Pinterest. .... For Pinterest, the 15 percent user number is up from 12 percent in August 2012, suggesting it continues to grow. Instagram placed fourth in the study with 13 percent of American Internet users on the service. .... Pinterest was offering an experience that Facebook wasn't. .... Women outnumber men on Pinterest by 5-to-1
For Pinterest to be competing with Twitter is really something. And it is growing at a clip that it will likely zoom past Twitter. There is a lesson there. Facebook is organized around photos and updates. Pinterest is organized around photos you don't even have to upload. Like many women say, Pinterest is their Google.
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Thursday, January 17, 2013

A Good Camera App

English: A collage of an image modified with 1...
English: A collage of an image modified with 16 different Instagram filters (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I have been on the lookout for a good camera app for my phone. I already have Instagram, and a free one and a paid one. I erroneously thought an app would increase my phone's zoom capacity. That does not seem to be the case. Not being able to zoom in from far seriously limits your ability to take good pictures.

The 12 best Android camera apps around
several ways a separate point-and-shoot is better than a smartphone camera (and not just in picture quality)
Top 10 Best Camera Apps for Android
you know what they say – “The best camera is the camera with you.”
9 Apps to Transform Your Android Phone Into a High-End Camera
Best Android Camera App 2012
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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Sunday, January 06, 2013

I Like To Read, I Like To Take Pictures

Nexus 4: My First Smartphone
Nexus 4 Is Way Too Cool

I have been playing with my Nexus 4 for days now. It is such a joy.

I have downloaded and organized a whole bunch of apps. I have discovered that I really like to read. Some of my favorite apps help me read. I also seem to like to take pictures. I have discovered. These are not revelations to me. More like confirmations. But confirmations I am happy about.

I really like to read. Pocket is a good one. It beats Flipboard in my book. I like the idea of saving in Pocket on my laptop to read later on the phone. My private homepage on my laptop already has an excellent curation of read destinations.

Amazon Kindle is awesome and easily my favorite app on my seven inch tablet. I am glad to have the Wikipedia app on the phone. Wikipedia is an awesome aspect of the Internet.

I have tried and loved several game apps. I played for hours, one of them overnight, it seemed like. But I did not find myself going back to them the following day. Chess I have gone back to. That is a good classic game in which to want to climb levels.

Path pictures are good, as Instagram pictures. The smartphone is such a poor camera that it has to make up for through filters and effects.

It is a treat to be able to download apps for your phone while sitting in front of a laptop.
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Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Snapchat, Poke And Facebook

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...
Image via CrunchBase
You end up feeling like you have seen this movie before. Facebook tried to do in FourSquare. FourSquare's popularity skyrocketed after Facebook's try.

Snapchat, the trendy smartphone app that lets you send photos and videos that self-destruct after a few seconds ....... Facebook constantly “roams the tech universe in search of interesting technology, then mercilessly assimilates all the best stuff into its ever-larger catalog of features.” Over the last couple years it has copied the defining ideas behind Foursquare, Twitter, Google+, Groupon, GroupMe, Instagram, Quora — and now Snapchat. .... The only reason that the app could acquire millions of users in a few months’ time is because Snapchat spread through each of its users’ Facebook friends. Instagram and Pinterest, the two other recent social-networking successes, also benefited tremendously from their users’ Facebook’s connections. .... Every photo that people were sharing through Instagram was a dagger at the heart of Facebook, the world’s largest photo site. That’s why Facebook attempted to copy Instagram—see its Camera app—and then had to buy it. Similarly, every message that you send to your Facebook friends through Snapchat is a lost opportunity for Facebook. That’s why Facebook had to squash it. ... But Poke is already losing to Snapchat in the app standings. Like Facebook’s failed imitations of Instagram and Quora, Poke’s quick decline shows that if Facebook wants to stay on the vanguard of online communication, it needs to act even before it sees an opportunity—by the time somebody else has had success with something, Facebook’s version isn’t going to catch on.
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