Monday, February 28, 2011

My Failures

A representation of the Lion Capital of Ashoka...Image via WikipediaMy first step into tech entrepreneurship was in the late 90s. I was not the leader of the team, but I was a founding member of a team, lead by an Indian American woman out of Philadelphia, that was trying to build the top South Asian community online.

The company raised 25 million dollars round two and dutifully succumbed to the dot com bubble burst. What ensued was a nuclear winter.

She suggested I drop out of college. I should have. It is not like I was having fun in Kentucky: I hated the place after my first year. Over a year after I left promising to come back after graduation, the thing had already disappeared.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Indian Hurdle

Night Sky

Lake Tahoe Milky Way Night Time Lapse from Justin Majeczky on Vimeo.

Watch full screen.

The Angel List Controversy, Fred's Marketing Controversy

Sydney?Image by Lachlan Hardy via FlickrThere are two major controversies raging in the blogosphere right now. One is to do with The Angel List. The other is to do with our own Fred Wilson's blog post about marketing. Fred has started a s_itstorm by suggesting the best tech startups don't need marketing budgets. In fact, that is how he spots a great tech startup when he sees one.

The Angel List controversy I am sanguine about. I don't see two sides to the argument. There are many ways to invest. The Angel List is just one of them. Efforts like The Angel List have surely democratized the investment climate for the early stage startups. But there are old school holdouts with proven track records who think the process at The Angel List is too diluted. You can't really find nuggets of gold there.

I have said before that I don't expect an iconic company like Google, Facebook to emerge out of Y Combinator. But Y Combinator has been a great entrance to the scene. The majority of startups are not going to go IPO. And Y Combinator works great for such middling efforts.

Santogold/Santigold: Brooklyn Anthems

Brooklyn And Santogold/Santigold
Barack Is Going To Need Me All Over Again

Brooklyn And Santogold/Santigold

Manhattan Bridge Tower in Brooklyn, New York C...Image by The U.S. National Archives via FlickrSantigold: MySpace, Wikipedia, YouTube

Barack almost took Brooklyn during the February 2008 primary. Things were looking so bad before the primary day, Congressman Weiner urged Hillary to make an appearance in Brooklyn, and she did.

I moved to New York City summer of 2005 and placed myself in the smack center of the borough.

Darabi Hits Top 5 Again At This Blog

The first time was here. Never underestimate the power of a controversy to generate page hits. More page hits from a magazine article controversy than from World FoodSpotting Day.