Friday, February 25, 2011

A Gurkha Joke

A monument to the Gurkha Soldier near the Mini...Image via WikipediaMore people from Nepal died in the two world wars than people from any non warring country. The Nepalis fought on the side of the British. The feudal rulers of Nepal kept the British in India happy by supplying soldiers.

When Thatcher invaded the Falkland Islands in the 1980s, the Gurkhas were at the forefront of the swift victory. It is said they ran with their knives/khukris, not guns.

The politics of fighting for another country is another topic. And I have my views. But for now, here's a joke.

This was World War II. The British were busy defending themselves in Burma. One Gurkha got lost in the jungles of Burma in the north. After long weeks of walking he finally showed up in the capital city of Rangoon, down south. He was asked, how did you do it? How did you make it all the way to Rangoon?

"That was not a problem, Sir," the Gurkha soldier replied. "I had a map."

The officer took a look at the map. The guy had a really old map of London with him.

Guns Of Brooklyn: Santogold

With shared music tastes - if this is any indication - Fred, I might even let you invest in my company! ;-)

(Via Fred Wilson)

Soraya Darabi In New York Magazine

A Tweet From Someone Running For Congress

Hackers And Founders MeetUp: Amazing

Image representing Meetup as depicted in Crunc...Image via CrunchBaseLast night I dropped by the Hackers And Founders MeetUp after a long gap of months, and it was just an amazing experience. It was about how I felt - very comfortable - and the people I met - fun and interesting and amazing - and some work leads I was able to generate. I might have found myself a business consulting gig. And I am constantly on a lookout for people to grab. If I can't get them in round one, I will need them in round two. That tends to be my attitude.

My Secret Desire To Become A Great Cook

A cook sautees onions and peppers.Image via WikipediaI harbor secret desires to become a great cook and a great dancer. But the definition to both are very, very specific to me.

I want to be able to cook super healthy. I believe that has to be the starting point. But then you also have to take into account taste.

And looks like Google has news for me.
Wired: Google Recipe Search Cooks Up Next Gen of Search: Google introduced a recipe search engine Thursday that serves up dishes based not only on the ingredients you may have on hand, but the calories you want to consume and even how much time you have to cook. ..... About one percent of the queries on Google are for recipes ......

Thursday, February 24, 2011

I Knew Google Would Deal With Content Farms

Image representing Google as depicted in Crunc...Image via CrunchBaseAbout a decade ago when blogs became popular as a platform, the blogosphere started seriously skewing the Google search results. Google took care of that. Google made the problems go away. In the recent years content farms have messed things up. I have known all along that Google has what it takes to take care of the problem. And looks like Google just delivered.

Content farms do have their place. But they don't get to skew search results.

The Letter A: Positioning Matters

South By South West

Bloggers' Block For Fred Wilson: 10 Blocks Of Emergency

Image of Victoria Cross Medal as appears on CW...Image via WikipediaI learned the top VC blogger in the world has hit some kind of a bloggers' block. That is an emergency situation, people. I am declaring an emergency for 10 blocks in every direction from Union Square. All startups in the vicinity, please take note.

You are being urged to participate in the comments section here. If you don't, the emergency is not going to be lifted. And you are going to be deprived of your daily staple of blog posts from Fred Wilson. Think about that.

Not Rich Yet

Graph of internet users per 100 inhabitants be...Image via WikipediaI am not rich yet, and it really, really bothers me.

For me it is about the power. The power to run and grow a corporate organization. The power to do good. The power to go after the stated mission of curing poverty.

Unless you yourself can create serious wealth, how can you claim you are in the curing poverty business?

Democracy + Education + The Market = Wonderful Things.

Microcredit is only a small part of microfinance. Microfinance is only a small part of the many tools needed for the War On Poverty.