Sunday, December 28, 2014

Air Quality In NYC: Thoroughly Bad

Not as bad as in Beijing, I will give you that, but it is pretty bad. And there is no escaping it. Where will you go? How far will you go?

I have been thinking about this a lot these past few days. I just found my first big gripe about NYC.  Well, not just. But I am choosing to get vocal about it. The only solution is 100% electric cars.

Look closer.

I was on Rockaway Beach earlier today. And I am thinking, am I breathing the cleanest air known to a New Yorker? It is a great place. You are so close to the JFK airport. Would be a great location to my world travel phase of life, to be launched in a few years.

Manhattan is the least attractive part of NYC when it comes to air quality. All those yellow cabs can be blamed.

Is New Jersey cleaner than most parts of NYC?

Rockaway Beach also would be a great place to go jogging. You would not hurt your knees. Hard surfaces are not great. The beach is better than any park. Awesome view, clean air, soft ground.

I took the Q53 bus.

10 Tips For Home Indoor Air Quality
Indoor Air Quality

Went For A Walk Yesterday


Dennis Crowley Spotted At NYU ITP Winter Show

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Entrepreneur, Serial Entrepreneur, SuperEntrepreneur

I think being an entrepreneur is like being gay. Scientists say one out of 100 people are born gay. I think it is a similar ratio for entrepreneurs. Only one out of 100 people are entrepreneurs. You can not convince someone to become an entrepreneur, you can not train someone to become an entrepreneur, you can only discover them, help them, support them, aid them, nurture them, nourish them.

We all know New York City is part of the United States. But I think of New York City as a separate country altogether, it is so different from the rest of America, it is so different from even the other big cities in America. There is nothing quite like it.

Entrepreneurs are Homo Sapiens, we know that. But I think of them as a separate species. Entrepreneurs are so different from other people. You can feel it when you interact with them.

There are entrepreneurs, there are serial entrepreneurs and there are SuperEntrepreneurs. A SuperEntrepreneur not only builds a great company, or a set of great, big companies, but also builds a constellation of entrepreneurs around him/her.

It is like there are stars in the universe and then there are SuperStars.

The market value of a company is a good measure of the entrepreneur behind that company.