Sunday, May 25, 2014

Fred Wilson, Google, Facebook, Apple, USV

English: Apple iPad Event
English: Apple iPad Event (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Fred seems to have taken some flak for his comment that in 2020, Google and Facebook will be among the three biggest tech companies in the world, but not Apple. When asked if one of his portfolio companies will be among the top three he said, I most certainly hope so.

I am bullish on Google. I see it becoming the first trillion dollar company in the world. Usually when companies get big, they get innovation lazy. In Google's case when they have become big they have innovated at large scales. They have tackled problems that small startups just can't because they don't have the huge resources.

I disagree with Fred on Facebook. I am not sure Facebook will be among the top three in 2020. Facebook has been a one trick wonder. They have the option to be among the three, but I have not seen it yet.

I agree with him on Apple. Apple will milk the iPhone and the iPad as much as it can, but that momentum will last only a few more years, and then funny things might start happening to its standing in the stock markets. The next sexy hardware is not coming from Apple.

As for Union Square Ventures, I don't think they have a portfolio company that will be among the top three in 2020. I would love to be proven wrong. But that is a judgment call I am making. Point be noted I am not up to date on USV. I don't have a good knowledge of their investments in the recent two years.

Devices vs Cloud
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Saturday, May 24, 2014


Breakthrough Technologies

Bitcoin: A New Twist In The Plot

Kitkat Battery Issues Resolved

Original flavor KitKat purchased in Atlanta, G...
Original flavor KitKat purchased in Atlanta, GA, USA in Feb. 2005 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It was easy. You google up the matter, and you get reminded you reset your phone like the last time Android sent you an updated version of the operating system.

There was resetting the phone, which also freed up a lot of space on my 8 GB phone. And then there was turning off a Google+ feature. Now photos on my phone only get uploaded online when the phone is on wifi and when the phone is connected to a charger.

The auto upload feature is why Google+ is my top choice for photo upload and sharing. But that was also draining my battery.

Now my phone feels more normal. So much so that I still want a OnePlus One phone, but I am not in a desperate hurry.

My external battery clocks at 10,000 mAh. That is what I carry. So it is like carrying two phones. But it's worth it for the peace of mind that my phone will quite literally never run out of juice during the course of the day. When your smartphone is your personal assistant, you tend to use it with some intensity.

I am thinking a 5,000 mAh inside a phone might finally do the trick.

Another reason not to be in a big hurry for the One is the idea of actually being with people when you are with them. Face time is also good for the phone battery.
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