Showing posts with label nyc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nyc. Show all posts

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Presenting At The Dot Com Hatchery

Sun MicrosystemsImage via Wikipedia
Image via Wikipedia
JyotiConnect: Executive Summary

So last night I presented at the Dot Com Hatchery for five minutes, took questions for five, and then listened to comments from the panelists for a few more minutes. Overall it was a wonderful, wonderful experience.

Sun Microsystems
101 Park Avenue
4th floor, Gramercy Park Room
New York, NY 10017

I was hoping to put out a series of posts at this blog leading to the day of the presentation, but I did not do. That was a mistake.
  1. How many people are online today? What has been the history? What are the projections?
  2. A survey of the global mobile market. 
  3. A long, definitive post about Wimax. Where is it coming from? Where is it going?
  4. A history of the ISP business. AOL, Juno etc.

    Image representing AOL as depicted in CrunchBaseImage via CrunchBase

  5. ISPs today, in the US, in the world. 
  6. A definitive post about Netbooks. 
  7. A definitive post about the Chrome OS.
  8. A definitive post about PC market share. Which are the top companies? What have been their trajectories?
  9. One Laptop Per Child: what happened?
  10. A survey of the ad industry in India, China, South Africa, Brazil.
I did not rehearse once before. How did Yao find out? She said as much during one of her comments. I did not rehearse once before my social media talk at the Science House MeetUp, and that went really well. (My Talk On Social Media At The Science House MeetUp) I guess there I had no time limit. Here it was five minutes by the clock. You needed to have rehearsed every single word, every single phrase. Not doing so was a big mistake. You have to deliver your lines like you are in a movie. There are not that many words you can pack into five minutes, especially if you want to deliver well.

What would my 30 second pitch be?
My tech startup wants to figure out ways to bring hundreds of millions of new people online. You do that by bringing the costs down for internet access. You do that by serving ads. Down the line we might also go into hardware if necessary for what I call the IC, the Internet Computer. For our core business we want to polish up the business model through a pilot project and grow it globally through the franchise concept.
What would be the five minute version?
Hi. My name is Paramendra. That is my name on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Gmail and you can google my name up.

The idea that I am trying to present can be caputured in two letters: IC, as in Internet Computer. Back in the 70s we were in the era of the mainframes, those big, ugly computers only big universities and companies could afford. For the past 30 years and more we have been in the era of PCs. I feel we are at the cusp of a new era, the IC era.

I also have to introduce the Web 3.0 concept as I define it. Web 1.0 was when websites were pretty posters. Web 2.0 has been when the websites have been populated.  The semantic web is not Web 3.0, that would be Web 2.1. Getting a ton of new people online would be Web 3.0.

A little about me. There is a concrete mathematical theory called the butterfly effect. A butterfly flapping its wings in the Amazon could be the reason a cyclone hit Bangladesh. During April 2006 over a period of 19 days, over 8 million out of Nepal's 27 million people thronged the streets to shut the country down completely to oust a king dictator. I was the butterfly flapping my wings in New York City. I am extremely good with vision and group dynamics.

How many of you have been to the first KFC restaurant in Kentucky? I have. I will tie that KFC mention later in the presentation.

This is my startup's relaunch. I am trying to raise 100K for my round one right now. I was done doing that, and then in February 09, reacting to the worst economy in 70 years most of my investors walked away. I took time off, focused on social media, accumulated almost as many followers on Twitter as Donald Trump, experimented with pro blogging, and now I am back in the game.

My former business partner Adam Carson was a Morgan Stanley banker, now at Tuck Business School. My primary engineer was Khushboo Vaish, still in Mumbai, an IIT, IIM graduate, one of the finest Indian engineers of her generation. I still have all the contacts to reassemble my engineering team. Khushboo went to the same business school as the Pepsi CEO.

My round one goal is to raise 100K. My round two goal would be to raise between one to five million. During round three I hope to splash out the franchise concept to grow fast. The first person who put in 100K into Google, that money is now north of a billion. I don't expect to do that well. But even if I can do one third as good in twice as much time, that will still be very good. If you have 5K, 10K or 20K that you are in a position to invest, and you have absolutely no chances of ever becoming a millionaire, I am very interested in your money.

Of the 100K, 20-30K will go towards the pilot project, 20-30K towards a global team, and 50K towards one full timer in NYC.

We in the New York tech community envy Boston and Silicon Valley. If the center of gravity in tech is going to shift from California to New York it will not be because we came up with the next big dot com. Like Steve Jobs said a few years back, the PC wars are over, Microsoft won, let's move on. And he gave us the iPod and the iPhone. Web 3.0 is what will put New York City on the technology map, this capital city of the world where people not from just every country, but every town in every country live. My company would like to take the lead.

Steve Ballmer said in a speech recently that by 2035 we will have four billion people online. That will be too little too late. We have to get there much faster.

These were the four panelists.

Scott Gingold - Director, Strategy at Hatchery
James Jorasch - Founder, Science House
Ken Kharbanda - Director, Strategy at Hatchery
Tereza Nemessanyi - Director, Strategy at Hatchery

James started by throwing me an easy question. After you raise the 100K, what are you going to do? I guess I did not emphasize the pilot project part enough. I said you can set up a pilot project for about 15-20K in my hometown in Nepal. You can start by charging people $25 a month, which is the going rate now, but you also end up with a small pool of users. The idea would be to bring the cost down by serving ads, to move from 25 to 15 to 5 to end up with a much larger pool of users.

That gave Ken an opening. He asked me why I did not mention those figures in any of my slides. I said I agree with you. The slides would have been better if those figures had been mentioned.

Scott said he knew a few people for whom my startup might be a good fit. I made a point to get his card later. Then he said, what's in it for me? I said you are already online, this is more for people who are not online yet. But this would be a great investment opportunity for someone like you. On the other hand there are a lot of people in the outer boroughs who go to the public library to check their email.

The Hatchery folks are religious about their 11 points.

1. Your team
2. What your product/service does
3. What issue/pain is it looking to solve/address
4. What is the solution
5. What is the addressable market
6. What is the competitive landscape
7. Any current customer/client/pilot pipeline
8. What is the revenue stream/source
9. What are your financial projections
10. How much are you looking for in investment
11. What will you do with the money, how will it be spent

Yao was very frank on the topic. She said my presentation did not cover "any" of the 11 points. Holy Moses.

It was curious to me that a guy who presented the idea of a print magazine - many say a dying art form - scored the highest, whereas I was not even scored and here I am saying I want to help shift the center of gravity in tech from California to New York. But I truly appreciated the frank feedback. And I do value the 11 points. I would do much better the next time I have a chance to present for five minutes.

My friends Ed, Alex and I went for drinks later. Ed kept saying I was Rocky, I will keep coming back.

The Sun guy, the all Indian Angelo Rajadurai, approached me on the floor later. Some of the feedback was "harsh," he said. "You might have done well if you had said there are 1.2 billion Indians, only 10 million of them are online today." I grabbed his card as well.

Everybody but everybody goes to the movie theater on the Indian subcontinent. That was true when I was a kid growing up. And they serve a ton of ads on those big screens. Of course the ad market exists and is vibrant out there. The ad market - local and global - will have to be tapped. Imagine Google charging us two cents per search. You can't.

 The best part of the evening was the four panelists talked for about 15 minutes each towards the end about four broad topics in business. James talked about the idea, the product, the business. Ken talked about finance. Scott talked about market research. Tereza focused on business to business.

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Saturday, November 07, 2009

My Talk On Social Media At The Science House MeetUp

I gave a talk last night at the Science House MeetUp. The NY Tech MeetUp is the best big MeetUp in town. I like to say the Science House MeetUp is the best small MeetUp in town. After my talk was over I learned from James (@ScienceHouse) that Esther Dyson will also be talking in a few weeks. I was floored. I think so very highly of Dyson. I can't believe I got to talk in the same setting. That is what I was thinking.
Image representing Esther Dyson as depicted in...

@gabidewit @habiteer @chrisharwood @BrainiacDating were some of the people in attendance. Two Indians showed up, one a doctor, another a software guy who said he quit a 150K job to get started with his startup. His idea had oomph, but he came across as in the very early stages of gelling the idea. When you start out, you end up thinking at an industry rather than a company level. Not a bad place to start. But then you have to whittle it down so you can have a starting point.They went to, did a search on "social media" and showed up.

Facebook Album: Science House: My Social Media Talk

I showed up earlier than usual, and the event did not start right at 7 PM. We take the first 10-15 minutes to kind of warm up. That is the Science House way. I got to meet the guy who is doing the iPhone app for Science House. What I liked best was the back end. Gabi (@gabidewit) gets to add new info to a Google Spreadsheet and it shows up in the app. 

I started with a survey. If you are on Twitter, raise your hand.
 Most hands in the room went up most times and I said I was not particularly qualified to be talking about social media to the group, but that I was going to share my personal social media story. There were a dozen people in the room, roughly.

Then I introduced myself. I said my name. I passed out my business card. All it has is my first name: Paramendra. Because that is my name on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Gmail. And you can look me up on Google. My parents must have seen Google coming. I never met anyone who shares my first name. I said I was a tech entrepreneur and a social media guy on the side.
  • JyotiConnect, Founder
  • PayCheckr, Member, Board of Advisors
  • A social networking startup in stealth mode, Board Member 
For social media some of the income streams are as follows.
I talked briefly about JyotiConnect Inc. The IC - Internet Computer - vision is that it is the meeting ground between the so-called First World and Third World. The rich countries have to move beyond the PC to the IC: the Netbook is half way there. The poor countries have to come online in large numbers.

I gave out some personal story. I moved to NYC in 2005 to work on my startup but got sucked into working full time for the democracy movement in Nepal for over two years. My primary work was my blog and sending it out across the largest Nepali mailing list in the world I had created. The list had penetrated all the leading political parties in Nepal, the media, all the top human rights NGOs. Like they said about Arkansas when Bill Clinton was Governor, if you knew 1500 people you pretty much knew everyone who mattered.

I got to meet the Prime Minister of Nepal in person for the first time a few weeks back, but he has been calling me a friend for a few years now. It is because of my Nepal blog. And Nepal is the poorest country outside of Africa. And this was in 2005 and 2006. Social media mattered back there, then.
 That Nepal work spilled over into giving some time to Obama as well: Barackfae.  (The French Revolution And DFNYC January 2006) (And this on Barack in February 2007: Jupiter And Obama)
While giving time to Obama as one of his earliest supporters in NYC, I also started raising money for my startup. The goal was to raise 100K and I did raise that. But most of the investors walked away with most of the money en masse in February this year reacting to the bad economy: "We still believe in you, we still believe in the vision, but we have to go!" I relayed the story of how I raised that 100K in the first place and the role my tech blog played in that. Also, if I sit on the Board Of Advisors of PayCheckr, it is because of this particular blog post: New York Times, Don't Die, Live. The founder of PayCheckr first met me in the comments section of this blog post. I have met him in person only once.


I said one site had me number 12 on the NYC Twitter elite list. Wycleaf Jean is number 11. That guy has more than one million followers. I have about 30,000. To be right behind him, they must be measuring my influence some other way. Maybe they like the quality of my stream. And I am number 90 in NYC in terms of those with the most followers, Donald Trump is number 50. Globally my rank there is 1960. After I hit the top 100 in NYC, I sent out my first tweet from the phone. Otherwise before that Twitter was an all-web thing for me. (My First Tweet From My Phone)

Work on creating a good stream, I said. can be helpful. More than 600,000 people use it. I also tweet when I am out and about in town because I know NYC fascinates the people out there, out in the country, out in the world.

Follow people you know. That includes friends, but also famous people you know and admire but who don't know you back. I have exchanged quite a few tweets with Craig Newmark.

When you are not famous, the way you end up with a lot of followers is what I call the politician model. You shake 1,000 hands hoping maybe 200 of them will vote for you. But for that to happen you need to have a really compelling stream.

A tweet is an atom, I said. Then I tried to put Twitter in the big scheme of things: Fractals: Apple, Windows 95, Netscape, Google, Facebook, Twitter.


I used to use Facebook the way I use Twitter. I ended up with 1400 friends and then Facebook went ahead and deleted my account. I started again and now have 700 friends, but these are now people I know. Either they are friends from a while back, or online only people who feel like friends.

My privacy setting is to Everyone. You don't have to be my friend to see my Facebook page. I already have 130 outstanding friend requests I have not accepted.

I have refused to integrate my Twitter stream into Facebook. I like to keep the two separate. They serve different purposes.


I signed up for LinkedIn not long after the site got launched because I read about it in the news, but then I kind of forgot about it. And then I met James and Gabi at a NY Tech MeetUp for the first time only a few months back, and the following day Gabi sent me a connect request on LinkedIn, of all places. That is when I rediscovered the site. I went ahead redid my LinkedIn page. LinkedIn is really the unsung hero of social networking. It is extremely valuable but we don't talk about it as much as Twitter and Facebook. Now I am working to get 500 contacts. I have 415. And the news is they are about to revamp the site.


I said blogging was my personal favorite platform. A blog to me is like a blank canvass to an artist. You get to write a few paragraphs, insert tens of links, embed a YouTube video perhaps. And, boom, you have a blog post.

In February 2006 Madhav Nepal, then leader of the largest political party in the country, was put under house arrest by the royal regime. A month later he managed to come online wireless. His brother lived in the house next to his. The first person he contacted was me. We chatted on Google Talk. Here's the transcript: Madhav Nepal. A few months back Nepal became Prime Minister. Nobody in the Nepali diaspora put as much time, effort and talent into the democracy movement in Nepal as I did.

April 2006 saw the democracy movement, but January-February 2007 and February 2008 saw the Madhesi Movement. I am a Madhesi. This was like our own civil rights movement. Upendra Yadav has been the face of that movement in Nepal. When Upendra Yadav, now leader of the largest Madhesi party and fourth largest party overall after the April 10, 2008 elections to the constituent assembly in Nepal, landed in Los Angeles in July 2007 for the annual conference of Nepalis in America, his first words were "Where is Paramendra Bhagat?" They took him to the hotel. He again asked, "Where is Paramendra Bhagat?" They had to fly him over to NYC to meet me. We had never met before. He went on to become Foreign Minister.

Both of them got to know me through my blog long before they finally met me in person. That's social media for you.


I said I had uploaded a total of two videos so far on YouTube, but I forgot to mention I have uploaded hundreds on Google Video, now defunct. About 700, to be precise. But I do habitually embed YouTube videos into my blog posts. My blogs are multi-media.


I was at a Nepali poetry festival in Jackson Heights a few months back. There were 40 people in the room and 2400 online, and that was before the event started.

Josephine Ancelle, French Singer, Songwriter

I met @josephinea at a social media event. The old media way was she needed to hit big and that was it. But the social media way is she can gradually expand her fan base from a few hundred to a few thousand to tens of thousands to more, and she will feel the fan love and have the music sales every step of the way.

Q & A

With that I concluded and opened the floor. By the way, I announced in the very beginning anyone could just interrupt me at any point in my talk. That was the social media way. And many did.

After some floor talk on social media, the topics shifted. One of the Indians present talked about his business idea.

@BrainiacDating  said he had managed to get 13,000 people on Brainiac Dating primarily through AdWords. How could he hit the big leagues? Could social media help? Today I sent him an email. Mashable beat TechCrunch and became the most visited tech blog a few months back: Twitter was their primary marketing tool. I also signed up at the site. It is really good. I sent out emails to about 20 beautiful women with a message that said something like this:
Hello. I met the founder Lawrence yesterday at an event where I gave a talk on social media. That is when I first heard about the site. I wanted to try it out because I realized I am interested in dating someone smart. Smarts turn me on. So I signed up today and did a search and you showed up. I looked at your picture and read your profile top to bottom and really liked what I saw. I am interested in you and would like to get to know you better. I feel like I connect to you at a few different levels. I would love to hear from you and meet you in person because I feel that is the only way to really figure out if someone is the right person for you.
For the next three hours or more @habiteer and @chrisharwood had a rather animated discussion on if or not some day virtual reality will get so good that the "real" reality will become unnecessary. My position was that virtual reality does not have to get that good, but even if it gets close, that would be great for my workspace, but face time will always be necessary. There are emotional needs to be met.

There was also a lot of talk about physics, about singularity, about the possibilities of intelligent life out there.

When the group dispersed it was close to one in the morning. I walked over to Grand Central. @habiteer kept walking.

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

PayCheckr Potential

Allan Hoving and I are meeting in person this evening.

PayCheckr sure got a great idea, and it has been gutsy enough to want to tackle a core problem on the web right now. It is not as fundamental as search, but is close. I am impressed with the idea. Questions remain.
  1. Are you willing to expand the vision enough to truly do service to the idea?
  2. Are you willing to bluntly assess your resources or lack thereof? Can your engineering team deliver? If not, are you willing to expand?
  3. Are you willing to raise some serious money?
Netizen: The First Blog To Place The PayCheckr Button
The PayCheckr Promise
PayCheckr Potential
PayCheckr: Bringing Money Into Blogging?

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Diller Country, Month 2

So this was going to be the second time for the NY Tech MeetUp to be in Barry Diller's fancy building on 18th street by the Hudson. And this was going to be the 50th tech meetup. And Scott's first time presenting himself. Scott comes along in the long line of successful entrepreneurs who are not engineers themselves, but who provide the leadership and the vision and make it all happen. He is a guy with plenty of soft skills. And by now he knows several of the top names in tech today, and not just on this coast. He has been tallied number five in this city, number one being Bloomberg. That is quite an achievement. I remember the first time meeting Scott. It was at a bar. The tech meetup. Less than a dozen people. Now it is so big, he can't provide room for all who want to show.

NY Tech Meetup July Meetup

Scott's presentation was the highlight of the evening. The MeetUp Alliance is quite a concept. I like Scott personally, but I think I am being fairly objective when I claim Facebook is a 2.0 company, MeetUp is a 5.0 company. (Web 5.0: Face Time) Unlike so many of those dot coms before the nuclear winter, MeetUp actually is a profit making venture for a simple concept, a "mid-sized company," as Scott puts it. If you are going to organize a MeetUp, pay $15. And then go around and charge people who show up, $1, $2, $5.

I know a few organizers for whom this is brisk business. Like this Prospect Park Soccer group. It is so popular, the slots for RSVP open up at midnight Thursday for the Sunday game. Within minutes, they are gone. That success story is also something to take note of. How do you scale that success so people don't have to be turned away? Don't tell me MeetUp has become too successful. Existing organizers train new organizers to start new soccer groups?

With a company like MeetUp, there is only so much you can do in terms of tech. Facebook does not have that constriction, because that is meant to be a screen time experience. You can keep enriching it infinitum. But with MeetUp, the action is not at its site. The action is when people meet in person.

And so what will give MeetUp its edge is a program to keep training its thousands of Organizers fairly continuously to make them do better and better and better. How do you improve the quality of the experience for those who show up? MeetUp needs to hire engineers, but also group dynamics specialists, team psychology specialists.

Like my advice to this particular Organizer, Scott himself, the founder, CEO of MeetUp, dear friend.
  1. Would it be possible to make people make a mock presentation to the Organizer or a rep before they are approved to get on stage? Perhaps days ahead? One guy on stage fast forwarded his entire presentation because "the clock is ticking." It was hard to follow.
  2. The idea that people must have their full name and company name when they RSVP is a great one. I find it a waste that this MeetUp brings together the top tech talent in the city, but there is very little opportunity to actually go ahead and mingle and get to know each other. At least with the full name and the company name, you can go visit their sites.
  3. To Scott's credit, he does suggest a bar to go to after. I have skipped that part the last two times.
  4. How about letting people add a link to their Facebook profile page on their MeetUp profile page?
  5. The stretch break half way through was a good idea, a few minutes to say hello to people sitting next to you.
Microsoft, Google, Facebook: NY Tech MeetUp Has Arrived

The Meetup Alliance is such a cool idea, but I guess it is in beta because I was not able to add a few groups I wanted to add to the Obama alliance just a while back. I think at some level Scott wishes Obama 2008 would use like Dean 2004 did but hasn't. I am fairly active with Obama 2008, that has been a decision for the Chicago people to make. They have turned into a Facebook/MeetUp mashup. It is not as good as either, but they feel it seems to work good enough.

I think that's where MeetUp Alliance comes into the picture. It will expose MeetUp to people who otherwise have not been exposed to the MeetUp concept.

Silicon Alley Insider

Startups 101: Make Sure Your Pitch Doesn't Suck
Zuckerberg: I'm Sorry. Go Ahead And Turn Beacon Off*
NY Tech Meetup Review: The Meta Meetup The monthly NY Tech Meetup packed the lobby of Barry Diller's IAC building Tuesday night. ........ Ignighter ..... Evolvist .... The Funded ..... Kaltura ..... Unype ..... Meetup Alliance .... Peter Kamali, co-founder and former CTO of Meetup ..... soft-launched as a pure Facebook app play; Peter mentioned plans to extend the app to other platforms (i.e. Google's Open Social) ....... a typical Ruby on Rails application mashed up with Google Maps; I think they could have used Ning and accomplished the same thing. ...... This online group video making startup won the "people's choice" award at TechCrunch40 past summer. It's a complete video editing application that allows multiple people to collaborate. It boasts a very rich (and complex) user interface. ........ After hosting more than 50 tech meetups Scott Heifferman finally gets to demo his own product. It's the Meetup Alliance, (previously announced here) ...... allow Meetup, Facebook, Google, Yahoo and MySpace groups to interoperate, creating large alliances. ..... Scott Heiferman (SA 100 list #5) ..... platform-agnostic, open to not just Meetup groups, but to Yahoo Groups, Google Groups, Facebook Groups, MySpace Groups ..... the International Tech Meetup Alliance, Barack Obama for President Alliance

December's NY New Tech Meetup Review

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Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Microsoft, Google, Facebook: NY Tech MeetUp Has Arrived

The November NY Tech MeetUp had shifted to a new location. This place was fancy. This was Diller country. There was this huge screen. The demos could be seen on three screens within that huge screen.

There was this other huge screen when you first stepped in. Looks like the building hosts a few different companies. Or are they all owned by Diller? The first display was for There was this huge globe that showed where all its page hits were coming from.

Page hits are all the rage all over again, but this time that is less fluffy because ad models are tied to page hits. If nothing else, you can always add Google ads to your page.

I think one thing that goes kind of unnoticed is how good Scott is in doing presentations himself. He is comfortable, succint, funny. He is a non techie in the tech field. He brings a lot of the soft skills to the table. And the dude is now even rich after his share of hits and misses in the roaring 90s.

Social Networking: Where The Internet Comes Down From The Clouds

Of all the social events I go to in town, the NY Tech MeetUp stands out. There is nothing else like it. And now this things just went to a whole new level.

Perceptive Pixel

These were the companies that made presentations. Perceptive had multi touch display technology. From the mouse to the hand, quite a leap. Vimeo had high def video stuff. Cool. I asked a question to the guys. "The .io in your name, what country is that?" That was my way of telling Adam I was there. We had arranged to meet after the MeetUp. We are cooking something together. We walked to Union Square talking it up. It was good talk. He had one big surprise for me. Or perhaps more than one. The day ended on a happy note. I walked over to Times Square and ordered three slices at the 99 cent pizza store. That is one great business model. You make money on volume.

The Microsoft presentation told me the PC era will not end. PCs will stick around. You are looking at an ecosytem. There is room for more than one organism.

Silicon Alley Insider

NY Tech Meetup: Startups Meet Giants
Facebook Ads: The Devil's In The Details
Facebook's Social Ads: Field Notes
Welcome To The Googleconomy Nine years ago, Google was two guys in a dorm room. Now it's a $17 billion global behemoth with a $225 billion market cap. ....... Bigger than Wal-Mart, Procter & Gamble, and Citigroup ..... 70-times the size of the New York Times ..... Apparent operating profit margin of 50% (on net revenue) ..... Annual revenue per employee of $1.1 million ...... Google's market share is 50% in the U.S. and 90% in France ...... Google Then: $85 Now: $730
Facebook Ad Platform: Revealed!
Sorry, Google (GOOG) Not First $1 Trillion Company


Liveblogging Facebook Advertising Announcement (Social Ads + Beacon + Insights) Facebook is getting into the advertising business in a big way. ...... three things: Social Ads (ads targeted based on member profile data and spread virally), Beacon (a way for Facebook members to declare themselves fans of a brand on other sites and send those endorsements to their feeds), and Insight (marketing data that goes deep into social demographics and pyschographics which Facebook will provide to advertisers in an aggregated, anonymous way). These three things together make up Facebook Ads. ........ "the next hundred years will be different for advertising, and it starts today. As marketers pushing our information out is no longer enough. We are announcing anew advertising system, not about broadcasting messages, about getting into the conversations between people. 3 pieces: build pages for advertisers, a new kind of ad system to spread the messages virally, and gain insights." ........ "Where Facebook really excels is in helping you keep up with all of your connections at the same time. It is making the cost of communication so low ........ "More than 80 applications have more than one millions users." ...... "Once every hundred years media changes. the last hundred years have been defined by the mass media. The way to advertise was to get into the mass media and push out your content. That was the last hundred years. In the next hundred years information won't be just pushed out to people, it will be shared among the millions of connections people have. Advertising will change. You will need to get into these connections. ....... A trusted referral influences people more than the best broadcast message. A trusted referral is the Holy Grail of advertising. ...... "Have already passed 50 million users, doubling once every 6 months. only active users who have used facebook last 30 days. More than 25 million people are using Facebook every single day. Each person is viewing more than 40 pages a day, more than 65 billion page views a month."

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Monday, September 24, 2007

Silicon City

The Unfacebook
Entrepreneurs: Spikes
Web 5.0: Face Time
Search: Much Is Lacking
A Web 3.0 Manifesto
Dell, HP, Apple
Google Books: Primitive
Carly Fiorina: "The Academy Awards Of Business"
Google Audio, Google Office
The Next Search Engine
Google Video Has Hit The Docks
Internet Phones, Video Blogging, Nano

Silicon City

I moved to New York City a little over two years ago. I never had a hometown before. That is a statement on the ethnic politics in Nepal where I grew up and the racial politics in Kentucky where I went to school.

New York City is a very special place. You have to be me to appreciate the city to the last inch. This is the capital city of the world and I am a global citizen.

I am also a netizen, and this city more than any other on earth deserves to become a Silicon City.

People from every single town - not every country, not every city, but every single town on earth - live here. This city has to be the geographical location for every company that wants to be a truly global company.

The city is the Amazon forest of humanity. You find every possible human life form in this city. There is not a human being on earth who can not said to have been represented in this city.

There is talk of Web 2.0. Others and I have talked of Web 3.0, although my version of Web 3.0 is different in that it is not just about software, it is primarily about hardware and connectivity: that is where I depart from the flock.

But I don't know of anyone else to have talked of Web 4.0, and most certainly not Web 5.0.

Web 5.0 is the clincher. And that is where no place on earth can beat New York City. Web 5.0 is Face Time.

You have to be able to walk the walk. I have walked from Times Square to Little Bangladesh south of Prospect Park a few different times after midnight. I have walked from Little Bangladesh to Jackson Heights: I got there close to midnight, the train ride back home was an hour. I have walked from deep in the Bronx to Little India on the Lower East Side.

I have walked and walked and walked. I have crisscrossed Manhattan from every angle imaginable.

I have walked both ways from Little Bangladesh to Coney Island. I have created a walk that goes straight south of Little Bangladesh to the train line and along the train line to 86th Street and then onto the F line and back to Little Bangladesh. I have walked all over southern Brooklyn.

I have walked right outside Prospect Park more times than I can remember. You go once around it. I have walked inside Prospect Park like I was the first human being to explore it.

My first long walk inside New York City was when I was not living here. I had come over for a weekend. I walked from the south side of Central Park and on into Harlem. The city disappeared and I got a kick out of the suggestion.

You walk so you can take it all in. There is no other way to get to know a city, to really get to know.

I routinely get mistaken for a politician. I guess I am really into it. Some people watch baseball with a passion, I watch politics with a vengeance.

Before Barack's second term in the White House is over, I expect to have become one of the richest persons in the city.

I have written in my online autobiography, I am looking at a private jet for me in seven years or less. I am into motion, into speed, into meditation, into thinking. But if I am only going to fly once every few months, I am not sure owning might make the best sense. Renting or borrowing could do. We will cross that bridge when we get there.

I am going to start with hardware, but I am going to work on it like it were software. As much as possible of the work and the collaboration is going to happen on the screen.

Then I am going to dig into connectivity. Then software down the line. But it is going to be software that is not even being imagined right now. It is going to next next generation software.

My company is going to define the next era of computing, the IC era, the Internet Computer, mainframes to PC to IC. The big PC names of today will still be around, but they are never going to get sexy in the IC domain. My competition is going to come from other imitator startups, and I am going to beat them all. But this is capitalism. There will be more than one player.

You necessarily have to be Third World to excel in the IC era, and I am Third World into my bones. Just look at my teeth.

I have something in the group dynamics domain that the Google guys had in the search domain when they started out. The business schools don't have the textbooks and journal articles yet for my style of group dynamics. I will help them acquire in a few years.

Whoever writes the mythical 100K check into my seed money round will have their progeny thanking them.

There is nobody on the New York City tech scene who can make the claim I am making. California will continue to be big. But New York City will get as big or bigger in about 10 years.

Californians will tell you, New York lacks attitude. Investors here are too careful. They think like bankers. They are less prone to taking chances. A one paragraph idea is not enough.

Well, I don't lack in the attitude department. I got plenty of attitude, and I am willing to generously share with my hometown, the first hometown I ever had.

California took the lead on Web 1.0 and Web 2.0. But Web 3.0 and beyond is going to be a different story.

A global company has to have a global face. It has to look global. Diversity is key. Diversity is everything. You create a company that is home to the post-ISMs individual, and you make bigger pots of money. It is a productivity thing.

I am itching for fights. Primarily I am a creative person. But fights are fine. I was in Kentucky for five and a half years. There is nothing you can teach me about race that I don't already know.

Primarily I am in the business of inventing a corporation. I will leave the nitty gritty of engineering to the engineers. My engineers.

The company I will invent will be the best company on earth measured many different ways. It will be different.

I ignited two revolutions in Nepal the past two years working primarily in a Web 2.0 environment. That is going to earn me the Nobel Peace Prize 2008.

Igniting a company is comparatively less ambitious an undertaking. Of course I can do it.

My Back Against The Wall

P.S. Barack Obama reads my blog.
Barack's Mother Makes An Appearance
Barack Has To Talk Much About His Mother

In The News

Scaling the Social Web Businessweek
Give a Laptop and Get One After two-and-a-half years of relentless organizing, product development, and evangelizing, the so-called $100 laptop is ready to go into production in October. ....... $188 each to produce initially, nearly twice the original estimate; and, so far, not a single government has written a check. ...... Afghanistan, Cambodia, Haiti, and Rwanda. ..... U.S. customers will be able to pay $399 to buy two laptops: one for themselves and one to be shipped to a child in one of those four countries. ..... there's a huge gulf between a head of state shaking your hand and a minister making a bank transfer ..... Quanta Computer in Taiwan can produce 1 million XO Laptops a month .... the brilliant idea of getting governments to buy in huge volumes is a flawed strategy ...... Negroponte and his cohorts are sometimes too doctrinaire ...... buying and assembling the 800 parts that go into each machine ..... NComputing .... a single PC that connects with up to seven simple computer terminals for a price of $142 per student. .... "I'm concerned that programs depending on charity will never meet the real needs of children in developing countries"
BW Blog: Time to Call OLPC a Failure? broke the most important design rule from the very beginning of the project. Design from the bottom up, not top down. ..... a traditional top down product development, that involved the rural children in India, Africa and China only in the late stages. ..... Despite all the handshakes, the Indian and Chinese governments didn't order any XOs.
Dell Goes Retail in China adding a second factory in the southeastern city of Xiamen ..... a new low-priced desktop PC designed by Dell's Chinese engineers specifically for domestic customers. ....... Dell's market share among domestic consumers is tiny, just 2.5%. ..... market leader Lenovo as well as the second-largest Chinese company, Founder. ..... the Chinese likely to buy more than 33 million PCs this year .... teaming up with the biggest Chinese electronics retailer, Gome (or Guomei, in Chinese,). ..... almost 1,000 shops in 200 Chinese cities ....... a market where few consumers are keen on shopping on the phone or via the Internet. ..... among Chinese city residents "shopping is an activity that has cachet." ..... more than 80% of PC sales in China take place in such malls.
Internet Pioneers' Next Frontier from cyberspace to space. .... protocols for deep space communications, known as the Interplanetary Internet. ...... Cerf, who is now vice-president and chief Internet evangelist at Google. ...... space industry .... $180 billion in 2005 ..... space tourism and commercial transport. ..... 300,000 to 400,000 feet ... experience weightlessness. ...... we are not and should not be a one-planet species .... "the Internet, transitioning to a sustainable energy economy, and the third was space exploration and the extension of life beyond earth ...... Brin's father was forced to abandon his dream of becoming an astronomer in Soviet Russia because of anti-Semitism that essentially barred Jews from the physics program at Moscow State University. ....... "I have a T-shirt that says, 'I'm a rocket scientist,'" says Cerf.
Where Have the Leaders Gone? "What happened to all those great leaders of the past?" ..... The lack of trust in our leaders in virtually every sector of U.S. life is palpable. Recent Gallup polls indicate that only 18% of the American people trust the values and ethics of business leaders; even fewer—15%—trust their elected officials. That's not just a temporary problem. It is a formula for disaster. ..... cynical, disengaged, and even prone to anarchy and rebellion. ...... Corporate boards, shareholders, and voters—and the media that influence all of us—give far too much weight to leaders' charisma and far too little consideration to their character. ..... style over substance; image over integrity. ..... ego aggrandizement—for money, fame, power, and glory. ..... When they prove they have feet of clay, as all leaders do, we take pleasure in their destruction. ..... Genuine humility, the ability to be vulnerable under pressure, and admitting when you're wrong ..... surround themselves with other leaders who know more than they do. .... They openly admit their mistakes. They acknowledge their weaknesses and shortcomings. They ask others to help them through crises. When things go well, they give the credit to others. When they go poorly, they are the first to accept responsibility. ....... achieved results by empowering people, not by using them.
Is Starbucks Anti-Union? 32 counts of unlawfully stifling organizing activity. ..... another example of a low-wage service sector employer with inadequate benefits. ..... only 42% of Starbucks "partners," or employees, are covered by the company's health insurance ...... even less than the 47% at Wal-Mart Stores
Free Mobile Services Set to Take Off ad-sponsored cell-phone service .... has traditional mobile operators nervous ..... billions in revenues could shift from traditional subscriptions to advertising ..... currently worth only about $1 billion worldwide, mobile advertising is expected to grow to as much as $19 billion within the next five years. ..... Advertising on the Internet, especially pay-per-click ads alongside search results, quickly erupted into a multibillion-dollar industry, and online companies hope mobile phones will follow a similar trajectory. ...... the mobile industry itself is increasingly embracing mobile advertising .... Users must fill out detailed information about their lifestyles, areas of interest, and brand preferences. In exchange for agreeing to accept targeted advertising via text messaging, members get 43 minutes per month of free mobile voice service and 217 free text messages. The service is accessed through SIM cards mailed to new users, who simply plop them into their existing phones ....... Early market testing showed that consumers did not want to be bugged by advertisements during voice calls .... append targeted text-only ads to the end of incoming text messages ...... L'Oréal ..... turn mobile operators into mere "dumb pipes
No Honeymoon for Japan's New Leader the factional politics that dominate the LDP but irritate voters ...... Koizumi could work a crowd with ease .... Fukuda .. looks more salaryman than showman.
Trichet Warns of France's Economic Ills 2007 ... France will be the country spending the most in public expenditure in relation to gross domestic product, not only within the eurozone but among the 27 members of the European Union ..... "I am at the head of a state that is in a position of bankruptcy, that for 15 years has been in chronic deficit, that has not once passed a balanced budget in 25 years". ...... "Sarko the American"
Tech Titans: India and China
China's Generic Drugmakers Challenge India China is coming from behind and challenging India in an industry it has traditionally dominated ..... moved to challenge the validity of India's patent law, which does not protect incremental innovations .... India's generic pharmaceutical industry is legendary and has helped bring down the cost of essential medicines. It takes compounds that are unpatented in a particular country, copies and sells them cheaply around the world. ...... A stronger legal framework combined with skilled scientists and government incentives are turning China into a pharma powerhouse. MNCs are queuing up to build R&D centers in the country ........ "If tomorrow the Chinese decide not to supply the world with raw materials, the pharma industry would collapse ...... India and China together accounted for about 2.5% of global pharma sales by value last year ..... y volume, they account for a combined 25%. ..... In 2005, China surpassed the US to become the world's most litigious country for IP disputes with 13,424 cases filed.
Asia's Tech Concerns Aim to Stay Nimble a foundry, which means it makes chips on a contract basis for customers that want to outsource their production. ..... big foundries in Taiwan or Singapore ..... Both countries have booming economies growing at or near 10% a year. .... increased competition from multinationals on their home turf. ...... India's top companies are responding by picking up the pace of global expansion. ....... face greater urgency in diversifying their workforce and reducing their reliance on Indian labor ...... Satyam is expanding not only in Malaysia but also in Brazil, Egypt, and Hungary. ..... "Once some problems happen in one Chinese company, people feel that all Chinese companies have problems" ..... cellular operator Bharti Airtel .... software services powerhouses such as Tata Consultancy Services, Infosys, and Wipro. .... Of the six languages in which the 59-year-old is fluent, one is Chinese, something he chose to study almost as a lark while a graduate student. ..... competition for talent is so intense ...... Figuring out how to hang onto their Chinese workers and recruit new ones is one of the toughest parts of the job for many foreign managers like Gronski. ...... even a country with 1.3 billion people has a limited supply of top-notch workers ..... turning those green engineers into trusty managers. ..... "Knowledge workers are in great demand"
China and India's Top Tech Companies
Selling Cisco to China's Tech Talent Pool
Selling Computers to India
Intel's Barrett Has a Vision for India the new room in the hospital that has been set up for telemedicine using Intel's WiMAX technology. .... Barrett is a crowd-pleaser. ..... Making "it," i.e, broadband connectivity, happen in India is Intel's big goal. ...... more than 250 trials and commercial deployments in more than 12 countries worldwide, where he's running pilot WiMAX projects in schools and hospitals. ...... Hardware is one part, but "connectivity," says Barrett, "is just as important." Homegrown Indian hardware companies like HCL Technologies (HCLT.BO), he notes, have a large opportunity here. ...... donated 500 computers to 50 municipal schools in Tamil Nadu, equipping them with WiMAX technology—an experiment Intel has already put in place in government schools in China, Egypt, Russia, Mexico, and elsewhere across the world. ...... "We are going to bring technology to rural India with the help of American companies like Intel," he says. Anti-Americanism is nowhere to be seen in this part of the country. ...... and invited Barrett to work his magic in Ramadoss' hometown of Tindivanam ...... The country is notorious for starting projects and then leaving them incomplete. ..... the public-private partnership model, like India's with Intel, is the best way to ensure that projects are completed. .... In connectivity, India trails "everybody except Africa
The Exponential Power of 'Chindia' New joint ventures between Indian IT service firms and their Chinese counterparts hint at the formidable bilateral economy that could emerge ..... If you are a strategist or a decision-maker in almost any enterprise anywhere in the world, you can't help but see the impact being made by India and China. ...... the possibility of China and India combining strengths across several industries to compete globally. ....... the potential to lead many global markets. ..... a hint of what India and China could collectively bring to the global economy and global balance of power in coming decades. ..... high-level official visits and pronouncements, conference participation, cultural exchanges and, most of all, forecasts of accelerating goods, services, and investment flows across the Himalayas. ...... Both countries are getting better at driving technological innovation. ...... Today, China and India are producing some of the world's best-trained computer science and electrical engineering graduates. ...... China's spending on its IT needs in 2005 was about $119 billion, about four times that of India's. That the majority of this spending went toward telecommunications equipment and services (79%) reflects the priorities of an infrastructure that is still growing. ...... The most significant inhibitor of China's vast potential for innovation is continuing government control over the most basic levers of the economy. ..... The government is often the biggest factor in IT issues and trends in China, and business leaders can't afford to delegate these relationships or distance themselves from the core analysis. ..... move from a low-cost, high-volume manufacturer to the top of the global value chain commanding the heights of innovation and global marketing prowess. ....... 2008 .... see China generate intellectual property at a rate comparable to developed countries ..... surpass the U.S. as the population with the largest English language capacity ..... at least eight Chinese IT brands will be recognized internationally by 2010. .... IT superpower.
Where to Next for India? the logistics, overwhelming bureaucracy, official corruption, and leftist political influences. ....... The intensive activity that supports an export-focused industry has distorting effects across India's economy: It changes the focus of local IT firms; it influences government policy (such as incentives and the establishment of software technology parks); and it hampers the ability of non-exporting local employers to find and retain quality staff. ...... Intel (INTC)—which already employs 3,000 Indians at its Bangalore research and development center—has invested $250 million in a partnership with local manufacturer Xenitis Infotech to manufacture low-cost computers priced at $250—the cheapest machine for sale with an Intel chip. The target market is rural areas within India. ...... In 1996, India's exports of IT services were worth about $1 million. In 2004, they were worth $13 billion. In 2000, India's share of business process outsourcing (BPO) was worth $148 million. In 2004 it was worth $3.5 billion. Any student of business knows what those kinds of growth rates mean: disruptive, challenging forces that can unseat rivals and destroy business plans. ....... China and India will be the dominant economic stories on the world stage, a trend that may well extend through most of the 21st century.
The Many Faces of Tata Group
To Get Financed and Stay Financed, Innovate At any moment in time, countless entrepreneurs worldwide are hovering over hot computers trying to think up the next big thing. ...... The Ansoff Matrix shows four different growth strategies that result by combining existing or new products with existing or new markets: market penetration, market development, product development, and diversification.
Today's Tip: The Customer Isn't Always No. 1 it's their own employees who should be treated as No. 1. ..... The biggest mistake in selling is believing that if you can just tell your prospect enough about your product or service, if you just get the chance to "make your case"—he or she will be compelled to buy. This is false. Selling is not telling. ..... Don't talk so much. Ask questions. Really listen to what this person wants. And then talk only about the aspects of your product that relate to what your prospect desires! Selling is not about what you think is cool about your product. It's about what your prospect wants!
In-House Social Networks With a nod to Facebook, large companies now have the virtual equivalent of the water cooler on the Web ...... "Giving our employees a way to connect over the Internet around the globe made sense—because they're just doing it anyway." ..... More 30-plus employees are signing up with Facebook to trade daily updates with colleagues and friends. They're also building lists of contacts from among the 13 million professionals on LinkedIn. At Ernst & Young alone, 11,000 workers now have Facebook accounts. ..... SharePoint, the Microsoft software that lets companies set up MySpace-like profiles, blogs, and collaborative Web sites known as wikis within the confines of their firewalls, is one of the fastest-growing server products in the company's history. ..... The whole "open" ethos of the social Net—sharing pictures and music and letting "friends" know your every activity—goes against the instincts of big-company chief information officers. ...... all that collaboration will cut out time that's now spent mailing documents and e-mailing comments. .... By having members brainstorm, review each other's work, and prepare budgets on the network, the Film Foundation believes it can cut by half the amount of time it takes to create the materials.
What's Love Got to Do with Internships? I was once under the mistaken impression that, when dating, it was my job to be funny and charming and impressive. Then I learned that it was much more impressive to take an interest in her. Then I learned, to hell with being impressive, this listening thing is a great way to find out whether she's crazy! ........ but as with the highs and lows of my past dating career, I think I've come out of it an improved partner for my future match. ..... I've learned my lesson about prematurely rushing into opportunities ..... attachment can easily blossom in the heat of excitement, but that it takes the nourishment of consistency and dedication to cultivate the kind of career I'd like to fall in love with.

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