Showing posts with label future. Show all posts
Showing posts with label future. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Vivek Wadhwa: The Smartest Dude In Silicon Valley

(reprinted without permission)

If I am an optimist, it is because Vivek is looking into his crystal ball. I want this guy on my company's Board so bad!

"New trillion-dollar industries will come out of nowhere and wipe out existing trillion-dollar industries."

2014 is ending, but this wave of technology disruptions is just beginning

Dec 22, 2014 23,004 Views 732 Likes 153 Comments

Changes in technology are happening at a scale which was unimaginable before and will cause disruption in industry after industry. This has really begun to worry me, because we are not ready for this change and most of our leading companies won’t exist 15–20 years from now. Here are five sectors to keep an eye on:

1. Let’s start with manufacturing.

Robotics and 3-D printing have made it cheaper to manufacture in the United States and Europe than in China. Robots such as Baxter, from Rethink Robotics, and UR10, from Universal Robots, have arms; screens which show you their emotions; and sensors that detect what is happening around them. The cost of operating these is less than the cost of human labor. We can now have robots working 24×7 and doing some of the work of humans. Over time, these robots will become ever more sophisticated and do most human jobs. The manufacturing industry is surely going to be disrupted in a very big way. This is good news for America, Europe, and parts of Asia, because it will become a local industry. But this will be bad for the Chinese economy — which is largely dependent on manufacturing jobs.

In the next decade, robots will likely go on strike, because we won’t need them anymore. They will be replaced by 3D printers. Within 15 to 20 years, we will even be able to 3D print electronics. Imagine being able to design your own iPhone and print it at home. This is what will become possible.

2. The reinvention of finance.

We are already witnessing a controversy over Bitcoin. Many technology and retail companies are supporting it. Crowdfunding is shaking up the venture-capital industry and making it less relevant because it provides start-ups with an alternative for raising seed capital. We will soon be able to crowdfund loans for houses, cars, and other goods. With cardless transactions for purchasing goods, we won’t need the types of physical banks and financial institutions that we presently have. Banks in the United States seem to be complacent because they have laws protecting them from competition. But our laws don’t apply in other countries. We will see innovations happening abroad which disrupt industries in the United States.

3. Health care.

Apple recently announced Healthkit, its platform for health information. It wants to store data from the wearable sensors that will soon be monitoring our blood pressure, blood oxygenation, heart rhythms, temperature, activity levels, and other symptoms. Google, Microsoft, and Samsung will surely not be left behind and will all compete to provide the best health-data platforms. With these data, they will be able to warn us when we are about to get sick. AI-based physicians will advise us on what we need to do to get healthy.

Medical-test data, especially in fields such as oncology, is often so complex that human doctors cannot understand it. This will become even more difficult when they have genomics data to correlate. Over the last 15 years, the cost of human genome sequencing has dropped from the billions to about a thousand dollars. At the rate at which prices are dropping, the cost of sequencing will be close to zero in a few years and we will all have our genomes sequenced. When you combine these data with the medical-sensor data that the tech companies are collecting on their cloud platforms, we will have a medical revolution. We won’t need doctors for day-to-day medical advice any more. Robotic surgeons will also do the most sophisticated surgeries. We’re going to disrupt the entire health-care system.

4. Now take the energy industry.

Five years ago, we were worried about America running out of oil; today we’re talking about Saudi America — because of fracking. Yes, fracking is a harmful technology; nevertheless it has allowed America to become energy independent and will soon make it an energy exporter. And then there is solar energy, which some people have become negative about. But it is a fact solar prices have dropped about 97 percent over the past 35 years, and, at the rate at which solar is advancing, by the end of this decade we will achieve grid parity across the United States. Grid parity means it’s cheaper to produce energy at home on your solar cells than to buy it from utilities. Move forward another 10 or 20 years, and it will costs a fraction as much to produce your own energy as to buy it from the grid. This means that the utility companies will be in serious trouble. This is why they are beginning to fight the introduction of solar. If solar keeps advancing in the way it is, it will eclipse the fossil-fuel industry. Solar is only one of maybe a hundred advancing technologies that could disrupt the energy industry.

When we have unlimited energy, we can have unlimited clean water, because we can simply boil as much ocean water as we want. We can afford to grow food locally in vertical farms. This can be 100 percent organic, because we won’t need insecticides in the sealed farm buildings. Imagine also being able to 3D print meat and not having to slaughter animals. This will transform and disrupt agriculture and the entire food-production industry.

5. Communications.

Yes, even this industry will be disrupted. Note how AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint have seen their landline businesses disappear. These were replaced by mobile—which is now being replaced by data. When I travel abroad, I don’t make long-distance calls any more, because I just call over Skype. Soon we will have WiFi everywhere, thanks to the competition between companies such as AT&T and Google to provide superfast Internet access. We will be able to make free calls over open WiFi networks.


In practically every industry that I look at, I see a major disruption happening. I know the world will be very different 15 to 20 years from now. The vast majority of companies who are presently the leaders in their industries will likely not even exist. That is because industry executives either are not aware of the changes that are coming, are reluctant to invest the type of money that is be required for them to reinvent themselves, or are protecting legacy businesses. Most are focused on short-term performance.

New trillion-dollar industries will come out of nowhere and wipe out existing trillion-dollar industries. This is the future we’re headed into, for better or for worse.

Monday, December 03, 2012

Erich Schmidt Has A Book

As soon as I read the headline I found myself thinking about the Bill Gates book that came out in 1995.

So it was eery when the last paragraph in the article said pretty much the same thing.
As it is described, "The New Digital Age" calls to mind Bill Gates' 1995 book "The Road Ahead," which made a similar effort to predict the changes that would be wrought by the personal computing revolution. But predictions can be tough: In 2010, a review by The Atlantic found that Gates had gotten things mostly wrong.
It is hard to predict the future in any meaningful detail.

Eric Schmidt's book on the future to be released April 23
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Monday, February 22, 2010

A MeetUp Has Me Excited: Y + 30

I am going to a MeetUp tomorrow evening - well, I am going to a Lunar Year celebration with John Liu for this evening, we are trying to get the guy to show up for a February 28 Holi celebration in Astoria, I be pulling strings - but tomorrow, Tuesday, I am going to this MeetUp that I am unusually excited about. I guess at some level I am bummed I had never heard of the MeetUp before this month. Makes me feel like I have been out of the loop. But I found out about it during Social Media Week, and I am glad. (Social Media Week: The Best NY Tech MeetUp Ever)

I don't know what to expect. That is another reason I am a little on the edge. Will it be pitch dark? Will they throw bright light in my face? Will they make funny noises? Will they make us wear costumes? Or at least goggles? Is the venue some kind of a basement? It is called a Brooklyn Future MeetUp, but it is in Tribeca, the Jay-Z Tribeca. I love Brooklyn, it is the most residential of all boroughs, but Y+30 is a much better name in the first place.

on Feb 23rd - we are talking the future of food, register for the event at 
From Michael Pollan to molecular gastronomy, food bloggers to food
porn, celebrity chefs to rock star butchers, the world of eating has
changed remarkably in recent years. There’s never been a more exciting
time to be a food-lover, and yet we’re also increasingly concerned
about issues like food safety, sustainability, and health.

What will the food world look like in 30 years? Will traditional
restaurants still be around or we will be eating in a world of pop ups
and food trucks? Will scientists rule the kitchen?

We’ll talk to experts across the industry, including chef Michael
Anthony of Gramercy Tavern, Glenn Roberts, founder of Anson Mills,
marketing whizzes from Rooster Design Group, and writer and Food52
co-founder Amanda Hesser. (@amandahesser)

After the panel stay for demos by cocktail experts and chefs, tastings
by local producers, and cameos by some of the city’s cult food

Looks like they will be feeding us too. We get to sample some food stuff. I am all for that. And what is food porn? What could that be?

I left this comment at Sam Lessin's Tumblr blog a few days back. (@lessin)
I am so looking forward to this, you won't believe. I am so surprised I was not even aware of this MeetUp's existence until the first week of February this year. Finding about this MeetUp has been one of my rewards for having attended Social Media Week events with abandon.
Wow. I am like wow. What a theme for a MeetUp. I like vision people, I like vision talk, I like talk about the future. I am such a huge fan of Esther Dyson, and it is because she is such a visionary. She is a remarkable woman in many other ways, but that is my primary reason to like her so much.
Y+30 is stretching it, it is hard enough to figure out what the landscape will look like one year from now, or five, 30 is eternity, but the year will roll around for sure, and the reward is not in ending up being accurate - I fully expect most of our predictions to fall flat on the face - but in making the effort itself. Those who think hard about the future live the present more fully.
I am so excited about this event, I fear I might miss it. I am feeling superstitious.
I am so glad you have Disqus integrated to your blog. Disqus is my idea of a micro blogging platform.
Another reward to me from Social Media Week has been Tumblr. I use Twitter to broadcast, Facebook to connect, and Buzz/Tumblr to listen. Glad to be following you on Tumblr.

Excited about tomorrow.
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Friday, April 20, 2007

Web 5.0: Face Time

We are still mostly Web 1.0. And Web 2.0 has been the in thing. I imagined a Web 3.0: A Web 3.0 Manifesto. Web 3.0 is when the web becomes a utility. How often do you get excited about electricity? I have left Web 4.0 to mean things I can't imagine, let alone deliver. And I am thinking Web 5.0 is going to be face time.

Already social networking is all the rage online. The web is about people. But the technology is still largely clumsy. It will get better. But what if it keeps getting better and better until it is at its absolutely best and there is little room for improvement. At that point you realize that all along what you had really been looking for was face time. Even screen time was about face time.

That face time is what Web 5.0 will be about. And I am talking about face time as technology, almost. As in there will be a scientific approach to it. Assault is illegal right now. Racist comments will be put in the same category as assault in a Web 5.0 world.

In a Web 5.0 world, we will have achieved levels of mental and emotional health that we have achieved today in terms of physical health, in terms of what we know. We will have found a cure for depression and suicide the way we have found cures for polio. Happiness can be imagined as something always-on, like always-on broadband, because sources of unhappiness can be so precisely pinpointed.

It is ridiculous to me to watch people really really struggle with some of their painful past experiences. All they have to do is to relive it, be able to articulate it, and the pain goes away, the puss comes out, and the wound is soon gone.

That Web 5.0 imagination has implications for business practices in a Web 2.0, Web 3.0 world. It is possible to try and create Web 5.0 style group dynamics in a corporation of today. Such a corporation can be invented. That corporation would be 100% meritocratic, and it would be the workplace of the post-ISMs individual. That corporation would think in terms of pure work that is delightful to those who participate in it.

Levels of that Web 5.0 style face time can be achieved in loving relationships today. That perhaps has always been possible.

A Web 3.0 Manifesto
DL21C Events: High Class Acts

In The News

Yahoo's Next Search: A New CEO? BusinessWeek Panama's patina has officially worn off. .....attributed the decline to the phaseout of Microsoft's search ad business and rising costs of driving traffic to Yahoo sites. ..... "The writing is on the wall," wrote Jackson Securities analyst Brian Bolan, speculating that CFO Decker could soon take the helm. "Another quarter with a bottom-line miss will be the last one for Semel." ...... Yahoo expected double-digit improvements in the amount of money it generates per search by the second half of the year. .... Google garnered more than 64% of searches in March. It had slightly more than 58% of searches for the same month last year. ... Yahoo's search share dipped slightly from 22.3% in March, 2006, to 21.3% this year...... Google's brand name and constant innovations in search have proven difficult for competitors to overcome. ...... Yang boasted that Yahoo was the Internet's largest display advertising network
Sprint: Say Bon Voyage to Vonage Vonage, now locked in a patent dispute with Verizon ..... Sprint, which also alleges patent infringement by Vonage. ...... its customer base of 2.2 million is expected to shrink at a rate of more than 27% a year ...... Sprint Nextel has been trying to transform itself into a wireless-only company. ...... In 2006, Sprint spun off its local calling business into a company now called Embarq (EQ). Today, 85% of Sprint sales come from wireless services....... in 2010, 44 million Americans will use Web-calling services, up from 10.3 million last year.
The Marshal of MySpace
BlackBerry service being restored
Google: The Ad Dominator? Google already controls about two-thirds of the roughly $7.7 billion expected to be spent on online search advertising this year ..... the $3.75 billion market for online display advertising—the multimedia ads found in a fixed spot on a Web page ....... "FOG"—"Fear of Google."
Executives Remain Wary of Web 2.0 Instead, they're putting their resources behind technologies that enable automation and networking ..... Web services, including software that enables systems to communicate with each other ...... Collective intelligence, which attempts to tap the wisdom of crowds to make decisions ..... Peer-to-peer networking, a technique for efficiently sharing music, video, or text files ..... social networking .. MySpace and Facebook .... RSS .... podcasts .... wikis ..... blogs .... mash-ups ..... in a knowledge economy where companies remain hierarchical in structure, knowledge is power ..... people with heavy knowledge tend to keep that for themselves ...... companies serious about embracing these collaborative technologies will need to find a new incentive system for employees. ...... Baby boomers, who still make up the majority of the workforce, are used to picking up the phone.
iPhone: Harder to Build than Apple Thought The cell phone "contains the most sophisticated software ever shipped on a mobile device"
Toshiba's Flashy New Look at Chips The plunge in global chip prices over the past year is enough to make any semiconductor executive nervous. .... He's betting that laptop PC makers will shift to a hybrid of hard disk drives and flash memory. .... consumers are likely to snap up the next-generation HD-DVD recorders and players, further fueling chip demand. ..... The demand for nuclear reactors in China, India, and even the U.S. seems real and lasting....... hoping for a resurgence in demand later this year, due to Apple's iPhone.......
The High-Tech Home of Tomorrow "There is no doubt that the way we live will be different in the future," Gates said at the time. "The advances in PC technology and low-cost communications are bringing a revolution."
VCs Aim to Out-Angel the Angels Khosla investments range from $100,000 to $25 million, in areas including Internet technology and clean energy.
The End of a 1,400-Year-Old Business Kongo Gumi's case suggests that it's a good idea to operate in a stable industry. ..... cited the company's flexibility in selecting leaders as a key factor in its longevity ...... the practice of sons-in-law taking the family name when they joined the family firm. ...... mingle elements of conservatism and flexibility ...... switched temporarily to crafting coffins during World War II. ..... Despite its incredible history, it was a set of ordinary circumstances that brought Kongo Gumi down at last. ...... during the 1980s bubble economy in Japan, the company borrowed heavily to invest in real estate ...... social changes in Japan brought about declining contributions to temples ....... in 2006, the end arrived. The company's borrowings had ballooned to $343 million and it was no longer possible to service the debt. ....... evolve as business conditions require, but don't get carried away with temporary enthusiasms and sacrifice financial stability for what looks like an opportunity
The 10 Worst Corporate Practices
The World's Most Livable Cities
Asia's Most Livable Cities
The Coming Virtual Web more realistic, interactive, and social ..... Neal Stephenson published Snow Crash in 1992 ..... The metaverse, as Stephenson called it, was essentially the Internet. .... the popular online role-playing game World of Warcraft, which is revolutionizing online games with sophisticated graphics and complex team strategy. ..... There, Entropia Universe, and Second Life ..... online games and virtual economies. ..... virtual worlds are inherently social settings. "You go up to an avatar and you know there's a real person on the other end" ...... social activity dominates what people want to do online. ...... the 3D Internet ..... many people don't even have personal computers that can handle the often heavy processing demands of virtual worlds. The amount of data required by 3D environments also can tax even high-speed Internet connections. ...... 3D excels for a number of applications, such as medical scans, architecture, and chemical modeling, most information is best accessed and analyzed in more mundane, 2D fashion. ....... Dozens of universities are conducting classes and other activities inside Second Life. At Ball State University in Muncie, Ind., for instance, some freshmen are taking the English 104 composition course partly inside the world, writing about field trips they take inside Second Life. A sign of how compelling the notion is: The first class drew 300 applicants for 18 slots. ........ inject real-world richness into online business negotiations and collaboration ...... people are more influential when they look directly at their counterpart ..... PCs need the benefit of a few more rounds of graphics-chip improvements, as well as faster broadband speeds.

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Thursday, April 05, 2007

A Web 3.0 Manifesto

Web 3.0: When Geography Is 100% Irrelevant

This is not just about taking the web experience to a new level, this is also about the human mass on the web. That mass has to be near total. And that can not be on and off. So wires are going haywire. And slow does not count. So that is universal, wireless broadband. You don't wait for the rest of the world to get rich. You focus on the mindspace as a business space. Mindspace is mindspace regardless of the income bracket of the person. Every additional mind connected to the web adds value.

So when you have almost everyone online at zip speed, that is something. And then you also focus on the web experience. That experience goes beyond the two dimensions we have today. That part need not go universal right away. Meeting someone online has almost to be like meeting in person. That is what geography being irrelevant means. It does not mean that even though you are 10,000 miles away, I can still email you, chat with you. It means you get transported to me.

Geography being irrelevant also means the web experience should not have to be a strain on your body, not on your spine, not on your eyes, not on your wrist. You are looking at much, much better screens, screens as good as paper. You are looking at standing up, walking around experiences. You are looking at complex voice commands, as in, no need to type all the time. You are looking at near similar experiences for the physically challenged, the audiovisually impaired.

Web 3.0 does not just pertain to software applications. It pertains to connection, software and hardware. It pertains to the digital divide. A web that does not have a near total human mass is not really a web. Because the web is about humanity, not technology. Technology merely facilitates.

One constant will remain. There will never be enough of two things on the web: content and search. The possibilities are as limitless as the human mind itself. We are back to all becoming farmers. The vast majority of us can go into the business of producing and consuming mindfood.

Or maybe it is two stages, Web 3.0 and Web 4.0. Or maybe it is three stages, Web 3.0 and Web 4.0 and Web 5.0. But the future is now. Entrepreneuers playing with technology and capital can break all barriers to make it happen. It is mostly about creating things that never existed before. And so there is little competition, much win win situations for most. It is to be largely a creative endeavor.

This is to launch a new millenium. The future is now.

On The Web

A List Apart: Articles: Web 3.0
Entrepreneurs See a Web Guided by Common Sense - New York Times
» What to expect from Web 3.0 | Software as services |
Web 3.0
Web 3.0: Web 3.0 - You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet!
Web 3.0
Rough Type: Nicholas Carr's Blog: Welcome Web 3.0!
Semantic Web - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dan Gillmor on Grassroots Journalism, Etc.: Web 2.0? Try 3.0
Web 3.0? - Download Squad
Web 3.0 - Features by PC Magazine
A 'more revolutionary' Web - Technology - International Herald Tribune
Web 3.0: When Web Sites Become Web Services
Web 3.0 = (4C + P + VS)
Wikipedia 3.0: The End of Google? « Evolving Trends
Web 3.0: Basic Concepts « Evolving Trends
Sramana Mitra on Strategy » Blog Archive » Web 3.0 = (4C + P + VS)
Web 3.0 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Web 3.0?
iZachy - blogging to web 3.0 and beyond
Minding the Planet: Web 3.0 Versus Web 2.0
Web 3.0? » The Bivings Report
Entrepreneurs See a Web Guided by Common Sense - New York Times
» Web 2.0 isn’t dead, but Web 3.0 is bubbling up | Between the ...
Technology Review: Part I: A Smarter Web
Nick Bradbury: Web 3.0 Does Not Validate
O'Reilly Radar > Web 3.0? Maybe when we get there.
Airbag - Kirken.
It's Web 3.0! (Scripting News)
Rough Type: Nicholas Carr's Blog: Freebase: the Web 3.0 machine
Web 3.0: From Web Site to Web Service
Can 'Spiritual Computing' Drive Web 3.0?
Web 3.0 @ WEB 2.0 JOURNAL
Idea for Web 3.0 Site
BBC and IBM strike 'web 3.0' deal | Technology | Guardian ...
Ready for Web 3.0? - -
SitePoint Blogs » Are You Ready For Web 3.0? » » Web 3.0
Web 3.0 - Semantische Technologien, Web 2.0, Social Software ...
Edge Perspectives with John Hagel: Ready for Web 3.0?
Crunchgear: Introducing Web 3.0? More Like Stupid.0 - Gizmodo - The Future of Web 3.0: Part I
Minding the Planet: Web 3.0 Roundup: Radar Networks, Powerset ...
Web 3.0 : Toward a web 3.0?
Micro Persuasion: Web 3.0 and the Widgetized Web
Enterprise Resilience Management Blog: Web 3.0
Elias Torres » Blog Archive » Is Web 3.0 coming?
The Fishbowl: Digital Identity
How Web 2.0 Mashups Fuel Web 3.0/ Semantic Web
Digg - Web 3.0: When Web Sites Become Web Services
HipHipUK » Blog Archive » Le Web 3.0
NewsForge | The Future of Web 3.0: Part II
Web 2.0 Summit - November 7-9, 2006 - San Francisco, CA ...
Die Zukunft im Web 3.0 - Eine Vision | Dr. Web Weblog
A List Apart: Comments: Web 3.0
Wilbur-and-O: Microformats, Web 3.0, etc.
Web 3.0: Google as the Web : SEO
Technology Review: What Comes After Web 2.0?
Web 3.0 : tdaxp
Web 3.0 Survives The Wrath Of Wikipedians - Technology News by ...
Web 3.0: The Other Semantic Web - Features by PC Magazine
Web 3.0: When Web Sites Become Web Services
Scott's "SiteExperts" Place: A Preview of Web 3.0
Blogger Indonesia A. Fatih Syuhud Weblog: Web 3.0 after Web 2.0?
Free Coffee From Yahoo? | Defining Web 3.0 | Trynt: Misc. APIs ...
HR-XML blog » Web 3.0
Web 3.0: A Smarter, Spookier Internet » Silicon Valley Blog About ...
QTSaver: Web 3.0
UserFriendly Strip Comments
Web 3.0: for the user, by the user, of the user
hyku | blog - Web 2.0? My Money is on Web 2.1 or Web 3.0 - by ...
Vers un web 3.0 ? on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Evolution of the Species: Web 3.0
Web 3.0 and SEO
Techmeme: Web 3.0 Does Not Validate (Nick Bradbury)
Sramana Mitra on Strategy » Blog Archive » Web 3.0 and CNN Money
PERSONALIZE MEDIA » Blog Archive » Virtual Worlds, Web 3.0 and ...
Web 3.0 map on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
iia blog » The Semantic Web: Web 3.0?
Ross Mayfield's Weblog: There is no Web 3.0, part, uh, 2
web30: See what people are saying right now on Technorati
Talking with Talis: Nova Spivack talks with Talis about Web 3.0 ...
Web 2.0 is mass market, Web 3.0 is the transformation of ...
EirePreneur: How Feed Grazing fits into Web 3.0
Second Life Education Research » Blog Archive » Response to ...
Why there will never be a Web 3.0 | Canadian Marketing Blog ...
Development center for HHG and Adaxas
Glass House
Geeking with Greg: AI and "Web 3.0"
Web-3.0 - the new and better webdevelopment standard - The Future of Web 3.0: Part II
Mobile Opportunity: Web 3.0
Web 3.0 AI Commonsense - part 2
mSpace: web 2.0 meets web 3.0 meets iTunes
Techmeme: Web 3.0: When Web Sites Become Web Services (Alex Iskold ...

NYC Angel Investors


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