Showing posts with label Instagram. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Instagram. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

A Social Graph Can't Last 10 Years

Image representing Bijan Sabet as depicted in ...
Image by Spark Capital via CrunchBase
I am saying this before I have read the blog post. I am responding to the title of the blog post. Now let me go read.

Bijan Sabet: Can a social graph last more than 10 years?
Because the graph we have today is much more interesting and useful than previous graphs. We are connected in new ways that touch us deeply. And they have their own characteristics.
Hunter Walk: Trying to be the one true social graph is like trying to hold water in your fist
Facebook needed to buy Instagram because it was creating a mobile-first photo-centric social network. Snapchat is interesting to Facebook because it's creating a mobile-first ephemeral content social network. Twitter was threatening enough to Facebook because of an asymmetric follow graph that Facebook added the equivalent 'subscribe' option. And so it goes... I don't believe Facebook's position as the 'one graph to rule them all' is established. They'll continue to be successful and useful for quite a long time - and they may even be the largest single graph - but it's not going to be the only one of consequence. .... There will be another Instagram, another Snapchat. Facebook can't buy or fast-follow all of the innovations. Can they?
These guys are talking about particular products like Facebook, Twitter, and so on. That is not what I am talking about. I am talking about the real social graph, the one technology tries to emulate. Solitude is when you want to be left alone. What is your social graph then? A good service would know that. When you are with someone you really want to be with, you do not want to be bothered by anyone else. What is your social graph then? The most engaged people in your life - that list changes over time. What I am saying is none of the mentioned services have been able to grab that real social graph.
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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Twitter's Growth Rate Accelerating?

They say that about the universe. Not only is it expanding, the rate at which it is expanding is accelerating.

Twitter Passes 200M Monthly Active Users, A 42% Increase Over 9 Months

This does not surprise me. Twitter can come across as geeky. But once you know how to use it, it is actually more delightful than Facebook. I am glad I am not being forced, but if you were to force me to pick between the two, I'd pick Twitter.

But the experience can be simplified further. And photo filters on Twitter would be a big hit, I think. One huge blind spot Instagram has is it is not on the web.

I have not yet joined Instagram because my first smartphone is still on its way. But if Twitter filters show up I might not even join Instagram. Except that I am on Facebook, and if there is closer integration I might have joined by default.

An Hour Spent On Twitter
Twitter Was Great On Election Night
If You Are Twitter
No, Biz, Twitter Has Real Issues

I still don't understand why I can't access all my tweets, why all my tweets don't show up in Google search results, why I can't embed multiple tweets at once. Why can't I search through all tweets, mine and that of others?

Twitter, FourSquare: Mobile Web Thingies
Twitter Is Massively Complex
User Friendly Twitter? Get Out Of Town
Goal: A Billion People On Twitter
Twitter At Five: Not Spitting Out Well
Twitter: The Obvious Missing Features
Twitter: Too Complex
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Monday, September 17, 2012

How Much Did Google Pay For SnapSeed?

No point stating the obvious. This is a response to Facebook's most important acquisition to date: Instagram. My first question was, how much did Google pay? I have a feeling it paid less than 100 million. I have not read any numbers anywhere. Snapseed might not have Instagram's popularity, but it does what it does.

Google buys Instagram competitor
Snapseed may not be on the same level as Instagram in terms of popularity, but the app's emphasis on photo-editing has garnered its own following among photo enthusiasts..... Apple named Snapseed the iPad app of the year in 2011. The most popular iPhone app title when to Instagram.

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Friday, September 14, 2012

Pinterest Is Coming Along

“It is usually the case that people gravitate to services that match their interests and their needs. Some of the more popular subjects on Pinterest are likely to be especially interesting to women, such as food, fashion, interior decorating and design,” said Lee Rainie, Director of the Pew Internet & American Life Project, and co-author of the study....... Food is the fastest growing category on Pinterest and generates the most repins...... To put Pinterest’s user base into perspective, Pew researchers found that 66% of U.S. adults are on Facebook, 20% are on LinkedIn, and 16% are on Twitter. Pinterest has surpassed Tumblr, which is used by 5% of U.S. adults. Instagram has also developed a sizable user base, with 12% of all adults now using the mobile photo-sharing app.

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