The Very Real Scenario Where Trump Loses and Takes Power Anyway If Trump overturns the 2024 election, here’s how it could happen.
What China’s Leaders Grasp About Another Trump Term
Trump Has Turned It Up to 11 Donald Trump is so dependent on racial and ethnic antagonism that without it, he would be a marginal figure, relegated to the sidelines. ....... Trump’s constant demonization of Black people and immigrants has inured the public to the fact that he is the first — or certainly the most explicit — modern president and party nominee to transparently generate, not to mention exacerbate, fear and white animosity toward people of color......... In the closing days of the 2024 election, he continues to foment race hatred and to rely on it ever more intently. ............. “Trump was distinctive in how he tapped into white grievance,” they wrote. “Trump’s primary campaign became a vehicle for a different kind of identity politics” — one oriented toward capitalizing on the feeling of many white people that they were being “pushed aside in an increasingly diverse America.” ........... in late 2015 a P.R.R.I. survey found that 64 percent of Republicans claimed to believe “that ‘discrimination against whites has become as big of a problem as discrimination against Blacks and other minorities.’” .......... “There is a definite anti-white feeling in this country, and that can’t be allowed,” Trump told Time magazine in April. ........... after “talking to people in Kentucky’s Fifth Congressional District, the whitest and second-poorest congressional district in the country”: ......... The people I talk to do not believe they are racist and are insulted when they see themselves so described on CNN. They roundly rejected a 2017 white nationalist march through Pikeville, Ky., led by the neo-Nazi Matthew Heimbach. Many I talked to were proud to have the first integrated cemetery, and there are town markers commemorating an early-century Black female poet. ........... But they also sense themselves sinking and are threatened — by, in order of importance, immigrants, refugees, Blacks, women, highly educated “elites” — who are doing better than they are — and feel these categories are favored by the Democrats over them. They feel the Democrats are consumed by “identity politics” and have, because of it, wiped white men off the Democratic social map. ........ Most of Trump’s appeal is based, I argue in “Stolen Pride,” on his call to turn the shame of white, non-B.A. downward mobility into blame. Primary among the many targets of blame are immigrants, but secondary are Blacks and women — sort of “secondary immigrants” threatening to replace white males in the status hierarchy. ........... Since the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the Democratic Party has struggled in its efforts to deal with racial issues, while the Republican Party has repeatedly used crime, busing, urban decay and immigration to divide the Democratic coalition. .......... Trump is unique in that he has made explicit racial outreach a core part of his campaign. He did this in 2016, 2020 and now again in 2024. ........... Gary Jacobson, also a political scientist at the University of California, San Diego, sees Trump as an avatar of malice. “Extreme rhetoric fanning fear and hatred of nonwhite immigrants and urban minorities is central to Trump’s current campaign,” he wrote by email. “I assume he thinks it works for him.” .............. Trump could benefit from focusing on these problems and addressing them in terms that make him appear reasonable. This could even include a less hysterical approach to immigration. But it is not in his nature to do so. ............. some reporting indicates that Trump campaign officials have tried to steer the candidate toward those issues. His focus on racial hostility, in terms of policy rhetoric and how he talks about his opponent, appears to be somewhat of a personal choice. ............ Without tapping into and triggering citizens’ racial resentment and racial prejudice, Trump would not be competitive. He is incapable of articulating traditional conservative values. ............ We’re rapidly running out of superlatives to describe how extreme Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric has become. He’s clearly amped up his harsh and violent rhetoric. Even in 2020, his rhetoric largely focused on building a wall and keep out undocumented immigrants. But in 2024, his rhetoric has shifted almost exclusively to talking about immigrants as the deranged and violent enemy who has already invaded the country. ......... He talks about immigrants slitting the throats of housewives in their kitchens and raping young girls and promises mass arrests, militarized encampments and deportation. His rhetoric has now moved — there’s really no other way to say it — fully into Nazi territory. He has called immigrants “not human” and referred to them as “animals.” ............... Trump has taken his supporters with him on this extremist journey. In 2013, a majority (53 percent) of Republicans supported a path to citizenship for immigrants living in the country illegally; by 2019, that number had dropped to 39 percent. ............. Today, two-thirds of Republicans (64 percent) and a majority of white evangelical Protestants (54 percent) agree even with Trump’s dehumanizing assertion, echoing Hitler’s arguments in “Mein Kampf,” that immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country.” We know these words are the bricks paving the road to political violence and even genocide. ......... If he loses, Trump will face an avalanche of criminal proceedings that could last the rest of his life. If he wins, they are likely to go away.
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1: India
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Refusing To Pay (Short Story)
Deepak was a middle-aged man living in the bustling city of Mumbai, India. He had seen his fair share of changes over the years, as technology infiltrated every aspect of daily life. But one thing that always puzzled him was the way people in the West clung to their cash, even in the face of advanced payment systems. He considered it a thing of the past, a relic of a bygone era.
One sweltering summer day, Deepak found himself in a narrow alley lined with food stalls and eager customers. The tantalizing aroma of street food filled the air, mingling with the sounds of chatter and sizzling oil. As he strolled along the bustling street, his eyes landed on an American tourist standing in front of a colorful ice cream cart.
The American man, clad in shorts and a loose T-shirt, carefully reached into his pocket and pulled out a wad of cash. Deepak furrowed his brow, perplexed by the sight. In India, cash transactions had become increasingly rare. People simply whipped out their smartphones, scanned a barcode displayed on the vendor's cart, and completed the payment through digital wallets. It was quick, convenient, and left no room for error.
Intrigued by this oddity, Deepak lingered nearby, observing the unfolding scene. The American approached the ice cream vendor, who had a small mobile payment terminal next to his display of frosty delights. A confused expression crossed the vendor's face as the tourist extended his hand, offering the cash for the ice cream.
Deepak couldn't help himself any longer. He stepped forward, catching the attention of both the American and the vendor. With a friendly smile, he said, "Excuse me, sir. I hope you don't mind my curiosity, but we usually pay using our smartphones here. It's faster and more efficient. Would you like some help?"
The American looked surprised but grateful for the offer. "Oh, thank you! That would be great," he replied with a hint of embarrassment. "I'm not used to these mobile payment systems. I guess I'm just an old-fashioned cash guy."
Deepak chuckled warmly. "No worries. It's fascinating how our payment methods differ across cultures. Let me show you how it works."
Deepak took out his smartphone and opened his preferred mobile payment app. He swiftly navigated through the options and generated a barcode on his screen. Holding the phone toward the vendor's terminal, he scanned the code, and a satisfying beep confirmed the successful transaction.
The American watched in awe as the transaction took place within seconds. "That was incredible! So efficient and convenient," he exclaimed.
Deepak nodded, pleased to share a bit of his culture with the visitor. "Indeed, it has become an integral part of our lives. It saves time, reduces the risk of carrying cash, and offers various discounts and rewards. Plus, it helps in creating a digital record of transactions."
The American fished out his wallet and tucked away the cash. "You've opened my eyes to a new way of doing things. I guess it's about time I embraced this digital era."
With a newfound appreciation for the benefits of mobile payments, the American bid Deepak farewell and indulged in his chosen ice cream flavor. Meanwhile, Deepak continued his stroll, content that he had helped someone understand the changing dynamics of a cashless society.
As he walked away, Deepak couldn't help but smile, knowing that he had bridged the gap between cultures and made a small difference in the life of a stranger. It was a reminder that even in an increasingly interconnected world, there was always room for learning, understanding, and embracing new ways of doing things.
Friday, June 30, 2023
30: India
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Thursday, June 22, 2023
Give three hours to @AndrewYang about 2024.
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) June 22, 2023
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