Showing posts with label Google Wave. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google Wave. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

An Open Google

Google Public Policy Blog: The Meaning Of Open

A company that has become big needs a new ethos. Google as a company will stick around for a long, long time, but it is not at all a given that Google will continue to be on the bleeding edge. Will Google Wave end up being the last bleeding edge product Google gave to the world?

The advantage Google has is that search is at the core of the internet experience, and there Google is the one with the secret sauce. And this is the Internet century.
The Meaning Of Open  Complacency is the hallmark of any closed system. If you don't have to work that hard to keep your customers, you won't.........understanding the fast-moving system better than anyone else and using that knowledge to generate better, more innovative products ........ a fast innovator and a thought leader ........ Open systems have the potential to spawn industries. ......... win based on the merits of their products and not just the brilliance of their business tactics ........... open systems allow innovation at all levels — from the operating system to the application layer — not just at the top. ........ good business, since an open Internet creates a steady stream of innovations that attracts users and usage and grows the entire industry. .......... Reward = (Total value added to the industry) * (Our share of industry value) ........... grow the web for everyone ......... When railroad tracks were first being laid across the U.S. in the early 19th century, there were seven different standards for track width. The network didn't flourish and expand west until the different railway companies agreed upon a standard width of 4' 8.5". ............ about 681 million hosts on the Internet. .......... In the early 1900s, the U.S. automobile industry instituted a cross-licensing agreement whereby patents were shared openly and freely amongst manufacturers. Prior to this agreement, the owners of the patent for the two-cycle gasoline engine had effectively bottled up the industry. ........... we are the largest open source contributor in the world ....... when traders in the Mediterranean region circa 3000 BC invented seals (called bullae) to ensure that their shipments reached their destinations tamper-free, they transformed commerce from local to long distance. ........ Trust is the most important currency online ........ Think that your product's value is so obvious that it doesn't need explaining? There's a good chance you're wrong. ............. the Google Dashboard ........ If they use our products and store content with us, it's their content, not ours. ........ we need to do whatever we can to make leaving Google as easy as possible ....... we make numerous platforms - video, maps, mobile, PCs, voice, enterprise - better, more competitive, and more innovative. We are often attacked for being too big, but sometimes being bigger allows us to take on the impossible. .......... Open up as much as you can as often as you can, and if anyone questions whether this is a good approach, explain to them why it's not just a good approach, but the best approach. .......... the chaos of open benefits everyone ........ The future of government is transparency. The future of commerce is information symmetry. The future of culture is freedom. The future of science and medicine is collaboration. The future of entertainment is participation. Each of these futures depends on an open Internet.

Staying open is Google's best bet to stay on the cutting edge for as long as possible. This is an important document to have come out.

The Official Google Blog: From The Height Of This Place
the worst economic situation of our lifetimes...... Eric Schmidt has called these times 'uncharted waters': none of us has been here before. ........ the Internet, which is the most powerful and comprehensive information system ever invented. ........ from the most remote villages on the planet, you can reach as much information as is held in thousands of libraries .......... the secular shift of information, communications, and commerce to the Internet ......... over 1.4 billion people, nearly a quarter of the world's population, use the Internet, with more than 200 million new people coming online every year. ......... More than three billion people have mobile phones ......... search will remain the killer application ....... Our ongoing challenge is to create the perfect search engine ....... to actually make search smarter, our index and infrastructure need to grow at a pace FASTER than the web. ........... "Democracy of information alone can supply the vitalizing force to stir the peoples of the world into triumphant action." .......... 120K blogs are created daily — most of them with an audience of one. Over half of them are created by people under the age of nineteen. In the US, nearly 40 percent of Internet users upload videos ........... about one of every six minutes that people spend online is spent in a social network of some type. ........... the vast majority of stuff we find on the web is useless. The clamor of junk threatens to drown out voices of quality. ........... news has largely shifted from thoughtful to spontaneous ...... the best of both worlds: thoughtful and spontaneous, long form and short, of the ages and in the moment. ....... With facts, negotiations can become less about who yells louder ......... The Internet allows for deeper and more informed participation and representation than has ever been possible. .......... Oil fueled the Industrial Revolution, but data will fuel the next generation of growth. ......... making decisions based on facts, not opinions ......... Data is the sword of the 21st century, those who wield it well, the Samurai. ........ devices will proliferate in many directions, but all of them will converge on the cloud. That's where our stuff, not to mention civilization's knowledge, will live. ............ abundant APIs, open source software, and low-cost, pay-as-you-go application services like our own App Engine and Amazon's EC2. The components are abundant and available to anyone who can get online. ............. Cloud computing levels that playing field so that the small business has access to the same systems that large businesses do. Given that small businesses generate most of the jobs in the economy, this is no small trend. ............ The real potential of cloud computing lies not in taking stuff that used to live on PCs and putting it online, but in doing things online that were previously simply impossible. ........... Translation will get a tiny bit smarter with each iteration.
Google Docs And Mathematical Formula

News came out weeks and weeks ago that on Google Docs now you can insert mathematical formula. That is one of the first things I talked about when I launched this blog years ago. I am glad Google Docs is finally doing it.

Google Voice Acquisitions And Phone Number

Some recent Google Voice acquisitions beg the question, so will now Google Voice allow us to get our own Google Voice number? So you could use Google Voice without having another number at all?

Google: An IC Software Company?

I'd like to believe my fascination with the Google blogs is healthy. My startup's IC vision chimes in. I might be wanting to do the ISP and the hardware parts, but Google has already been doing the software part for the better part of a decade.

Marissa Mayer: An Omnivorous Google Is Coming   a tool built into the search engine which translated my search query into every language and then searched the entire world’s websites ...... the ‘omnivorous’ search engine –i.e. one which is able to take a user’s total context – where they are, what they were just reading, which direction their mobile phone is pointed and so on. .... An omniscient, omnivorous Google is coming and it knows what you want, even if you don't. 
Why Net Neutrality Is Important  an Internet that encourages innovation and startups is one that supports net neutrality — and unless such neutrality is enforced, capitalism on the Internet is in serious jeopardy. .....Service providers need to accept the fact that net neutrality is the only way that capitalism on the Internet will survive. 

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Monday, December 07, 2009

Google Wave For The Masses

Image representing Google Wave as depicted in ...Image via CrunchBase
Mashable just broke story saying Google Wave has now a million members and many more invites are being sent out. I say about time. Google Wave is not a whole lot of fun if all or most of your friends are not on it.

So far I have used it with very few people, very few times, and all I have done is have instant messenger like short conversations. So far I have not used the multimedia features or the document collaboration features. Or how about publishing a wave as a blog post? I think I would like that greatly.

Google Wave needs to be scaled and fast. Go for the masses. It is gift giving time.

 I Now Have Google Wave
Anil Dash On Google Wave
Bill Gates, Chrome OS, Natal, Wave
Blog Carnival: Google Wave
Google Wave API Google Group: Got To Undo The Ban On Me
Google Wave Protest
Google Wave API Google Group: Stalinist Mindset
The Google Wave Developer Community Will Be Vibrant
Five Blind Men And Google Wave
A Little Trouble At The Google Wave API Google Group
Lessons From The Open Source Community For The Wave Community
Google Wave Developer Community: Asking For A Culture?
Google Wave: Organizations Will Go Topsy Turvy
Google Wave: Enormous Buzz
Possible Google Wave Applications And Innovations
Google Wave Architecture: Designed For Mass, Massive, Global Innovation
The Google Wave Architecture
Google Wave Ripples
Is Google Wave Social Enough To Challenge Facebook, Twitter?
Of Waves And Tsunamis
Google WaveImage via Wikipedia
Google Wave: Wave Of The Future?
Google Wave: If Email Were Invented Today

Google Wave Developer Blog

Google Wave API Articles: Extensions Debugging & Robot-to-Gadget Communication
You got questions? We've got answers!
Upcoming US Events with Google Wave Presentations Federate This
Happy Hallo-Wave-een!
Google Wave is headed to Europe: Join us!
Google Wave at GTUG London: Monday, October 26
Google Wave Samples Gallery: Best Practices & New Features
What happened in the Wave sandbox
Google Wave in Internet Explorer
Google Wave Extension Updates
Google Wave API Hackathon & Federation Day: Videos Available Now!
Tweety Sample Improved with OAuth Support
Prototyping a Drupal Module for Google Wave
Google Wave Community Events
Google Wave Federation Protocol and Open Source Updates
Google Wave: Updates from today's hackathon
Google Wave Sandbox Update
Google Wave API Presentations: Now Online
Google Wave Hackathon and Federation Day: July 20, 21 in Mountain View
Share Your Work in the Wave Samples Gallery
TwilioBot: Bringing Phone Conversations into Waves
1 Wave Sandbox, 5 Hours, 17 Awesome Demos
The Making of the Sudoku Gadget
Google Wave API Office Hours
Google Wave team heads to Google Developer Days in Asia
Introducing the Google Wave APIs: what can you build?

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Monday, November 02, 2009

Twitter Should Go For A Netscape-Like IPO

Netscape Navigator
Netscape was just a browser. It was not making any money. But it went public. It acquired a market value of billions overnight. That launched the dot com craze. That might have partly been responsible for many dot com booms and busts in the years ahead. The message that a business need not make money was, well, wrong. But the internet was very real, the web was very real, dot com was as real as it gets.

I think Twitter should similarly go public. And with the newfound wealth it should start zapping up companies left and right in the Twitter ecosystem. It should integrate all the hottest features into Twitter itself.

A tweet is like the atom in physics. A tweet is the building block to so many wonderful things. Twitter is utility. It is that fundamental. The revenue generation can wait. With the Netscape browser it was hard to imagine how money was going to be made. With Twitter, it is not that hard.

Are Bing and Google paying Twitter money to be able to search through all the tweets? Why did Twitter not do what Sponsored Tweets and are doing?

Twitter has to evolve and evolve fast if it is to go past the tech elite. You don't end up with a billion users if you stick to the same old same old. Rapid expansion asks for acquisitions. Acquisitions are done
Cover of Cover of Relapse
with money. After you go public, you have loads of cash.

A Twitter IPO might help jerk America out of its economic slumber of over a year. The craze would begin all over again.

I Have Access To Twitter Lists
Jeff Jarvis, Me And Twitter
I Must Be Following A Lot Of People On Twitter
NYC Twitter Elite: Number 12
Twitter Top 100 NYC: I Am In
Twitter Top 100 NYC
Make Money On Twitter
Twitter Top 0.1%
Twitter Should Hand Over Search To Google
Twitter Number 115 In New York City
Twitter, TechCrunch, And The Stolen Docs
The Best Follow Friday I Ever Received On Twitter
Space, Time And Twitter: Are There Plant Twitters?
My Twitter Suspension Lifted
Can Tweet Google, Can't Tweet Twitter
Monetizing Twitter: A Few Ideas
How To Increase Your Following On Twitter
Is Google Wave Social Enough To Challenge Facebook, Twitter?
Real Time Search: Twitter Is Not Doing It
Google Falling Behind Twitter?
SAN FRANCISCO - MARCH 10:  Twitter co-founder ...

Eminem: The Relapse: Twitter
Converting To The Mass Follow Formula On Twitter
NewsDesk: China, Twitter, Hawking, Obama
Digg Button, Twitter Button For Your Blog Posts
Twitter Is Not Micro
The Depth Of Your Friendships At Twitter
Goal: A Billion People On Twitter
Fractals: Apple, Windows 95, Netscape, Google, Facebook, Twitter
I Talked To Google Through Twitter And It Worked Like Magic
Twitter And The Time Dimension
TweetDeck, Power Twitter, Twitter Globe, Better Than Facebook
TCC: Twitter Community College
Twitter Tips: It's A Bird, It's A Bird
Mitch Kapor Now Following Me On Twitter
I Get Twitter

My Relationship With Ashton Kutcher 

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I Have Access To Twitter Lists

Life doesn't get any better!Image by ucumari via Flickr
And now if only I had access to Google Wave, that would so complete the circle for me. But I just noticed I now have access to Twitter lists. It is not available to everybody yet, but I guess I got in early enough in the rollout of this wonderful feature. I am excited.

I follow more than 30,000 people now. I think I am going to greatly appreciate this feature. There are about 100 people that I would like to follow more closely.

And one person put me on five of his lists a week or so back for simply meeting me on a Friendfeed thread. Real time works.

Jeff Jarvis, Me And Twitter
I Must Be Following A Lot Of People On Twitter
NYC Twitter Elite: Number 12
My First Tweet From My Phone 

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Next Big Thing In Social Networking

The social has been all the buzz on the web for a few years now. And it is still going strong, for good reason. You might not remember Friendster, but that came along before MySpace. And MySpace was all
Image representing Friendster as depicted in C...Image via CrunchBase
the rage. Then Facebook took over. Like Sam Walton claimed, you can reinvent retailing "again and again and again."

The social has been the web maturing. It is not about technology, it is about people. That is the message.

The joke at my high school back in the days was trousers narrow at the bottom and then go wide again a few years later. How else could the fashion pendulum swing? The social is the trousers going wide
Image representing MySpace as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase
at the botttom. But the pendulum will swing.

The next generation of social networking is going to be about the individual. That well defined individual's social interactions online will reflect the ones offline. You are closer to some people than others. You share more with some than others. Everybody on Facebook being your general friend is going to start looking bland.
Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...Image via CrunchBase

But first Facebook has to run its course. Twitter already stole a lot of its buzz. Google Wave will likely steal a lot of buzz from both Twitter and Facebook. But Wave is still the pendulum swinging in the same direction. And Wave might remain a great way to collaborate on projects.

At what point will have the pendulum swung all the way? Perhaps when Facebook hits 600 million people? More?

Five Blind Men And Google Wave
Space, Time And Twitter: Are There Plant Twitters?
Is Google Wave Social Enough To Challenge Facebook, Twitter?
Facebook's Ad Space Is Different

In The News
  1. Wi-Fi Is About to Get a Whole Lot Easier BusinessWeek
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  1. Health Care Turns to Harry Reid After Key Vote Time
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  6. Why Women Have Sex
  7. After the Crash: The Unlikely Tale of How Britney Spears Got Back on Track
  1. Craigslist ad seeks suicidal astronaut CNet
  2. Marathon winner disqualified for wearing iPod
  3. Next Firefox can detect computer orientation
  4. Apple acknowledges Snow Leopard data loss issue
  5. Get ZoneAlarm Pro Firewall 2010 free (today only) 
Using Windows 7 to 'Elevate Miami'
Acer overtakes Dell in PC shipments
New Wi-Fi spec challenges Bluetooth
Photos: First glance at Barnes & Noble's e-reader
Chrome Mac beta nearer; Win 7 features recede
Finland: 1Mbps broadband access is a legal right
Bringing tech jobs to Third World refugees
Iron Mountain introduces a cloud storage API
Call it a comeback? Google earnings due
Report: Apple developing radio app for iPhone
The supercollider and a theory about fate
SolarEdge garners $23 million in funding
Gartner eyeing electronics recovery next year
Intel earnings beat Wall Street predictions
Intel CEO remarks on Netbooks, Windows 7
Survey: Do small businesses use social networking?
Acer's 3D-capable Aspire laptop leaks
Pretty Web journal tool Penzu goes pro
Concert Vault: Free live recordings on your iPhone
Intel, AMD file motions in 2005 antitrust case
Want good health in your golden years? Keep working

~ The way of the world is meeting people through other people. ~
Robert Kerrigan

~ It's not what you know but who you know that makes the difference. ~

~ It isn't just what you know, and it isn't just who you know. It's actually who you know, who knows you, and what you do for a living. ~
Bob Burg

~ More business decisions occur over lunch and dinner than at any other time, yet no MBA courses are given on the subject. ~
Peter Drucker

~ Informal conversation is probably the oldest mechanism by which opinions on products and brands are developed, expressed, and spread. ~
Johan Arndt

~ It's all about people. It's about networking and being nice to people and not burning any bridges. ~
Mike Davidson

~ Position yourself as a center of influence - the one who knows the movers and shakers. People will respond to that, and you'll soon become what you project. ~
Bob Burg

~ In the earliest days, this was a project I worked on with great passion because I wanted to solve the Defense Department's problem: it did not want proprietary networking and it didn't want to be confined to a single network technology. ~
Vinton Cerf

~ Social networking sites like Myspace, Friendster, and Facebook have literally exploded in popularity in just a few short years. ~
Mike Fitzpatrick

Katherine Berry at Pajamas Media discusses social networking: "Having just spent another morning of my life reading the most boring details of other people's mornings, I've realized how very little things like Twitter, FaceBook, or FriendFeed actually contribute to one's life: it's more like sitting in a room full of over-caffeinated narcissistic Tourette's patients with ADHD who are all trying to be the most entertaining. And, really, what's so social about a monologue?"

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Blog Carnival: Google

July: Netizen Blog Carnival Month
  1. Blog Carnival: Internet For The Billions
  2. Blog Carnival: Wimax
  3. Blog Carnival: Cheap Laptops
  4. Blog Carnival: Microfinance
  5. Blog Carnival: Venture Capital


New Blog Search tools: Feeds, Hot Queries and Latest Posts
The evolution of Gmail labels
What we've learned about spam
Toolbar, now with advanced translation
Celebrating Gay Pride 2009
Google heads to grade school: New resources for K-12 teachers and students
Media and citizens meet in the YouTube Reporters' Center
Extending Google services in Africa
Outpouring of searches for the late Michael Jackson
We have a winner for the Google Photography Prize
Google Voice invites on their way
Announcing the AdSense for Mobile Applications beta
The Day in the Cloud Challenge has begun
Let's make the web faster
All for Good: Bringing search, scale and openness to community service
A new landmark in computer vision
Google translates Persian
GoogleServe: Thinking globally and serving locally
Blogger is turning 10
The next edition of Google Books
Free webinar: Google Apps Education Edition
iGoogle goes au naturel
Citizentube: Watching video change our world
Voting for iGoogle photo themes now open
Snack time with the new iGoogle for Android and iPhone
Get creative with the Google Chrome icon
Experience our largest developer gathering online
The state of cloud computing
Translating the world's information with Google Translator Toolkit
Design It Shelter Competition: Unleash your inner architect
Picasa Web Albums stays big, gets faster
Square your search results with Google Squared
Tour the homepages of your favorite celebrities
Search billions of documents with the Google Search Appliance 6.0
The Local Business Center dashboard opens its doors
Blog search and beyond
The Day in the Cloud Challenge featuring Google Apps on June 24th
Went Walkabout. Brought back Google Wave.
Search engineer stories
Kicking off 2nd annual Google I/O developer gathering
New logo look
Netlog integrates with Google Friend Connect
Put the pedal to the metal with a faster Google Chrome
Faster is better on Google Suggest
Congratulations Eric Yang, winner of the 2008-2009 National Geographic Bee
Announcing the 2009 Doodle 4 Google Winner
Energized about our first Google PowerMeter partners
A galactic mentor
Step into the spotlight with YouTube Insight
The best and the brightest
Behind the scenes of the Search Options panel
Bike to Work Day 2009
This is your pilot speaking. Now, about that holding pattern...
Understanding health-related searches
30,000 new Google Apps business users at Valeo
We have a Knol for winner!
A planetarium in your pocket
More Search Options and other updates from our Searchology event
18th International World Wide Web Conference
Energy and the Internet
Announcing the 2009 Anita Borg Scholars and Finalists
Vote for the national Doodle 4 Google winner
A Mom's Day menu
Google Chrome ads on TV
The power of video
Strengthening a worldwide community with Google Friend Connect
The 2008 Founders' Letter
What's your Google story?
Tuning in to TV data
Reducing our carbon footprint
Larry Page's University of Michigan commencement address
Google Trends on your website
More tools and tricks for teachers
More ways to share your Google Latitude location
Mowing with goats
What's a rich media ad, anyway?
11 short films about a browser
Experimental Flu Trends for Mexico
Live stream on YouTube: the President's First 100 Days News Conference
Adding search power to public data
Business in the cloud
Listening to Google Health users
Coming soon to YouTube: Besson's and Bertrand's environmental film project
Engineering a healthier diet
Project Spectrum: recognizing the talents of children with autism
Try out new features in Google Toolbar Labs
Congratulations to NSF CLuE Grant awardees
Smarter shopping on smartphones
Happy Earth Day, Earthlings
Search for "me" on Google
GSA contest results are in
Hard at play in Google Labs with Similar Images and Google News Timeline
Introducing the Google Lime Scholarship
YouTube Symphony Orchestra: from idea to reality
An ARIA for Google Moderator
Will it lens?
Mosaic: bringing diverse perspectives together
Send a video message with Google Latitude
Designing lean, green, energy-saving machines
Click-to-Buy expands to 8 new countries
Search the rainbow
New features and an early look at Java for App Engine
Enhanced Gmail and Calendar web app for iPhone and Android
Google becomes more local
India's 15th general election: tools for citizen empowerment
CVS joins Google Health Rx network: millions can access medication records online
5 years of Gmail
ARIA for Google Calendar, Finance and News: In praise of timely information access
CADIE awakens
Local flavor for Google Suggest
Analytics in Latin America
Google's newest venture
Email in Indian languages
Getting your Medicare records in Google Health
The 2009 Spelman College CS Olympiad
An hour for the Earth
Changes to our sales and marketing organizations
iGoogle's got game... themes!
Google, at your service
Google's 2009 EMEA Faculty Summit
Citizen participation that scales: a call to action
Two new improvements to Google results pages
Supporting students in open source software development
March is for hoops
Chrome Experiments are here
A shiny new beta for Google Chrome
Pot O' (LEED) Gold
Building bridges
Make sense of your site: tips for webpage design
Celebrating Mars, then and now
The magic number
Introduction to the ad auction
Schools get the "App"titude across the globe
Here comes Google Voice
Google Reader starts a conversation
Making ads more interesting
Power down for the planet
Shaking up earthquake searches
Tipping points
Google Health: helping you better coordinate your care
Chatting away on iGoogle...
YouTube Symphony Orchestra winners are announced
Blogger connects to Google Friend Connect
Translate between 41 languages with Google Translate
Google Toolbar 6 beta for Internet Explorer: back to basics
The search is on for the Google Search Appliance
Update on Gmail
Current Gmail outage
The next chapter for
Atlantis? No, it Atlant-isn't.
It's Girls Day at Google
Stop bouncing: tips for website success
From the height of this place
My Maps, your love stories
Happy trails with My Tracks for Android-powered phones
Share the iGoogle love
Victorian fires update
Power to the people
The rowboat and the cloud
Students share their Apps stories
Calendar and contact syncing for iPhone and Windows Mobile devices
Eye-tracking studies: more than meets the eye
See where your friends are with Google Latitude
Add Google News to your website
India Internet Bus Project rolls in
Doodle 4 Google — tell us what you wish for the world
Dive into the new Google Earth
"This site may harm your computer" on every search result?!?!
Google Toolbar in Firefox: a personalized new tab page
Introducing Measurement Lab
Raising data privacy awareness
More computing, less power
An update from the Project 10^100 team
A look back at spam in 2008
How to become a author
The Pope on YouTube
Announcing Google's Employee Option Exchange Program
Back to the energy future
Explore New York City with Google -- from your home, phone, and in person
Search findings from the U.S. presidential inauguration
A day on, not a day off
100,000th knol published
Building engineers
Supporting equality
Making your personalized homepage even more personal
Hear how Illinois State University uses Google Search
Changes to recruiting
Changes to engineering
Make over your site using the wisdom of the crowd
Network effects: Introducing the Google Apps Authorized Reseller Program
Gingerbread Competition results are in
Powering a Google search
Google's new favicon
Cardboard creativity
Google at Macworld
Introducing Picasa for Mac (at Macworld!)
Google blogging in 2008
A grateful season
Tracking Santa: the backstory
New search-by-style options for Google Image Search
Black Googlers Network: building community
Blog gadget 2.0
Jean Bartik: the untold story of a remarkable ENIAC programmer
Picasa 3 (and name tags) go global
Gingerbread architecture for all
Net neutrality and the benefits of caching
@Twitter: Welcome to Google Friend Connect
Google Chrome (BETA)
Safety, education, and empowerment on YouTube
Creating change with your homepage
The global Zeitgeist
Street View: A year in review, and what's new
Search and find magazines on Google Book Search
Pirates vs. Ninjas: Who would win?
Google Friend Connect: now available
Helping healthcare providers become more efficient
Holiday templates to keep you organized
Calling all musicians: Join YouTube's Symphony Orchestra
Countdown to 2009
The Santa countdown begins...
Get holiday gift ideas and special savings
Triple silken pumpkin pie takes the prize
Sorting 1PB with MapReduce
Our international approach to search
SearchWiki: make search your own
Transgender Remembrance Day
Lively no more
The Final Inch
LIFE Photo Archive available on Google Image Search
Now you can speak to Google Mobile App on your iPhone
Ads in new places
Introducing SketchUp 7
It's Jam time
Google Site Search gets more demanding
How we help track flu trends
Promote your video with YouTube Sponsored Videos
An invitation from the mayor of Rome: Come see Ancient Rome in 3D
About our Veterans Day logo
Tracking flu trends
Talk face-to-face right from within Gmail
New Google Help Forums
The art of the field study
Accessible View: An ARIA for web search
Ending our agreement with Yahoo!
Top searches on Election Day (part 3)
Top searches on Election Day (part 2)
A vote for broadband in the "white spaces"
Top searches on Election Day (part 1)
Wrapup: Google election info
Update: Letters to the Next President project
Plug in to the latest release of Google Chrome
Visualizing data in the cloud
What are you going to be for Halloween?
Feed me! Google Alerts not just for email anymore
A picture of a thousand words?
What we learned from 1 million businesses in the cloud
The latest on Google Apps for Education
Voting tools for volunteers on the go
Video your vote on Election Day
Eight candles for Google Toolbar
New steps to protect free expression and privacy around the world
Take a Vote Hour
New chapter for Google Book Search
Traveling by zip-line
Introducing Google Earth for iPhone
Five years of quotes in Google News
Introducing Gmail for mobile 2.0
Down to the wire on white spaces
Google Sites now in 38 languages
What do students want to tell the next president?
Greater access to voting information
Google Treasure Hunt winners abound
Is your house haunted by high energy prices?
A Googlicious time
Give your gadgets some space
High-powered search for Arabic-speaking engineers
Search findings from the third presidential debate
What's new with iGoogle?
Remembering Jon Postel: Looking beyond the decade
Information poverty
Quality scores and ad auctions
Helping website owners fix broken links
Google Health feels accessible
Stories by Googlers
Getting around your neighborhood with Google Maps
The Presidential debate: Expanding the town hall
I clicked to buy and I liked it
Knol debates: See both sides, get involved
New Technology Roundtable series
The VP debate: Candidates, questions, and queries
Amazon conservation in San Francisco
Browse what the world is saying on Blog Search
Now's the time: Register to vote
Clean energy 2030
Saving electricity one data center at a time
2001: A search odyssey
Your YouTube video: Hot or Not?
The ONE News YouTube Election Debate in New Zealand
Ten years and counting
What would you ask Senators McCain and Obama?
Our position on California's No on 8 campaign
Google Toolbar 5 now available in Firefox
Submitting your content to Google
The next Internet
Facts about our deal with Yahoo!
Adobe users get help with Google Site Search
Online safety tips from Google and AARP
Project 10^100
This year's Faculty Summit
Wiping out the next smallpox
The first Android-powered phone
NYC transit directions have arrived
Book Search spreads its wings with new partnerships and tools
Building a future that's clean and green
Now, read us in gadget form
The democratization of data
The future of mobile
Changes in Phoenix
Google in one more language
The intelligent cloud
Shelter from the storm
Google Maps for mobile now with Street View and walking directions
Partnering with GE on clean energy
What to do if you can't access your webmail
Let's hear it for Google scholarship winners
Google Audio Indexing now on Google Labs
The future of online video
Search evaluation at Google
Google Desktop 5.8 for Windows: increased performance
The social web: All about the small stuff
Ad perfect
Follow your favorite blogs
The future of search
Appy trails
More eye candy for iGoogle
At the Republican Convention: Politics in the cloud and on the ground
Update to Google Suggest
Another step to protect user privacy
Bringing history online, one newspaper at a time
Making terms of service clearer
Running Hood to Coast
Update to Google Chrome's terms of service
Introducing Picasa 3.0 (and big changes for Picasa Web Albums)
Google Chrome now live
Denver recap and St. Paul update
Video-sharing goes to work
A fresh take on the browser
Information on Gustav
Introducing the winners of the Android Developer Challenge I
Empowering users to map their worlds
Non-profit gives itself a Google makeover
Strengthening the study of computer science
Making money on YouTube with Content ID
Search experiments, large and small
At a loss for words?
Election season in high gear
Bring the political process to life in your classroom
Google in Tamil
Follow what Obama, McCain and leading political commentators are reading
Time to "Free the Airwaves"
Model your campus in Mexico using SketchUp
Where is Georgia on Google Maps?
Keeping tabs on spam and viruses
Translations on your iPhone
Reinventing the wheel
Keeping up with the Summer Games
New enhancements on the Google content network
Tackling information overload, 10 million documents at a time
Seeing New Orleans through Street View
Search quality, continued
Google in your language
Hello from A2
Back to school with more than 1 million users worldwide
More transparency in customized search results
Goodbye to Randy Pausch, a great teacher
Ragogmakan (Google) goes to the Amazon
We knew the web was big...
Knol is open to everyone
Hitting 40 languages
Celebrating young computer scientists
Introducing our European 2008 Anita Borg Scholars
Templates bring Docs to life
Technologies behind Google ranking
Students surf their way to success
Our Googley advice to students: Major in learning
"In their own words": political videos meet Google speech-to-text technology
Introducing the Google Webmaster Tools Access Provider Program
No cameras. No lights. Just data.
YouTubing the conventions
Google Mobile App: faster, easier search on iPhone & iPod Touch
Introduction to Google Ranking
Be who you want on the web pages you visit
Protocol Buffers: Our open source data interchange format
Tour the Tour de France with Street View
More tools for citizen participation
What comes next in this series? 13, 33, 53, 61, 37, 28...
Wrapup: Google Developer Days and Google I/O
Google Apps continues to build in Europe
Google learns to crawl Flash
Making it better
I got married... with Google
Using data to fight webspam
Free cross-product webinar for webmasters
Keeping kids safe in a digital world
More real-time quotes on Google Finance
Get outdoors with GO Georgia!
Google Code Jam is back
Elections in the Internet era
Plug-ins converge on Washington
Our agreement to provide ad technology to Yahoo!
Fresher related search suggestions
A new flavor of Google Trends
New third parties for the Google content network
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish
Opening our doors in Lenoir
Get your transit schedules and directions with Google Maps for mobile
Explore Walt Disney World® Resort in 3D
Does your password pass the test?
More on Robots Exclusion Protocol (REP)
Google Site Search taps the power of the cloud
At long last, real-time stock quotes are here
Treasure Hunt: the last leg of the journey
Sessions and snacks at Google I/O
Happy birthday, Google Gears!
Mini Hear, Mini Do
Treasure Hunt - week 3
San Francisco office rides the wave
Exploring "las oportunidades" for small businesses
Google Sites now open to everyone
We have a Doodle 4 Google national winner!
Introduction to Google Search Quality
A peek into our search factory
Responding to the earthquake in China
Opening our content network to third parties
Google Treasure Hunt update
Google Translate adds 10 new languages...
Demographics now available in YouTube Insight
Registration open for 2008 scalability conference announces investment in BrightSource Energy
Looking towards IPv6
A friend connected web
How auctions set ad prices
Your vote matters
Growing our connection to food
OSO conference takes the cake
Internet protection on the go
Investing in the future of the open Internet
Helping victims of Cyclone Nargis
Building the Indic web
Celebrating National Teacher Day
Moving to Unicode 5.1
Tell the Tale: Holocaust Remembrance Day
Congratulations to our U.S. and Canadian Anita Borg Scholars
Where art thou?
How to avoid getting hooked
New: Google Finance China, new Finance homepage
What makes a design "Googley"?
Celebrate World Book Day with The Literacy Project
Five factors to look for in Pennsylvania
Helping others go green
A new look for Google Video
Here's to Tom Lehrer, elemental geek
Working together to fight malware
We can't wait for Earth Day
A whole new world to explore
KML, the HTML of geographic content
Building software tools to find child victims
Salesforce for Google Apps
The Spelman College CS Olympiad
Sharing gadgets just got better
Last call for scalability papers
Gadgets for a cause
Developers, start your engines
New C-SPAN channel on YouTube
Cone of silence (finally) lifts on the spectrum auction
Happy birthday, Google Grants
Selling Performics Search Marketing
Google Docs mean sharing
Announcing Project Virgle
Offline access to Google Docs
Privacy made easier
Insight into YouTube videos
Today is Document Freedom Day
Making search better in Catalonia, Estonia, and everywhere else
A common sense approach to Internet safety
OpenSocial continues to grow: Welcome, Yahoo!
The end of the FCC 700 MHz auction
New Google AJAX Language API - Tools for translation and language detection
Gadget maker goes global
An appreciation of Arthur C. Clarke
Opening Google Docs to users and developers via Gadgets and Visualization API
Add your business to Local Search in India
Google for Non-Profits
Using data to help prevent fraud
Vote for the YouTube Awards
Keeping up with Google Apps
Space Jam
Using log data to help keep you safe
Book info where you need it, when you need it
Our solutions for ad serving
The most wonderful time of the year
ARIA For Google Reader: In praise of timely information access
Google I/O: Advancing the web as a platform
YouTube finds its way into Spore
International development & technology: What's working and what's new
We've officially acquired DoubleClick
How Google keeps your information secure
Google Calendar Sync
Search within a site: A tale of teleportation
Desktop: More gadgets, more languages
Why data matters
Summer of Code is back!
Hello, Pittsburgh'
Bringing it all together
Google Health, a first look
Project CARE in San Francisco
Searching right to left
A renewed wish for open document standards
About the Unity bandwidth consortium
Searching for the Wisconsin primaries
Supporting cluster computing in the research community
Our secret sauce
The art of science and engineering
A pilot with the Cleveland Clinic for health information access
AdSense for video now in beta
Superdelegate layer in Google Earth
A Valentine Treat from Google
Global marketing challenge now underway
What if... you could have your doodle on the Google homepage for a day?
You are connected to mountaintop removal
New Open Source Programs blog
Google search on Nokia phones
Share the love with iGoogle
Survey says: love at first ping
Seattle Conference on Scalability 2008
Show us your supermodel(ing) talents
orkut going more social
Grand engineering challenges for the 21st century
Google Translation + Gmail help people communicate
Going local
Super Tuesday wrapup
It's all about teamwork
We've lost a giant
What's India searching for online?
A Super Tuesday for business
Be part of the Super Tuesday action
Super Tuesday on YouTube
Yahoo! and the future of the Internet
International Science + Engineering Fair
Google Finance UK open for business
Introducing new search views
Three more languages for Blogger
Celebrating data privacy
Gmail in your words
Public transit made easy
Searching for solutions
Google India Women in Engineering Award 2008
Team Aquaduct wins Innovate or Die competition
The iGoogle Themes API
The flow of information at the Googleplex
Baby steps to a new job
AdWords and local markets
Front row for First in the Nation
This year of Google blogging
Google: the chainmail version
The year in YouTube politics
NORAD tracks Santa with Google
A very special Christmas broadcast
Save some energy over the holidays
'tis the season
My Maps are Our Maps
New Toolbar adds accessible features
Decorate your desktop
Get your cricket scores here
Analysis: The FTC clears our acquisition of DoubleClick
Accessibility mashups: AxsJAX fun with XKCD Comics
New privacy tips video series
Holiday baking fun
Better flight stats results
The Davos Question
Giving through Google Checkout
Update on international climate negotiations
When giving is fun
Encouraging people to contribute knowledge
The results are in
Postini looks back on 2007
Google Toolbar: Take your tools with you
Haere Mai! Google Maps lands in New Zealand
Earth From Above
Twice the Sitelinks
Voices without borders
Google's (and parents') role in keeping kids safe online
Gmail <3>
Tracking Santa, then and now
Who's going to win the spectrum auction? Consumers.
Google Gadgets on your Dashboard
The CNN/YouTube Republican Debate
Lost? No, found!
Towards more renewable energy
Holiday savings with Google Checkout
A taste of fall
Never a dull moment
Custom Search goes global
Getting to know the candidates
Google Checkout badges for non-profits
Australia's election map redrawn
Free expression and controversial content on the web
Calling all developers: $10M Android challenge
Crossing team and global boundaries
Congrats to Google scholarship winners
Google Earth for 557 boxing champs
With a little help from your friends
The road to better path-finding
Bloggers blog, readers donate, students benefit, tomatoes dance
Where's my Gphone?
OpenSocial makes the web better
By the pricking of our thumbs...
It's not about the spam
About the Google Education Summit
Wildfire relief donations
One year mark for Google Apps Education Edition
API, gadgets, and tabs, oh my!
Google Tip of the Day gadget
Free IMAP for Gmail
Southern California fire maps
Spotlight on Seattle
Helping law enforcement to combat online child exploitation
Get your iGoogle in 42 languages
Helpful suggestions around the globe
Latest content ID tool for YouTube
Today is Blog Action Day
Our Zurich hackathon
GOOG-411 graduates from Labs
If you build it, they will eat it
Anita Borg Scholarships expand to Canada
China in real time
Our Corporate Equality effort
Two more reasons to type in Hindi
Google Search Appliance takes five
Reach out and message someone
AdSense goes straight to video -- units, that is
Let a thousand servers bloom
More types of gadgets for iGoogle
3 short weeks
Got a blog? Help a student.
International Cleanup Weekend: Think globally, clean locally
YouTube and Checkout for the non-profit world
Our testimony on Google-DoubleClick
A new caffeine-free way to stay alert
Search privacy and Personalized Search
It's all about today
Pour on the pedal power
iGoogle tackles the Rugby World Cup
Google Reader goes multilingual
Our feature presentation
Australia readies itself for a Google election
We've officially acquired Postini
Fly me to the moon
Get your cricket scores here
A new RFP
Our plans for Code Jam
Find a needle in a feedstack with Google Reader
Collect, share, and discover books
Speaking in more languages
Google Desktop for the Mac in 9 more languages
Supporting GrandCentral's Project CARE
Lights, camera, Gmail
Google Web Toolkit: Towards a better web
First year of Google WiFi
The view from the Sky
An update on Google Video feedback
Google Labs India
Namaste India!
Online ad-serving tests
A simple way to get more storage
Finding fresh results
Is black the new green?
Google Checkout back-to-school offers
Google search privacy: Plain and simple
Joining OIN
Kirkland does the Ragnar Relay
Google Apps goes global
Google Finance in Canada - for real
Now there's Google Finance for Canada-update
Robots Exclusion Protocol: now with even more flexibility
Computer science resources for academics
What Eric Schmidt did this summer
Earth to the Enterprise
Like making videos? Love Gmail?
Calling all SketchUp fans
Our commitment to open broadband platforms
Your Campus in 3D winners announced
Opening up Google Print Ads
Hosted site search for businesses
Cookies: expiring sooner to improve privacy
Nonprofits mix it up with Google Apps
Search your blog world
Overview of our accessible services
Bloggin' down under
Welcome, Postini team
Ever more books to read
All aboard
Google and health care
1-800-GOOG-411: now with maps
Google Desktop now available for Linux
Ga-Ga for Gadgets
New advisory group on health
9,000 and counting
Put your photos on a map, and Picasa on your phone
More organizing tools
Introducing Google Earth Outreach
Why we're buying DoubleClick
New dictionary translations
A smooth Apps move
Google and open source OCR
Asia-Pacific Open House June 28th
Carbon neutrality by end of 2007
More sharing
YouTube in 9 more domains
A clean energy update
This blog's M.O.
The state of our video ID tools
Is there a doctor in the family?
The CNN/YouTube debates
Climate Savers Computing Initiative
How long should Google remember searches?
TechnoServe in Tanzania
Spice up your schedule with the Google Calendar gallery
Feeds on a plane!
What U.S. immigration policies mean to Google
Adding more flare
29 hours of code
A picture's worth a thousand clicks
Working in the Windy City
Putting users in charge
Bigger attachments in Gmail
Teachers rock our world
Calendar for mobile devices
Putting health into the patient's hands
Search without boundaries
Cingular BlackBerry 8800 has Google Maps and GPS
Getting it done with Google Apps
What's hot today?
Registration open for our scalability conference
Massage interviews?
Google Apps Partner Edition
Google Book Search becomes more comprehensive
Oh, the places you'll go....
Behind the scenes with universal search
Universal search: The best answer is still the best answer
Why does Google remember information about searches?
A whole new experience for Google Analytics
Presidential campaign trail winds through the Googleplex
Some updates from Google Finance
Calendar on the go
G'day, California
You've got gadget mail
Racing to save the world
Google Desktop 5 in 29 languages
New 3-D layers from AIA on Google Earth
Spelling For Muggles
Collaborating with Marratech
Your slice of the web
Back to basics
Searching without a query
We're expecting
An agreement with Clear Channel Radio
The next step in Google advertising
Google Checkout arrives in the UK!
Blogger: Now in more languages
Hikes on the fly
Now you can blog in Hindi
May 31 is Google Developer Day
Peter Fleischer joins IAPP board
Tell us about your university email
New team members for
Homes, not just homepages
Map-making: So easy a caveman could do it
Search your Mac with Google Desktop
Snakes in a plain... old... office building!
This year's Anita Borg Scholarship winners
Running the Relay Del Sol
Deadlines for submitting to testing, scalability conferences
Live art day
About the New Orleans imagery in Google Maps and Earth
Project Teaspoon
Google Notebook goes multi-lingual
How do you know you're getting the best care possible?
Google Pack cures the PC blues
Walking, Talking, Searching, Finding.
Flying high with Google SMS
The wisdom of orkut
Dog Day at Kirkland
Searching for HR innovation and community
To watch a guide-dog fly
More than meets the eye
Personality goes a long way
Google Apps now south of the Sahara
Let the passion continue! We're acquiring Adscape
A world in motion
Webmasters, Google Sprechen Deutsch
Three summers of open source
Google News in Hindi
Taking steps to further improve our privacy practices
Talk on your Personalized Homepage
Google Code Jam Latin America 2007
World Cup action is upon us
Places you never thought you would visit
A bird's eye view of mountaintop destruction with Google Earth
2nd Annual Google Test Automation Conference
Hitting spammers where it hurts
Coffee Talk in the Teachers' Lounge
Photos on Google Maps
Music, Movies, Mayhem, and the Metro
What happens on Wall Street...
Store and find even more photos on Picasa Web Albums
Google Maps Send to Car
New and improved Desktop
I'm feeling lazy...
Suggest a better translation
Feeling sick? Go home!
Stuck in traffic?
Wish I had Google Scholar as a grad student
The Robots Exclusion Protocol
You never know what you'll need to know
Google Apps grows up
This is National Engineers Week
Online child safety initiatives
From Gmail with <3
Strawberries are red, stems are green...
About the Copiepresse decision
Happy V-Day...Fido?
Congratulations are in order
Voulez-vous...collaborate...avec moi ce soir?
Who links to your site?
Google Maps down under
Web APIs, web mashups and accessibility
Personally speaking
Office of the apes
Action! Roll orkut videos!
More real-time data on the way
Real-world testing
Google Mini turns 2
Our Seattle-Beijing collaboration
Find and compare local businesses
SMS on orkut
New sunrise layer on Google Earth
Fun with robotics
Controlling how search engines access and index your website
New life for network equipment
Show us your university campus in 3D
A look ahead at Google Video and YouTube
Let's get together
Our New York speaker series
Don't miss your opportunity to be part of Google's first Code Jam Latin America!
UNCF/Google Scholarship
Real-time quotes for free
We made the list
Super models wanted
A field trip to Google
Kirkland calling
Latin American Code Jam opens
A year in Google blogging
How we came up with year-end Zeitgeist data
Speech-friendly textual directions from Google Maps
Where on Earth is Santa?
Blogger's new bag of tricks
Happy Holidays with Google Desktop 4.5
Accessible Search: Answers to common questions
Mapping Europe
Your easiest holiday task
Holiday goodies from Picasa Web Albums
Now you can search for U.S. patents
Tis (almost) the season
Nifty Toolbar upgrades for Firefox
About Transferable Stock Options
Opening up the Google Web Toolkit
There's more to Google Finance
Opening my eyes to a whole new world
Share your photos in more languages
The Google 2007 Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship
Thoughts on health care, continued
Chatting with Lotus Sametime
Staying informed with Google News search
Teach for America and Google join forces
Seeing RED
Health care information matters
Revisions and publishing features in spreadsheets
Adieu to Google Answers
Audio captchas when visual images are unusable
Update: Global Warming Speakout
Happy Cyber Monday
So Cal without cars?
A new way to browse books
And now, Google News sitemaps
Simplicity and power
Viewing the web through a mobile lens
Google Base turns 1
It's the little things in Gmail
Enterprise search superstars
Spreading the AJAX love
Click to call in Google Maps
Search engines united
Google News in Scandinavia
Search Public Events in Google Calendar
Desktop refreshed
World Usability Day
Start your day off right
Old world meets new on Google Earth
Know where you are
Keep track of your Maps searches, too
It's all about location
Get lost!
Talking with orkut
Checkout offers free holiday season processing
History is cool for school
Gmail mobile client is live
Get your people talking in more languages
What Joe said
Spot on
The Domino Effect
This year's CodeJam
About those outages on Blogger
On the alert for bloggers
Scary stories
Do you "Google?"
Google Earth voter guide
Eureka! Your own search engine has landed!
The rebirth of cool
Heading to the X Prize Cup
Eric and the NAE
Looking for Google Talk stories
Corporate solar is coming
Maps in the Palm in your hand

Music for your eyes

Teacher's helper

Better together: Docs & Spreadsheets

Score one for the Sun Devils

Greetings, Earthlings!

Inside Macs at Google

About that fake post

Our security stance

More developer love with Google Code Search

Got blog? Will ping.

The new Groups experience

Accessible Search now has advanced search features

The Literacy Project

Yes, you can have a pony

Create web apps on top of Google search

Discount with Checkout

Now anyone can Talk

Your inbox for the web

Happy trails with Google Transit

Google Calendar does something about the weather

How long is 8 years in Internet time?

Our approach to content

Towards a more efficient computing infrastructure

Google Notebook improvements

About the Google News case in Belgium

Our call from space

TechnoServe announces entrepreneur development program winners in Ghana

New Spreadsheets fun

Students: Get your gadget on

Congratulations, Luis von Ahn

Bigger and better search appliance

Time travel

Picasa goes online, gets new features too

The best stories on Earth

UNCF Google Scholarship Program

Celebrate your freedom to read

Co-op for health information

7 Days in September

History as it unfolds

And the Desktop Gadget winners are…

TED talks on Google Video

55 Ways to Have Fun With Google

Don't miss this chance to prove yourself

Download the classics

Get your people talking

We love you, webmasters

Happy birthday, Google Talk!

Finding the wealth in your library (and everyone else's)

Calendar and Notifier for the Mac

I got 99 problems, but video distribution ain't one

How to move Ramses II

Coalition against child pornography

Worldcon beckons

Exploring the scholarly neighborhood

School's in

The multilingual Desktop

Stardate 0817.06

More ways to connect and share with Google Talk

Free citywide WiFi in Mountain View

Map Search gadget for the homepage

A better way to organize photos?

Code your way to Gotham

Google in the ATL

I scream for (Google) ice cream

Now playing: Movie trailers

Some homepage revisions

Thanks for checking out Google Checkout

Anita Borg Scholarships now open in Australia

Welcome to the University of California libraries

Our analysis of click fraud detection

Related Links, now with video

Here comes acronym week

Saved locations on Google Maps

It's all about the photos...on a Mac

Google Earth and Katrina help

Summer health tips

Make your own buttons

Lane's Gifts settlement ruling

A roadmap for Google help

London conference on test automation

Corporate info on the go

Home on the road

Saving the galaxy, one traffic jam at a time

Findings on invalid clicks

Update: Google Desktop Gadget Contest

Finding easy-to-read web content

Stocking up

"Let click fraud happen"? Uh, no.

Code Jamming in Dublin

Tour de France goes 3D with Google Earth

Armchair travel with Google Pack

We get letters (4)

What have we done for you lately?

Find it with Google. Buy it with Google Checkout.

Update on wi-fi in San Francisco

Germany and the Google Books Library Project

Spend your summer with Google Desktop

More of the world in your pocket

Protecting children online

A Sitemaps update

Adobe and Google team up for Toolbar

Calling for federal consumer privacy protection

Publishing your Google Calendar

Finding government info

The 36th edition of Google News is Arabic

It’s all about the photos

It’s all about the photos

More gadgets, more places

Happy Birthday, Google Earth

Movers, shakers and hoops on video

Being a good sport

The Debate over Net Neutrality

Get in sync

Hello, I'm a Mac. And I'm a Mac Video Player.

It's nice to share

Acumen Fund’s 2006 Fellows

Reply by chat

Mark this for future reference

Two more Gmail languages

Map your way to greener travel

On the map Down Under

Picture this: Picasa for Linux

Attention all Pearl Jam fans

Never browse outdated posts again

Google's "20 percent time" in action

Ready, AIIM, Search

Instant gratification, Google Video style

In my day, we thought calculators were neat

Making AJAX development easier

Talking in tongues

Note this

Smile! Gmail now has pictures!

Stop, hey, what's that sound?

Gmail chats in more languages

Yes, we are still all about search

Conference on automated testing

News + Suggest join forces

A great day for 3D

Google Maps in Europe

This is a test. This is only a test.

Celebrating Earth Day

Avoiding RSI

This year's India Code Jam

Back on the map

Easier web page creation

Keeping up with recent research

Google Calendar data API

OneBox for all your corporate information

Can you crack the code?

It's about time

Day off for Dennis

This year's Anita Borg Scholarship winners

Out of the Wi-Fi wilderness

Toolbar v2 for Firefox fans

More feeds for speed

Cupid's algorithms

Doing what they love, the rest follows

TechnoServe update: New program in Ghana

Kick this

And we're back

Google Reader learns to share

Expanding girls' horizons

Mac Gmail Notifier update

Spring is the season for love (and data)

Judge tells DoJ "No" on search queries

Courtside seats, without the court... or the seat

Stay in Ctrl Ctrl

A new home for @Last Software

Mars attracts


Writely so

Update: Lane’s Gifts v. Google

A real find

Google News Israel

Robots and writers and Googlers, oh my!

The littlest Mini

Choose your News

An update on payments

History deserves the best

Mac Widget time

Google, girls and engineering

A query less ordinary's new director

About Desktop for enterprise

One for the books

Global searches go to local libraries

Response to the DoJ motion


Testimony: The Internet in China

Here comes Measure Map

Gmail hearts you

Best practices

Big mail on campus

Virtually Torino

New on your Desktop

Defending the future of books

Chat + Email = Crazy Delicious

Today's Net Neutrality hearing

This Bowl's for you

Forget me not

Human Rights Caucus briefing

Looking for a few good (Acumen Fund) Fellows

No Nieuws is bad news

TechnoServe comes to Google

All buttoned up

Picasa x 25

Google in China

Watching NBA Games on Google Video

Putting a stop to spyware

New year, new imagery

And now, News

It's in the mail...

A resolution for well-being

Open federation for Google Talk

Your Google homepage, to go

Many Minis

Google Earth in a Mac world (PC too)

A new year for Google Video

The 2006 Anita Borg Scholarships

Make your computer just work

A year of Google blogging

I'm feeling silly

This just in...

About the AOL announcement

Decking the halls

Setting trends

Looking at 2005

Stress: the holiday Grinch

'Tis the season

In the material world

Searching for music

New Firefox extensions

Google Holiday Helper

Build your own Google homepage

Same-Language Subtitling

A cure for the common inbox

Public transit via Google

Acumen visits Google

How I Got to Google, Ch. 2: Tale of a T-shirt

Lots to Talk about!

Thanks Victoria doodlers!

Don't drop while you shop

Wi-Fi in Mountain View

Get News in Portuguese

Judging Book Search by its cover

Knowledge is power

First Base

A man with a phone in Nantucket ...

The circle of analytics

The breakfast business

Vint Cerf speaks out on net neutrality

Search and replace

Get lost and found on your phone

Standing on the shoulders of this giant

Desktop grows up

Preserving public domain books

O, Canada (among others)

Flu season is upon us

Discovering hard-to-find books

More video to watch!

Saying thank you with pictures

A must-see TV archive

Rumor of the day

Supporting open source

Guess what just turned 34?

Why we believe in Google Print

The point of Google Print

We get letters (3)

Our ongoing privacy efforts

More Firefox-Toolbar synchronicity

Financial reporting: the alphabet soup


Bird flu basics

The Green Goddess beckons

Feed the world

Google goes to Washington

How I got to Google, ch. 1

A Friday visit to the database of intentions

Ants unearthed with Google Earth

This is "beach-front"?

This volt's for you

Attention, frequent flyers

We wanted something special for our birthday…

Everybody won't hate this

It's a coders' world - we just live in it

Buzz about Google Print and the lawsuit

New, improved, and out of beta

We can't do it all ...

Putting crowd wisdom to work

Google Print and the Authors Guild

Polyglot pictures

The illuminated continent

Googlebombing 'failure'

Job requirement: Food must taste great.
Adding a few sprinkles
Find out what's happening with Blog Search
Judge clears way for Dr. Lee
Two new Katrina search tools
We get letters (2)
Extras for your Mac Gmail Notifier
Cerf's up at Google!
Finding that needle in a haystack
Post-Katrina images of New Orleans on Google Maps
Seeing what Katrina has wrought
Gmail Notifier for Mac OS X
Instant gratification - your way
Powered by Google
Small is beautiful
"Sign up for Gmail"
Google gets to talking
Introducing Desktop 2
The machines do the translating
The linguasphere at large
That's so random
Courts signal that Google's keyword policy is lawful
Attention, Froogle shoppers...
This was posted from Microsoft Word
We get letters …
Making books easier to find
It's a Mini world
Fill in the blanks
Breaking story: Google News Feeds
Guest Bloggers: those Freakonomics Guys
Keyword: chefs
Lights, camera, action
Photo sharing, unplugged
More of what I want
Test drive this hybrid vehicle
Moon Children
Staying Alert
Finding great ramen nearby
Thanks for playing
Demoing SMS
Home on the numrange
Tchotchkes cubed
The platypus of the Internet
200 ngultrums? What a deal!
Sounds of summer
Looking for Ian Turner (updated)
The world is your JavaScript-enabled oyster
Search gets personal
Cover the earth
Google Video. Now with ... video!
Just call him Bruce
One man's food pyramid
The world in your pocket
Google got me a camera...
Dot what?
The Summer of Code
Speaking of search
Give them a hand
No scraping necessary
A method to our madness
Tomorrow, work that bike
Search for the enterprise
A Video Uploader for the rest of us
Feed me
A Bay to Breakers break
Q&A: the world tour
Mini goes Euro
Library access
One more way to access Local UK
They are among us
Time waits for no one
TV treasure hunt
It's an honor
Finally feeling like a local
I, Googlebot
It's a wonderful town
From lost to found
Google does Grimsby, Gateshead and Glasgow
Bird view
Mom says so, that's why
Google wants your video
Mobile? Get Local
Women and engineering
Just the facts, fast
The migration habits of peacocks
Getting wordy
A bird's-eye view
We' re turning 1....

Drink up
Need a ride?
Enhanced searching with Firefox
Puzzling images
Show me the money
Earthquake information
Will code for pride of place
A bun gartetg!
Tech tip: Rather forward
In the land of the googly
Slice of life new open source
Lessons learned launching a web service
Google goes X
Drilling down shows up
Down to business
Blogger API update
Man vs mini-kitchen
I read the news today, oh boy!
Taking the plunge
Searching for weather, by web or by phone
Reviewing local search
On the map
Google movies: now playing
A richer Zeitgeist brew
Mapping your way
Get the picture
Hungering for the here and now
All in a year's work
AdWords: Code it your way
We're tuning in to TV
Preventing comment spam
Smile and say "cheese"
Domains of choice
Honey, we shrunk the Google
Don't knock opportunity
Old acquaintance, new year
Tsunami relief
Polar expression
Modern advice for parents-to-be
Google Desktop Search security
It's the thought that counts
All booked up
I've got a suggestion
News happens everywhere
Continuing the mission
A new gaggle of Groups (update)
Have a very Froogle Friday
I'm wishing
Blogging around the world
Google's index nearly doubles.
The feeling is mutual
Give up?
Boo who?
A very puzzling Googler
Click the vote
Power of 2
It's a wonderful Digital Life
They might be giants, or just standing on them
Dobro Pozhalovat, Mr. President
Scholarly pursuits
Will code for fun (and money)
And now, search for your own computer
Froogle Britannia
Get the 411 with 46645
Dublin go bragh
Bookmark this site
Made in the shade
Pencils down, people
China, Google News and source inclusion
Northern exposure
The journey may be the reward, but so is finding the right hotspot
On the alert(s)
Worth the drive
Will code for plane ticket?
'Browse' used to mean this
Greets from GoogleGuy!
Global worming
Racking up an honor
Warning: we brake for number theory
Not quite a walk in the park
A man, a plan, a pointless (?) program
Cycling for life
Yoshka's weekend amble
Oodles of doodles
It's not rocket science (or maybe it is)
Chicken a la The King
Zeitgeist watch
Pedal power
Whaddya mean, "we" ?
Some disturbing results
Going out of our way to find the right people
Is this thing on?
A good way to get rid of bad software?

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