Showing posts with label Astronaut. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Astronaut. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Space Travel And Showing Skin

Planets of the Solar System
Planets of the Solar System (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Space travel damages skin but makes hair grow FASTER: 'Astromice' study discovers the lesser-known impacts on astronauts
some astronauts experience skin dryness and itching after spending time in space - making them more vulnerable to scratches and irritation...... the astronaut underwent an accelerated skin ageing process in space...... ‘Weightlessness as experienced by astronauts during space flights affects physiological functions of the human organism that has evolved, like other organisms living on Earth, through continuous adaptation to the permanent gravitational field.’ ...... a study on 19 crew members of six Nasa-Mir missions from 1995 to 1998 indicated small skin injuries were the most frequent medical incidents including dryness and itching. ..... several cutaneous physiological changes were recorded after the mission such as coarsening and decreased skin elasticity ....... there might be more detrimental effects than thought on missions into deep space, such as to Mars

I have known this all along. We are not supposed to travel vast distances. We are supposed to take good care of earth. Maybe moon, maybe Mars. But there is nothing much going on either on Moon or Mars. Other than having a backup plan that might be needed a million years from now, I don't see the point. What would it take to recreate Tribeca or Chinatown on the moon or Mars? A lot. You will probably ended up creating a parking lot up there.

There is a reason why everything out there is measured in light years. We are supposed to stay back and measure, use telescopes and things, take in the incoming information if we ever got so curious. We are not supposed to go there. We are supposed to stay put.

I get the impression we experimented on people before we experimented on mice. Beware, time travels faster for the skin out there.

But if this is only about gravity, Mars has gravity. As long as you can survive the journey and make it fast, you should be okay. Right?

Friday, October 26, 2012

Mars Is Kind Of Far

What will humans do that robots can not? Mining the moon for energy is a better proposition, I think. But never say never.

The Deferred Dreams Of Mars
people communicating with a large and sophisticated piece of equipment 150 million miles away as it began to carry out experiments that should enhance our understanding of whether the planet has or has ever had life ..... six astronauts could be sent on six-month flights to Mars and what they would do there for a year and a half before their six-month flights home ...... NASA could perpetually remain 20 years away from a manned Mars mission. ..... a Mars crew would see Earth shrink into just one of billions of twinkles in space ..... the astronauts would have to survive in a freezing, windswept world with unbreathable air and 38 percent of Earth's gravity ...... systems for feeding them, sheltering them ..... the benefits are mostly intangible ..... right now Curiosity is exploring these very questions, firing lasers at rocks to determine their composition and hunting for signs of microbial life ..... Because of such robotic missions, our knowledge of Mars has improved so much in the past 15 years that it's become harder to make the case for sending humans. ...... "For the cost of sending one human to Mars, you could send an entire flotilla of robots." ....... the space shuttle would fly 135 times from 1981 through 2011 .... Going into space for more than two years would subject the astronauts to an unprecedented degree of isolation and extended weightlessness; the longest stay in space so far has been 14 months. Poten­tially deadly cosmic rays, which are blocked by Earth's magnetic field and atmosphere, would hit the spacecraft in flight and threaten the astronauts on Mars. ..... the sky crane used to land Curiosity wouldn't work for landing humans, whose craft could weigh 30 times more ...... something entirely new: protect and feed humans on another planet over a long stretch ...... "closed loop" life-support systems in which water and air are recycled ....... possible to extract oxygen from the carbon dioxide that makes up 95 percent of the Martian air. ..... dehydrated food that astronauts inject with water on the space station can retain adequate nutrients for five years ...... Pressure-treating the food ..... make the habitat inflatable, so it could be packed tightly en route to Mars. ...... the bone loss, blurry vision, and other problems astronauts suffer when removed from Earth's gravity ...... compared with the money and effort that get spent in the service of "greed and our ancestral urge to beat the crap out of each other." ...... colonizing the moon, stimulating space tourism, and harvesting solar energy from geosynchronous Earth orbit
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