From my readings I was aware of an Indian professor at Stanford who had advised the two Google founders, but I had forgotten the name. Today it was like I discovered the Rajeev Motwani name. I was at the official Google mobile blog. From there I ended up at Sergei Brin's blog - I did not know he had a blog, I promptly added it to my blogroll. Brin's blog is not active. He has about three posts, one about his wife, one about his mother, and one about Motwani. That tells me more than anything he has written in his recent blog post about Motwani.
This blog post was going to be about Android, but I will tackle that later.
Rajeev Motwani, Early Google Advisor And Silicon Valley Luminary ...
Investigation pending on death of Stanford computer science ...
Rajeev Motwani - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Google mentor Rajeev Motwani dies in drowning accident - US ...
Probe into Rajeev Motwani's death
From The Netizen BlogRoll
Design It Shelter Competition: Unleash your inner architect
New African countries live on Google Maps
Pro-Rata Still Dilutes VCs
Got an idea to change the world or your local community?
You Won't See The Palm Pre On Me what the user experience might be if there were a keyboard version of the iPhone
A tour of my property I always thought it would be fun for my television crew to film a garden tour at my farm in Bedford.
Elections 2009: What Next for the BJP? If the trends of what happened in 2004 and 2009 are to be extrapolated, India is one election and one party away from creating a dominant political force - much like the nation experienced for most of the first three decades after Independence.
DAY 411(i)
Vision Objects’ Handwriting Recognition in Android [VIDEO]
You Tell Us: Cupcake… Worth the Wait? Tell us below what you think of Cupcake/Android 1.5 now that you have it. ...... I like the camcorder feature and the ability to upload straight to YouTube is wonderful. ...... Gmail improvements are great. The camera is no longer a joke. .... I used to accidentally dial people a lot (from the log). ........ Considering it was everything that should have been on Android 1.0, I'd say it was "overhyped". ...... Eclair will be the real thing, come Christmas 09. ....... Still hoping that the next upgrade brings a lot of fixes and even more new stuff to at least catch up with the iPhone in some aspects. ......... Camera support is also still primitive with no APIs for selecting a camera, inquiring about supported resolutions, decoding preview images, etc. Hopefully Donut will deal with these remaining basic issues. ......... Although this is an operating system, Google have to remember that basic phone features are a requirement, rather than having Flash which will make every page grind to a halt. ....... The improved battery life is the best part by far.uploading to youtube also rocks.I also love the auto rotate,on screen keyboard is cool ......... now it is the perfect phone ........ Android is still 6 - 12 months behind Apple in terms of UI polish and speed. Android scrolling, launching, and interactivity still has plenty of hesitation ......... Android is open-source and backed by Google, which is why I have the G1 and not an iPhone. And, I'm fully confident that with newer processors and newer OS releases this whole platform will eventually lead the field. ....... GPS positioning speed (so slow it felt broken, now it's faster than my GPS!)
Moto Labs introduces Android based home energy use monitor
Android may get a better Facebook app soon
Google Android Ion Phone AKA Magic myTouch 3G Battery Keeps Going & Going
Best. Review. EVER.
5 Palm Pre Lessons for Android
Motorola to introduce Android based smartphones in India
T-Mobile 4G Network Coming With Help From Comcast
Demo of ZAGAT’s ‘nru’
Palm Pre launching with Google Search, Google Maps, and YouTube
Introducing the orkut Mobile App
The importance of being immediate - Google Mobile App now for Nokia S60 smartphones
Places Directory app for Android
Nearby Intersections on GOOG-411
Google Sync Beta - Now for S60
The Iterative Web App - Gmail for Mobile Gets Labels
Remembering Rajeev Motwani His contributions and impact on CS theory community, Stanford CS Dept, and Silicon Valley enterprises and entrepreneurs is unfathomable. ....... As a young graduate student, I remember him working on some of the toughest theoretical computer science problems of the day. ....... Rajeev had an unmatched clarity of thought and perceptiveness that was evident not only in doing research with him but also in the invaluable advice he gave me about career choices and life in general ....... Rajeev Motwani’s work on the intersection of theory and practice inspired not only the way Google processes information, but also Google's core scientific values: we fundamentally believe in the power of applying mathematical analysis and algorithmic thinking to challenging real world problems
Remembering Rajeev It is with great sadness that I write about the passing of my teacher and good friend Professor Rajeev Motwani. But I would rather not dwell on the sorrow of his death and instead celebrate his life. ........ When my interest turned to data mining, Rajeev helped to coordinate a regular meeting group on the subject. ...... Later, when Larry and I began to work together on the research that would lead to Google, Rajeev was there to support us and guide us through challenges, both technical and organizational. ..... Of all the faculty at Stanford, it is with Rajeev that I have stayed the closest and I will miss him dearly.
LRRK2 I have one copy of the fast twitch muscle fiber ...... I carry the G2019S mutation and when my mother checked her account, she saw she carries it too. ..... I have a markedly higher chance of developing Parkinson's in my lifetime than the average person ...... exercise may be protective against Parkinson's ...... Until the fountain of youth is discovered, all of us will have some conditions in our old age only we don't know what they will be. I have a better guess than almost anyone else for what ills may be mine -- and I have decades to prepare for it.
Silicon Valley Grieves Rajeev Motwani's Passing a man who loved entrepreneurs and who would meet with anyone to at least give them advice. Motwani influenced hundreds of entrepreneurs and students, Conway said, and never refused a meeting
Google Developing “Eyes-Free” Android Interface - Video
HTC Hero / Lancaster running Android and "Rosie" UI launching on June 24th?
Google IO Was the Android I Opener Developer Conference
Samsung and HTC rolling out Androids
Status Update
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