Friday, September 23, 2011

The HTML5 Whimper At F8

HTML5 video iconImage via WikipediaYesterday I meant to watch it live, but was not able to, and so I thought I would watch Zuck's speech later, but now I think I am saying a pass. The big HTML5 push I was hoping for did not happen.

Facebook New Look
HTML5 And F8

So far I am neutral about the new look. I am positive about the fact that now you will be able to see most of your wall. But I guess the whole facelift has been one for the better.

It's not only for Facebook or any one company to do HTML5. It is an industry thing. The whole industry will embrace HTML5.

Facebook New Look

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Work For Free

Reluctant Video Blogger

Eureka Moment: The Local Library On Kindle

Cover of "Kindle Wireless Reading Device,...Cover via AmazonI just found out that the local library is on Kindle.

The Next Web: Amazon launches Kindle book-lending service with 11,000 US libraries

Then I proceeded to download the free Kindle app for the PC. It looks swell on my computer.

Then I went to the New York Public Library website and found out Kindle is nowhere to be seen. I can't get the library books on to my Kindle, at least not yet. I went to the Queens Library website. And I found out the same thing.

I guess news travels faster than reality.

Once this comes to be it will be like Spotify for books. So we got books and music covered. Will someone please do the same for movies? Or I might as well go ahead and pay Netflix some money.

I grew up in Nepal. We are kind of underdeveloped.

Your Local Library On Kindle
Me: Author
My Dream: A Netflix For Books
A Netflix For Books Needed

Monday, September 19, 2011

Netflix Cut Off The Gangrene Limb

Image representing Netflix as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBaseDVDs are so yesterday. Streaming is the way to go. Streaming is Android, streaming is the iPhone. DVDs are RIM. DVDs will die faster than you realize. If Netflix had not completely distanced itself from the DVD that would have created room for another streaming only startup. Now Netflix will have better luck.

This breakup is a smart move on the part of Netflix.
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HTML5 And F8

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...Image via CrunchBaseI hope HTML5 is the biggest thing coming out of the impending Facebook conference. Facebook Messages was not the Gmail killer it was touted to be. And maybe Facebook's HTML5 push might be yet another whimper, but I hope not.

HTML5 done right could turn Facebook into a platform, it could get an operating system like reach. It already has a huge audience.

But then it is not just Facebook, the entire industry is moving full speed towards HTML5, not just Facebook. Adobe too. And pretty much everyone else. Apple. Google.

When the internet became mainstream every company wanted a website. Today every tech company wants HTML5.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The PC Was A Category And Could Not Have Been Patented

"Leopard" Icons in BlackImage via WikipediaApple going after Samsung because, well, Samsung is also bringing smartphones and tablets into the market, is such hogwash. Henry Ford was not allowed to patent cars as a category. Steve Jobs himself was not allowed to patent the PC when it first came about.

The PC was/is a category. The smartphone is a category. The tablet is a category. Already Samsung smartphones are better than the Apple smartphone. If Samsung is merely copying why is it producing better devices?

There were digital music players before the iPod came along. But Steve Jobs might have laughed if he had been sued for bringing the iPod into the market.

Apple's envy is not the Samsung hardware. It is going after Android, the operating system, any which way it can.