Saturday, June 04, 2011

Amitabh Bachchan Might Read My Comment

A Moment Of Appreciating Facebook

Who Is In The Room?

Slumdog Millionaire has spent three weeks at t...Image via WikipediaIf in a city that is 60% nonwhite, when you enter a room and almost everyone is white, and you are nonwhite, of course you notice. But then the term nonwhite does not define me. I am not non anything. The very term nonwhite is Eurocentric.
Topology: Wikipedia a major area of mathematics concerned with properties that are preserved under continuous deformations of objects, such as deformations that involve stretching, but no tearing or gluing. It emerged through the development of concepts from geometry and set theory, such as space, dimension, and transformation.
Ever since I was 10 I have mostly found myself in rooms where seeking cultural overlap was not exactly an option. Part of that is liberating. You enter into topology territory fast. The essence of what makes you human is not defined by if you have a limb or not. Cultural differences are a small matter compared to someone who might have missing legs.

Fractals: Mandelbrot

"I had no shoes and complained, until I met a man who had no feet."
- Indian Proverb

My Favorite Thing About America

New York City Subway R TrainImage by NYCUrbanScape via FlickrMy absolutely, absolutely favorite thing about America by a wide margin are biracial and multiracial people with active, vibrant ties to their various heritages. And I have been saying this for almost a decade.

The New York City Subway

I used to say number two would be broadband. Number three would be New York City. But then that goes without saying. NYC is hometown for life. I have been everywhere in America, and I mean literally everywhere. When I look at a map of the US I see what you see when you look at the NYC subway map, if you have been many places in this city many times.

Hitting The Road

Just like I have been everywhere in America, I want to have gone everywhere in the world, but I need to put a few years to get my startups off the ground, first things first. And then global travel with broadband-always is going to be how I spend a few months every year. My microfinance outfit would demand something like that. There are somethings that you just have to see. Google Earth does not quite cut it.