Tuesday, June 02, 2009

NY Internet Week: NYTM Showcase

Image representing Daylife as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase


I showed up and was there for all three hours. I have missed the past two MeetUps, I missed the one tonight also. Do we have to do Amazon payments? Whatever happened to PayPal and cash? There is something moneylike about cash. I like cash.
This was an amazing, amazing gathering. I managed to show up at every single stall. Bumping into Scott and Mark was a nice way to conclude the evening for me. Right before that I bumped into Faraz.

I was very much in my element by the end. Talking to so many people drove up my energy level substantially.

Afterwards I walked over to 41st and 9th. Half way there I got myself a free Red Bull from a Red Bull advertising car driven around by two young models. Red Bull gives you wings, they say.

At the event I met two potential angel investors, and many interesting people, collected many business cards. I might have built a few contacts. Mostly it is about sharing in the energy of fellow entrepreneurs. Otherwise I am not into the dot com space with my startup like almost everyone in the hall was.

I made a point to tell the Zemanta guy how much I appreciated their service. Zemanta has taken my blogging to a whole new level.

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Is Google Wave Social Enough To Challenge Facebook, Twitter?

Social is central to Facebook. A different kind of social is central to Twitter. But if Google Wave is going to be a mere appendage to the larger Google offerings, social is going to be peripheral. But Google is not trying to enmesh Google Wave to the rest of its offerings. If anything I get the impression Google is working hard to release the pigeon. Fly, pigeon, fly.

Google Wave wants to be fundamental to the web experience like Google Search has been fundamental to the web experience. The word wave is going to become like the word tweet, like the word stream. I like the water metaphors. Water is my favorite substance. Water best represents the inherent formlessness of a nimble mind.

So is a stand alone Google Wave capable of challenging Facebook and Twitter? I am not worried about the stand alone part. Google could not have kept Android in-house like Microsoft has kept Windows in-house. Google Wave is a creature of the wild west. It can not be kept in-house. But releasing the pigeon is also the best possible business decision for Google the company. A vibrant Google Wave will expand the Google space. A vibrant Android is going to vastly expand the Google space. A larger cloud, a more happening cloud just gives more and more room to Google ads. And that is where the money is for Google. Giving away is great business practice. Giving away is tens of billions in new dollars.

So does Google Wave stand to challenge Facebook and Twitter, the two services that seemed to have stolen the buzz from Google these past few years? The short answer is Google Wave is the next big thing.

Stream 2.0: The Next Big Thing?
Fractals: Apple, Windows 95, Netscape, Google, Facebook, Twitter
The Search Results, The Links, The Inbox, The Stream

Just like Twitter stole the buzz from Facebook, Google Wave is going to steal the buzz from Twitter. Twitter will still be around like Facebook is still around and growing, but the sexy glow is going to shift over to Google Wave.

The question again pops up: so, what's the next big thing after Wave? The next big thing after Wave might no longer be in that 2D space occupied by Google, Facebook, Twitter and Wave. (Google's Newest Venture: Google Ventures) Wave attempts something that is very close to face to face communication. Maybe the next, next big thing is face time itself. Maybe the next, next, next big thing is not in the technological realm, but in the human realm.

Or maybe I am a little premature in my declaration. If the next thing after the stream was the wave, maybe the next thing after the wave will be the tsunami. (Of Waves And Tsunamis) Tsunami might be a technological development. We might realize when a million or 10 million - or a hundred million Chinese - create waves, we end up with a tsunami, and that tsunami can not be intelligently handled by the current wave technology, it needs a whole new set of tools and massive, new capabilities. The sum is not the whole of the parts. The sum is a whole new reality. A cell is made up of atoms, but a cell is a new level of reality.

A Web 3.0 Manifesto

Twitter has been more interesting to me than Facebook for months now. I was up at 1500 friends at Facebook and Facebook went ahead and deleted my account. I created a new one. I have less than 600 friends now with about 70 friend requests I have not approved.

My number one urge at Facebook was I wanted to say hello to people I had not met, but wanted to say hello to. I wanted to meet new people. But I kept hitting glass walls and ceilings.

At Twitter meeting new people is all the rage. That is why I like Twitter so much.

You create a wave by inviting people, so you start out by limiting yourself to people you already know. But person A knows person B knows person C knows person D, but person A does not know C and D. So a wave can be created with a group of people who don't all know each other. And ultimately a wave can be published like a blog post. At that point anyone can participate, not necessarily in the same wave, but there are comments sections, you can link to a wave, you can quote from it.

Twitter was an answer to a major gripe I had with Facebook. Why can't I meet new people? Wave might be an answer to my other Facebook gripe. Why can't I deepen my relationship with my existing friends? A wave lets you deepen your understanding of people around you. Conversations and collaborations like never before become possible.

Of course the wave is social. So if the wave is social and if it is the next big thing after Facebook and Twitter, does it stand to challenge Facebook and Twitter?


Real Time Search: Twitter Is Not Doing It
Google Falling Behind Twitter?
Eminem: The Relapse: Twitter
Facebook's Ad Space Is Different
Facebook Faceoff Firefox
What Should Facebook Do
TweetDeck, Power Twitter, Twitter Globe, Better Than Facebook

I am not predicting the death of Facebook, I am not predicting the death of Twitter. But the two have just been told they are but niche products. Ultimately all products are but niche products.

Of Waves And Tsunamis
Google Wave: Wave Of The Future?
Google Wave: If Email Were Invented Today

From The Google Blogs

Google Wave team heads to Google Developer Days in Asia
Introducing the Google Wave APIs: what can you build?
Went Walkabout. Brought back Google Wave.
Search billions of documents with the Google Search Appliance 6.0
The Local Business Center dashboard opens its doors
Blog search and beyond
The Day in the Cloud Challenge featuring Google Apps on June 24th
Search engineer stories
Kicking off 2nd annual Google I/O developer gathering
New Logo Look
Netlog integrates with Google Friend Connect
Put the pedal to the metal with a faster Google Chrome

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Blogger Search Gadget: What Took You So Long?

Search billions of documents with the Google Search Appliance 6.0

Image representing Blogger as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase

Google has owned Blogger for years now, and only now is has come up with a gadget called search. This is unforgivable for the premier search engine. You could still have done custom search through Google AdSense, but that hassle has been so unnecessary.

Search makes a blog simple. People don't have to read through lists of blog post titles to find out something of relevance and interest. It has been quite a hassle to create contents pages. Suddenly my blogs feel so much more accessible.

Custom search for AdSense simply refused to work with private blogs that can be wonderful online office spaces. That problem persists. Why can't you search a private blog? If you can search a private Gmail account? Google needs to work on this.

Blog search and beyond Google Blog
Search billions of documents with the Google Search Appliance 6.0 One billion sheets of paper could circle the earth at the equator well over five times. Counting to one billion would take about 30 years of your life, even if you never stop to sleep. And if you had to find a single piece of information by sorting through a billion documents it would take you, on average, about 2000 years. ..... the GSA makes searching within your organization as simple as searching on Google.com
Search Box gadget available to all Blogger Buzz
Facebook Your Blog
Blogger in 140 characters or less
iLike: Add a soundtrack to your blog
What's in a logo? Google Book Search Blog
The Day in the Cloud Challenge featuring Google Apps on June 24th Google Blog
New in Labs: Inbox preview Gmail Blog

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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Of Waves And Tsunamis

Google Wave: Wave Of The Future?
Google Wave: If Email Were Invented Today

The difference between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 is that Web 2.0 is social. (Each Snowflake Is Unique) To me the inherent beauty of the web is that it has, it will make big political, social, economic changes possible, big as in huge, humongous huge.

In 1995 Bill Gates talked of "business at the speed of thought," and that was before he "got" the internet. I am talking about political, social and economic change at the speed of imagination. (Barackface: Political Sci-Fi) Could we take democracy to every country on the planet? The non-violent way? Could we end racism? Sexism? Could we end human trafficking? Could we end slavery, bondage? Yes, they still exist. Could we eradicate poverty? Could we make education, health, and credit universally accessible? Could we pour a trillion dollars into microfinance? Could we have a democratic world government? Could we end female infanticide? Could we end female circumcision?

Google Wave could make possible political, social, economic tsunamis. Big things might become possible.

Web 5.0 Is Da Bomb
The First Major Revolution Of The 21st Century Happened In Nepal
April 22 Immigration Court Date

Introducing the Google Wave APIs: what can you build? Google Wave Developer Blog The Google Wave APIs come in two flavors: Embed and Extensions. With Embed, you're able to bring waves into your own site through a simple JavaScript API. For example, embedding a wave in a webpage is a good way to encourage a discussion among the visitors. With Extensions, you're able to write programs, which are packaged as Robots or Gadgets, that provide rich functionality inside the Google Wave web client.
Went Walkabout. Brought back Google Wave. The Official Google Blog

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Friday, May 29, 2009

Google Wave: Wave Of The Future?

Walkabout - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Walkabout refers to a rite of passage where male Australian Aborigines would undergo a journey during adolescence and live in the wilderness for a period as ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walkabout
Google Wave: If Email Were Invented Today

I am going to argue search is still the wave of the future. Google Wave might/will become the new paradigm in communicating, collaborating, publishing even. But the aspect of the web experience that is still the most exciting, and still the most primitive is search itself.

Most of the knowledge I expect to consume in the future will not reside in my mind or in the minds of people I already know. If it did, Google Wave would be the only relevant destination. But we know that not to be true.

Search is like poverty, (Hunger, Vision, Money) it is not any one thing. It is a complex set of things, it is a phenomenon. It is many things, many layers, many dimensions. And Google stands to be challenged. The news is not that Wolfram Alpha is no Google killer. The real news is look how easy it was for Wolfram Alpha to get 100 million queries. (Wolfram Alpha: An Answer Engine, Not A Search Engine)

But just like the next big thing in communication/collaboration came from inside Google itself, it is very possible the next few big things in search will come from inside Google itself. It is very possible. But I am going to bet those next big things are going to come from small startup like teams inside the Google incubator rather than from Google Corporate. We will have to wait and watch.

From The Google Blogs

Introducing the Google Wave APIs: what can you build? Google Wave Developer Blog The Google Wave APIs come in two flavors: Embed and Extensions. With Embed, you're able to bring waves into your own site through a simple JavaScript API. For example, embedding a wave in a webpage is a good way to encourage a discussion among the visitors. With Extensions, you're able to write programs, which are packaged as Robots or Gadgets, that provide rich functionality inside the Google Wave web client.
Went Walkabout. Brought back Google Wave. The Official Google Blog
Search engineer stories Four years later, I'm still constantly awed by how challenging search is. We work on improving the entire search process, including formulating queries, evaluating results, reading and understanding information, and digging deeper with this new information. Every day we work on ways, both big and small, for search to be better, faster, and more effortless.

Kicking off 2nd annual Google I/O developer gathering
New Logo Look
Netlog integrates with Google Friend Connect
Put the pedal to the metal with a faster Google Chrome
Faster is better on Google Suggest
Congratulations Eric Yang, winner of the 2008-2009 National Geographic Bee
Announcing the 2009 Doodle 4 Google Winner
Energized about our first Google PowerMeter partners
Find out about the new creative trafficking
Google I/0 2009
A galactic mentor
Step into the spotlight with YouTube Insight
The best and the brightest
Behind the scenes of the Search Options panel
Bike to Work Day 2009
This is your pilot speaking. Now, about that holding pattern...
Understanding health-related searches
30,000 new Google Apps business users at Valeo
We have a Knol for Dummies.com winner!
A planetarium in your pocket
More Search Options and other updates from our Searchology event
18th International World Wide Web Conference
Energy and the Internet
Announcing the 2009 Anita Borg Scholars and Finalists
Vote for the national Doodle 4 Google winner
A Mom's Day menu
Google Chrome ads on TV
The power of video
Strengthening a worldwide community with Google Friend Connect
The 2008 Founders' Letter By late 1992, there were only 26 websites in the world so there was not much need for a search engine. ..... the vast majority of our services are available worldwide and free to users because they are supported by ads ..... a child in an Internet cafe in a developing nation can use the same online tools as the wealthiest person in the world. I am proud of the small role Google has played in the democratization of information ..... In the past year alone we have made 359 changes to our web search — nearly one per day. ...... Perfect search requires human-level artificial intelligence, which many of us believe is still quite distant. However, I think it will soon be possible to have a search engine that "understands" more of the queries and documents than we do today. Others claim to have accomplished this, and Google's systems have more smarts behind the curtains than may be apparent from the outside, but the field as a whole is still shy of where I would have expected it to be. Part of the reason is the dramatic growth of the web — for any particular query, it is likely there are many documents on the topic using the exact same vocabulary. And as the web grows, so does the breadth and depth of the curiosity of those searching. I expect our search engine to become much "smarter" in the coming decade. ......... Today you can search from your cell phone by just speaking into it and Google Reader can suggest interesting blogs without any query at all. It is my expectation that in the next decade our searches and results will look very different than they do today. ........ via Google Groups we made available and searchable the most comprehensive archive of Usenet postings ever assembled (800 million messages dating back to 1981). ....... In the future, using enhanced computer vision technology, we hope to be able to understand what's depicted in the image itself. ......... Video is often thought of as an entertainment medium, but it is also a very important source of high-quality information. ....... Yet videos are also great resources for topics such as computer hardware and software (I bought my last RAID based on a video review), scientific experiments, and education such as courses on quantum mechanics. ....... Every minute, 15 hours worth of video are uploaded to YouTube — the equivalent of 86,000 new full length movies every week. ......... (when Venezuelan broadcaster El Observador was shut down by the government, it started broadcasting on YouTube). ....... In the future, vast libraries of movie-theater-quality video (4000+ columns) will be available instantly on any device. ....... Books are one of the greatest sources of information in the world ........ Within a couple of years, Larry was experimenting with digitizing books using a jury-rigged contraption in our office. ........ Today, we are able to search the full text of almost 10 million books. ....... millions of in-copyright, out-of-print books available for U.S. readers to search, preview, and buy online ......... increased access to users with disabilities, the creation of a non-profit registry to help others license these books, the creation of a corpus to promote basic research, and free access to full texts at a kiosk in every public library in the United States. ....... While digitizing all the world's books is an ambitious project, digitizing the world is even more challenging. ........ imagery, topography, road, buildings, and annotations. ....... After the launch of Google Map Maker in Pakistan, users mapped 25,000 kilometers of uncharted road in just two months. ......... the first self-service system known as AdWords launched in 2000 starting with 350 advertisers. ......... While these ads yielded small amounts of money compared to banner ads at the time, as the dot-com bubble burst, this system became our life preserver. ......... has helped democratize access to advertising, by creating an open marketplace where small business and start-ups can compete with well-established, well-funded companies ....... Last year, AdSense (our publisher-facing program) generated more than $5 billion dollars of revenue for our many publishing partners. ........ video ads within YouTube and dynamic ads on game websites. ....... match advertisers and publishers using the formats and mediums most appropriate to their goals and audience. .......... designed for power users with high volumes of email. ....... While our initial focus was on internal usage, it soon became clear we had something of value for the whole world. ........ Today some Googlers have more than 25 gigabytes of email going back nearly 10 years that they can search through in seconds. By the time you read this, you should be able to receive emails written in French and read them in English. ........ anywhere there is a working web browser and Internet connection ...... I am writing this letter using Google Docs. There are several other people helping me edit it simultaneously. Moments ago I stepped away and worked on it on a laptop. Without having to hit save or manage any synchronization ............ today I have worked on this document using three different operating systems and two different web browsers, all without any special software or complex logistics. ......... more than 1 million organizations use Google Apps today, including Genentech, the Washington D.C. city government, the University of Arizona, and Gothenburg University in Sweden. ......... Apps can change the way businesses operate and the speed at which they move. ........ with Google Apps Web Forms we innovated by addressing the key problem of distributed data collection, making it incredibly simple to collect survey data from within the enterprise — a critical feature for collecting internal feedback we use extensively when "dogfooding" all of our products. ......... We are working to shift all of our applications to a common infrastructure. ........ In the past couple of years, however, we decided that we wanted to make some substantial architectural changes to how web browsers work. For example, we felt that different tabs should be segregated into separate sandboxes so that one poorly functioning website does not take down the whole browser. We also felt that for us to continue to build great web services we needed much faster Javascript performance than current browsers offered. ............. a multiprocess model and a very fast JavaScript engine we call V8. ...... Chrome is not yet available on Mac and Linux so many of us, myself included, are not able to use it on a regular basis. ........ Today, the phone I carry in my pocket is more powerful than the desktop computer I used in 1998. ......... this year, more Internet-capable smartphones will ship than desktop PCs. In fact, your most "personal" computer, the one that you carry with you in your pocket, is the smartphone. ......... a third of all Google searches in Japan are coming from mobile devices ........ the ambitious goal of creating a new mobile operating system that would allow open interoperation across carriers and manufacturers. ........... To date, more than 1000 apps have been uploaded to the Android Market including Shop Savvy (which reads bar codes and then compares prices), our own Latitude, and Guitar Hero World Tour........... The past decade has seen tremendous changes in computing power amplified by the continued growth of Google's data centers. ..... Google Translate supports automatic machine translation between 1640 language pairs. ....... translated search where the query gets translated to another language and the results get translated back. .......... Google Flu Trends, a service that uses our logs data (without revealing personally identifiable information) to predict flu incidence weeks ahead of estimates by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). ......... can do even more — going beyond monitoring to inferring potential causes and cures of disease. ....... large data sets such as search logs coupled with powerful data mining can improve the world while safe guarding privacy. ........ Computers will be 100 times faster still and storage will be 100 times cheaper. Many of the problems that we call artificial intelligence today will become accepted as standard computational capabilities, including image processing, speech recognition, and natural language processing. New and amazing computational capabilities will be born that we cannot even imagine today. ..... While about half the people in the world are online today via computers and mobile phones, the Internet will reach billions more in the coming decade. ....... enable individuals, small groups, and small businesses to accomplish tasks that only large corporations could achieve before, whether it is making and releasing a movie, marketing a product, or reporting on a war.......... When I was a child, researching anything involved a long trip to the local library and good deal of luck that one of the books there would be about the subject of interest. I could not have imagined that today anyone would be able to research any topic in seconds.

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Each Snowflake Is Unique

Hunger, Vision, Money
Google's Newest Venture: Google Ventures
The Human Is The Center Of Gravity In Computing
Web 5.0 Is Da Bomb

Each snowflake is unique. Each human being is unique. Each sentence that comes out of human mouths is unique. The web is the best technology we have come up with yet to take snapshots of a rather uniquely unfolding humanity.

In my blog post Hunger, Vision, Money I have tried to argue that bringing the rest of the billions online makes tremendous business sense.

In Web 5.0 Is Da Bomb and related posts I have tried to argue the biggest thing that happened in our shift from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 is that the web got populated. And so Web 3.0 can not be about technology. Web 3.0 has to be about the human element of the web.

The web is poorer for every human being not yet online. And so it is not the semantic web that is Web 3.0. (A Web 3.0 Manifesto)

The Home Based » Blog Archive » Each Snowflake is Unique
Curiosities: Is every snowflake unique? (Dec. 17, 2007)
What Makes a Snowflake Unique?
It is truly amazing how God makes each snowflake unique, just like ...[PDF]
Penn State Live - Probing question: Is each snowflake really unique?
Digital Compilations by Cinda: Each Snowflake is Unique Just Like You
Is it true that every snowflake is unique? | Answerbag.com
GeoSnow: Exploring the World of Snowflakes

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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Google Wave: If Email Were Invented Today

Stream 2.0: The Next Big Thing?

Google Wave
  • The browser is going 3D.
  • The browser is adding layers.
  • Email is going hyper social and real time.
  • Email will be rich.
The whole thing is open source. I think that is a great business model for Google to pursue.

Google Wave is in some ways more fundamental than Gmail. It could redefine the workspace.

On the other hand, connecting is not the same as thinking. Gelling a thought, the truly innovative ideas, where do they come from? But then those fall in the human realm.

Google might have missed out on Facebook and Twitter, but it has now yet again managed to find the next big thing. Bravo. There is no web company quite like Google just like there was no desktop company quite like Microsoft.

What would be a wave liberated from the keyboard? What would be an audio only version? Is that what a conference call is?

What after Wave? What would be the next big thing?

Facebook has a long way to go, in terms of a tool for not only discovering relationships, but deepening them.

Google Search has a long, long way to go. Search remains the most fundamental application on the web. Search could be so much better than it is now.

People search, what about people search?

So tell me, what is a conversation? What is a document?

This is about simplifying life. Some people don't sign on to some social networking sites saying they don't want yet another thing to have to keep up with.

Another thing to integrate into wave would be search result snapshots. These are the 10 links you get on Google News for Obama as of such and such date and time.

Cultural habits die hard.

I also feel like old email will not go away.

Google Wave is the ultimate mashup application.

It is amazing that a small, five person team worked on this to start with. But then is that not how it almost always happens?
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
- Margaret Mead.
On The Web

Google Wave Preview
Google Wave Drips With Ambition. A New Communication Platform For ... the HTML 5 standard ..... the ability to run 3D games and movies in the browser without additional plug-ins ...... born out of the idea that email and instant messaging, as successful as they still are, were both created a very long time ago ..... sleek and easy way to navigate and participate in communication on the web that makes both email and instant messaging look stale ...... your Wave inbox ....... it isn’t just about new messages, there can be any kind of new content in these waves. ......... your friend will see words as you enter them, and vice versa ...... You can also edit things wiki-style with concurrent group collaboration. ........ (”Modern” is Google’s passive aggressive way of calling out Microsoft’s Internet Explorer.) ........ Google Maps (that you can edit), games, event invitations ....... wants you to be able to use it across all sites on the web ..... you could share a wave with the public ........ Google doesn’t want Wave to be another one of its apps, it wants Wave to be a communication platform that it may have started, but flourishes all over the web in a bunch of different places. ............ Bill Gates’ early insistence on having a robust developer community as one of the keys to the success of Windows ........ emphasis on developers is helping newer platforms like Android and the iPhone grow. ...... in short order, there will be a ton of gadgets, extensions, mash-ups and interesting sites all built around the Wave concept. ........ Waves created by someone communicating with Waves created by someone else ....... Google plans to open source Wave. ...... the key fundamentals Google is focusing on with HTML 5: The canvas element, the video element, geolocation, App Cache and Database and Web Workers. ......... the Web Workers. ....... run background processes outside of the browser so it doesn’t slow to a crawl which running very rich apps — which Wave is. ........ Web Workers helps turns the browser into a more full-fledged launch pad for the next generation of web apps. ..... Wave will work with Twitter ...... a wave that can translate to other languages in real-time.
Introducing the Google Wave APIs: what can you build? Google Wave Developer Blog The Google Wave APIs come in two flavors: Embed and Extensions. With Embed, you're able to bring waves into your own site through a simple JavaScript API. For example, embedding a wave in a webpage is a good way to encourage a discussion among the visitors. With Extensions, you're able to write programs, which are packaged as Robots or Gadgets, that provide rich functionality inside the Google Wave web client.
Official Google Blog: Went Walkabout. Brought back Google Wave. We had a blast the next couple years turning Where 2's prototype mapping site into Google Maps.
  • Why do we have to live with divides between different types of communication — email versus chat, or conversations versus documents?
  • Could a single communications model span all or most of the systems in use on the web today, in one smooth continuum? How simple could we make it?
  • What if we tried designing a communications system that took advantage of computers' current abilities, rather than imitating non-electronic forms?
.... five-person "startup" team emerged with a prototype .... you create a wave and add people to it. Everyone on your wave can use richly formatted text, photos, gadgets, and even feeds ........ you see on your screen nearly instantly what your fellow collaborators are typing in your wave. ........ As with Android, Google Chrome, and many other Google efforts, we plan to make the code open source ....... Google Wave has three layers: the product, the platform, and the protocol:
  • The Google Wave product (available as a developer preview) is the web application people will use to access and edit waves. It's an HTML 5 app, built on Google Web Toolkit. It includes a rich text editor and other functions like desktop drag-and-drop (which, for example, lets you drag a set of photos right into a wave).
  • Google Wave can also be considered a platform with a rich set of open APIs that allow developers to embed waves in other web services, and to build new extensions that work inside waves.
  • The Google Wave protocol is the underlying format for storing and the means of sharing waves, and includes the "live" concurrency control, which allows edits to be reflected instantly across users and services. The protocol is designed for open federation, such that anyone's Wave services can interoperate with each other and with the Google Wave service. To encourage adoption of the protocol, we intend to open source the code behind Google Wave.
.... the Google Wave Developer blog
Google Wave ichly formatted text, photos, videos, maps ...... combine Gmail and Google Docs ...... "Back in early 2004, Google took an interest in a tiny mapping startup called Where 2 Tech, founded by my brother Jens and me. We were excited to join Google and help create what would become Google Maps. .......... richly formatted text, photos, gadgets, and even feeds from other sources on the web. ....... allows for both collaboration and communication. You can also use "playback" to rewind the wave to see how it evolved. .... Google Wave will be available later this year.
MoMB: Google Wave
Gizmodo - Google Wave Is a Frothy Collaborative Mix of Chat, IM ... a live chatroom with a spread of documents, photos and/or videos, where you can reply to any part of any message or anything that's shared, and it's all real-time. ..... free-wheeling mesh of Twitter, IM, Friendfeed really, any other kind of service presenting semi-real-time stuff in a stream ...... ultimate service for people with ADD, or enterprise looking to simulate the feeling of 10 people standing around a desk scattered with a bunch of projects, but you're all able to work on any of them simultaneously while you're also whispering to the cute girl across the table about the new sushi place around the corner
Google Wave: What Might Email Look Like If It Were Invented Today ... the power of HTML 5 to match functionality long experienced in desktop applications. ....... a profound advance in the state of the art. ...... this project, carried out secretly at Google's Sydney office over the past two years ....... messages no longer need to be sent from one place to another, but could become a conversation in the cloud ....... elements drawn from email, instant messaging, social networking, and even wikis. ....... Jens had the idea back in 2004, when Google first acquired the company that became Google Maps ........ email and instant messaging, were originally designed in the '60s to imitate analog formats — email mimicked snail mail, and IM mimicked phone calls. ....... email versus chat, or conversations versus documents ....... a single communications model ...... a communications system that took advantage of computers' current abilities, rather than imitating non-electronic forms ...... the amount and quality of participation goes up radically when comments can be interleaved at a paragraph level. ........ First generation email/IM integration let you see when someone was online, and opt to instant message someone rather than send them an email. Wave simply erases the distinction. ..... a lot of time in IM is spent waiting for the other person to press 'Done' ........ Google's relentless focus on reducing the latency of online actions is bringing the online experience closer and closer to our real world experience of face-to-face communication ....... Drop photos onto a wave and see the thumbnails appear on the other person's machine before the photos are even finished uploading ....... conversations become shared documents ....... you don't have to make the choice between discussing and collaborating ....... a document with lots of discussion and edits can become pretty messy. No problem. You can export an edited wave as a new wave, and start over. ........ "waves are tree-shaped sets of messages. You can shape a subtree, or a sub-conversation and limit the set of participants in any way you like." .......... Wave will become as ubiquitous and interoperable as email and instant messaging ...... a new fundamental service on the net. ...... web applications can not only match, but can even beat the functionality of native apps ......... commitment to the lightweight nature of the web, to real-time, to lightweight components connected by open protocols rather than to monolithic systems.
Twave: Google Wave + Twitter a potential game changer in the realm of of email, IM, and project management ..... Google Wave and Twitter are both forms of real-time communication, so why not bring them together? ....... a full stream of your Twitter feed within Google Wave. ........ you can manage them like you would email, with replies, archiving ....... Bloggy: Pushes wave content to a blog ...... Bidder: You can turn a Wave into your own eBay ....... The web is truly transforming into a real-time engine
Google Wave API - Google Code
A Sneak Peak at Google Wave

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