Showing posts with label Earth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Earth. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Ocean City

You need to believe this, I wrote my last post before I read this article, which is mind blowing.

The Next Giant Chinese City Will Float In The Ocean
The whole city is designed to be fairly self-sufficient. Tidal energy will power the island, and farms and hatcheries around the edge will provide food. Trash will be converted into more energy on site. The island will even have its own factory producing some hyper-local goods..... As futuristic as it seems, the island may be coming soon--a large Chinese property investment firm is reviewing the design now and expected to begin testing some of its components in 2015.

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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Google Balloon: More Promising Than Google Fiber, Google Glass And Google Car

I am psyched about this, what can I say? I am as psyched as I have been about Android, perhaps more so.

Google launches Internet-beaming balloons
the flimsy helium-filled inflatables beam the Internet down to earth as they sail past on the wind. .... the balloons were the first of thousands that Google's leaders eventually hope to launch12 miles into the stratosphere in order to bridge the gaping digital divide between the world's 4.8 billion unwired people and their 2.2 billion plugged-in counterparts ..... "The power of the Internet is probably one of the most transformative technologies of our time." .... Google's balloons fly free and out of eyesight, scavenging power from card table-sized solar panels that dangle below and gather enough charge in four hours to power them for a day as the balloons sail around the globe on the prevailing winds. Far below, ground stations with Internet capabilities about 60 miles apart bounce signals up to the balloons. ..... The signals would hop forward, from one balloon to the next, along a backbone of up to five balloons...... Each balloon would provide Internet service for an area twice the size of New York City, about 780 square miles, and terrain is not a challenge. They could stream Internet into Afghanistan's steep and winding Khyber Pass or Yaounde, the capital of Cameroon, a country where the World Bank estimates four out of every 100 people are online..... The signals travel in the unlicensed spectrum, which means Google doesn't have to go through the onerous regulatory processes required for Internet providers using wireless communications networks or satellites ..... in the next phase of the trial they hope to get up to 300 balloons forming a ring on the 40th parallel south from New Zealand through Australia, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay and Argentina. ..... "It's a very fundamentally democratic thing that what links everyone together is the sky and the winds," said Richard DeVaul, an MIT-trained scientist who founded Project Loon and helped develop Google Glas ..... they wouldn't interfere with aircraft because they fly well below satellites and twice as high as airplanes ...... The balloons would be guided to collection points and replaced periodically. In cases when they failed, a parachute would deploy. ..... "For every person online, there are two who are not. By the end of the decade, everyone on Earth will be connected" ...... "The nutritional and medical information, farming techniques, democratic principles those are the wonderful parts of it," he said. "But you also have everyone wanting to drive a car, eat a steak, drink a Coke." .... the balloons were invisible in the sky except for an occasional glint
Can Google Fly Its Internet Balloons Wherever It Wants?
a network of high-altitude balloons ...... to beam Internet access to the ground at speeds similar to today’s 3G networks or faster ...... balloons can be “steered by rising or descending to an altitude with winds moving in the desired direction.” ......... hundreds of balloons flying at a latitude of approximately 40 degrees south, which would take them over a lot of open ocean but also include transits over New Zealand, southern Argentina, and southern Chile. ...... “approximately two thirds of the world’s population today doesn’t have Internet access.” ..... a truly global system of Google-operated Internet access balloons
Introducing Project Loon: Balloon-powered Internet access
We believe that it might actually be possible to build a ring of balloons, flying around the globe on the stratospheric winds, that provides Internet access to the earth below. It’s very early days, but we’ve built a system that uses balloons, carried by the wind at altitudes twice as high as commercial planes, to beam Internet access to the ground at speeds similar to today’s 3G networks or faster. As a result, we hope balloons could become an option for connecting rural, remote, and underserved areas, and for helping with communications after natural disasters. ...... how to control their path through the sky. We’ve now found a way to do that, using just wind and solar power: we can move the balloons up or down to catch the winds we want them to travel in. That solution then led us to a new problem: how to manage a fleet of balloons sailing around the world so that each balloon is in the area you want it right when you need it. We’re solving this with some complex algorithms and lots of computing power. ..... We imagine someday you'll be able to use your cell phone with your existing service provider to connect to the balloons and get connectivity where there is none today
Google Loon: Google's Second Most Important Project
a phalanx of balloons that sail in the stratosphere like low level satellites ..... winds in the stratosphere are slow and that’s what makes Loon feasible ..... balloons will use solar power to move the communications equipment between layers of slow moving winds ..... Google is wrestling with how to be an infrastructure player, in order to bring more customers to its core business. ..... Google Fiber, one of its three telco infrastructure projects, is too slow-build to matter in the near future. In White Spaces, the use of excess TV spectrum, Google is in a tight battle with Microsoft, especially in Africa where Microsoft seems to be moving ahead with rural access, much faster than Google has. ....... Samsung’s moves into 5G wireless...... Winds in the stratosphere are generally steady and slow-moving at between 5 and 20 mph, and each layer of wind varies in direction and magnitude ..... Project Loon uses software algorithms to determine where its balloons need to go, then moves each one into a layer of wind blowing in the right direction. By moving with the wind, the balloons can be arranged to form one large communications network ...... by the time it rolls out, if it works, the world will have moved beyond 3G, the capacity Google expects from its balloons ..... makes Loon Google’s second most important project, behind one that gets very little press – White Spaces for rural, developing areas.
Who Should Be Scared Of Samsung's 1Gb+ Wireless Technology?
one reaction to the news was that cable is dead..... wireless could displace fixed line, and is a threat to cable companies that have been slow to upgrade their networks .... the world’s first adaptive array transceiver technology operating in the millimeter-wave Ka bands for cellular communications. The new technology sits at the core of 5G mobile communications system and will provide data transmission up to several hundred times faster than current 4G networks…5G mobile communications technology is the next generation of the existing 4G Long Term Evolution (LTE) network technology. 5G will be capable of providing a ubiquitous Gbps experience to subscribers anywhere and offers data transmission speeds of up to several tens of Gbps per base station ..... over 500 billion devices to be connected to the Internet by 2020 and diversity in the network is key to enabling all that activity ..... the aim is for 10 Gbps transmission ..... Samsung has perfected an extraordinary capability to innovate and advance itself across a wide range of activities ...... developing significant and deep partnerships with telco carriers ..... direct carrier billing for apps bought via Samsung devices and services such as Hub ..... Samsung is producing a new philosophy that emphasizes end-to-end support for its carrier clients. ..... end-tend from chip to infrastructure. ..... Samsung and Google are developing a deeper partnership ...... the company most likely to produce the important innovations in display, battery and processors ..... As Google improves its own UI design capabilities, Samsung becomes better allied to what is beginning to look like the world’s leading software company. This is a significant partnership. ..... What Google showed this week and Samsung has been demonstrating for a while is that innovation is now a different game – much broader in scope, often more narrow in focus, but incredibly fast. Apple is looking outpaced.
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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

12 Light Years

This feels doable in this century.

Possible habitable zone planet is a mere 12 light years away
there are several planets around the nearby star Tau Ceti, and one of them is likely to be within the star's habitable zone. ...... Once they had that in hand, the astronomers turned to the actual data from Tau Ceti without any added signals. And, this time, three signals did pop out, with each of them adding between 1010 and 1017 to the statistical fit with the real data. The authors concluded that there were three planets in this signal, orbiting with periods of 14, 35, and 94 days. ...... adding two more planets to their model increased the fit, although not by nearly the same degree. One orbited with a period of 630 days, the second at 168 days. The latter one is the object that resides in Tau Ceti's habitable zone; it has a mass that's at least four times that of Earth's.
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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Mars Is Kind Of Far

What will humans do that robots can not? Mining the moon for energy is a better proposition, I think. But never say never.

The Deferred Dreams Of Mars
people communicating with a large and sophisticated piece of equipment 150 million miles away as it began to carry out experiments that should enhance our understanding of whether the planet has or has ever had life ..... six astronauts could be sent on six-month flights to Mars and what they would do there for a year and a half before their six-month flights home ...... NASA could perpetually remain 20 years away from a manned Mars mission. ..... a Mars crew would see Earth shrink into just one of billions of twinkles in space ..... the astronauts would have to survive in a freezing, windswept world with unbreathable air and 38 percent of Earth's gravity ...... systems for feeding them, sheltering them ..... the benefits are mostly intangible ..... right now Curiosity is exploring these very questions, firing lasers at rocks to determine their composition and hunting for signs of microbial life ..... Because of such robotic missions, our knowledge of Mars has improved so much in the past 15 years that it's become harder to make the case for sending humans. ...... "For the cost of sending one human to Mars, you could send an entire flotilla of robots." ....... the space shuttle would fly 135 times from 1981 through 2011 .... Going into space for more than two years would subject the astronauts to an unprecedented degree of isolation and extended weightlessness; the longest stay in space so far has been 14 months. Poten­tially deadly cosmic rays, which are blocked by Earth's magnetic field and atmosphere, would hit the spacecraft in flight and threaten the astronauts on Mars. ..... the sky crane used to land Curiosity wouldn't work for landing humans, whose craft could weigh 30 times more ...... something entirely new: protect and feed humans on another planet over a long stretch ...... "closed loop" life-support systems in which water and air are recycled ....... possible to extract oxygen from the carbon dioxide that makes up 95 percent of the Martian air. ..... dehydrated food that astronauts inject with water on the space station can retain adequate nutrients for five years ...... Pressure-treating the food ..... make the habitat inflatable, so it could be packed tightly en route to Mars. ...... the bone loss, blurry vision, and other problems astronauts suffer when removed from Earth's gravity ...... compared with the money and effort that get spent in the service of "greed and our ancestral urge to beat the crap out of each other." ...... colonizing the moon, stimulating space tourism, and harvesting solar energy from geosynchronous Earth orbit
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