Brazil 2014
World Cup: Spain Deserved To Win
This year I am showing up but until today I was a little confused. I kept clicking on the schedule button, and what showed up was not enticing. There were these long hour events, no panels. And I was thinking, maybe this is not for me after all.
And then today I found the right link: panels. I promptly created an account and voted. I basically went down the list, and every time I recognized a name, I voted for that panel. Social?
Plus a few other ones. I have read the descriptions of very few panels so far, and I am so excited. I have been excited enough about Social Media Week that happens in February. The Internet Week theme beats the Social Media Week theme. This is New York City's own South By South West.
Person Of The Social Media Week: Oleg Voss
Alexis Ohanian: Angel Investor
Nuggets From The Paulson Auditorium
This South By South West Thing
Looks Like FoodSpotting Rocked Austin
Twitter ---> Instagram ---> FoodSpotting
Let me go read at least the names of all the panels.
I did and voted up a bunch more. Branding? Headlines?
Today was the last day for voting. Pure coincidence. I had no idea. I guess my votes count.
I am excited. I expect to be on a few panels myself next year.
I think I qualify already this very year, but is it too late? Where do I sign up?
I am gunning for two things for me personally: video blogging, and panels. I speak fast, I want to keep speaking fast, and I want you to see it in video. I want the video to be even more fast paced. If you edit well, you can make the video even more fast paced.
Blogging is like working out for the mind. I highly recommend it. Blogging also makes you a better listener. If there is limitless space for you to say all that you need to say, you are going to be a better listener.
Blogging: Monkey Business?
I am making a Ustream appearance in June. They asked me if I wanted to speak to a class or just to the camera. I said speaking to a roomful of real people is way more fun, but if that is not going to be recorded on camera then it will have been a waste. So they gave me both.
I think the deadline for being on a panel for Internet Week was the 15th of the month. So, yes, it is too late. Now my best bet is to reach out to some of the organizers and see if I can still sneak on to one of the panels that someone else registered. Let me pick a few topics.
How about global? Is that a topic? Is that a trend yet? If not then I will make it a trend. Global is my local.
Permanent War
My Non Personhood Of 2009, 2010
Brooklyn Loves Bollywood
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