Monday, January 04, 2010

Twitter For The Masses

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase
2009 was Twitter's year, no doubt. But towards the end of 2009 Twitter's growth had plateaued. What could Twitter do to reach the masses and end up with hundreds of millions of people using the service? Simplify, simplify, simplify. Right now it is so easy to get lost in the service when you are a new user. You first start out by not believing something worthwhile can be said in 140 characters. That is too brief. You may be do not desire to share with the world what you had for lunch. You might not know who to follow. The people you personally know are not necessarily the people with the most interesting tweets. What's a tweet anyway?

Twitter has to evolve as a service. A stangnant basic service that is hoping to only scale will not cut it. Twitter at once will have to become feature rich and simpler. The biggest bottleneck to Twitter's growth has been how primitive the search function at the site is. I can't even get it to deliver to me tweets I posted several months ago. And all those tweets reside on Twitter's servers.

SAN FRANCISCO - MARCH 10:  Twitter co-founder ...

Twitter necessarily has to grow and eat into its ecosystem. That is how Windows grew. New, exciting, independent software programs found themselves eaten up in the next version of Windows. The Sun engulfed the nearby planets and grew.

Before they introduced the lists feature, Twitter had become unmanageable for me. The retweet feature I like, but I can see why it has generated much controversy. One big reason is the old way you could edit the tweet before retweeting it. To that I say, you can still choose to do it the old way.

Google WaveImage via Wikipedia
But I have to keep coming back to search. Bing and Google are not doing it. When I first went to Bing's Twitter page weeks ago, I saw the mistake they were making. They were basically using Twitter to collect votes for the hottest news articles for that day. That is only one of many uses of Twitter. And I think Google News does a much better job of bringing me the news for the day. And it is not true Google is doing real time search now. Just because you display a few tweets on the topic I just conducted a search on does not quite cut it.

My Twitter account has to be the starting point for my Twitter experience. And one thing could add to that experience more than any other: the ability to search all tweets that might have ever been posted. I should not have to use I should be able to store all links of interest to me right there on Twitter, and I used to do that. Then Twitter stopped delivering.

Just like PageRank is not going to be enough for Google, just like Google is going to have to make sense of webpages in their own right to see how much value they have, Twitter search is going to be able to read tweets, and make sense of a large number of tweets with the same keywords to give me a feel for what the masses are thinking and feeling. Right now I don't have that. Show me on one screen what the masses are saying in a million tweets. Where is that search and display function?

But real time is not just for now. Real time archives are also valuable. Tell me how Obama supporters felt about Obama in the summer of 2008. Collect all the tweets on the topic and make sense of them all for me.

Money talks, and Twitter does not have enough of it to truly get ambitious as a basic feature of the web experience. I still think Twitter should go for an IPO so it will have a billion dollars to become what email would be if it were designed today. Maybe it will not be Wave, it will be Twitter. It still can be.

Twitter has had a scalability problem because it has not had 300 million dollars to pour into its infrastructure. Twitter has to be always on if it can be part of the basic infrastructure of our web experience. 
The Twitter fail whale error message.Image via Wikipedia

If email were invented today, it would not have a subject line. I would not need your email address to be able to send you an email. The email would always be short. I should be able to read a million such emails in less than a minute. A celebrity should not feel overwhelmed by all the emails she gets because the search feature is so good. Because Twitter makes sense of a million tweets on the same topic in as much time as Google takes to deliver search results. Well, Twitter does not, not now.

And Twitter DM is a joke. You have so little control over it. I get so much spam, I stopped reading DMs months ago. 

The Twitter trending topics list is so feature poor, it is not even funny. I should be able to do time travel with that list. I should be able to do topics, and sub topics, and sub sub topics with that list. I should be able to have a trending topics list based only on my followers. The trending topics list needs to be a full blown creature.

Twitter today is not all it can be. If Twitter is going to end up with a billion users, it is not going to be the Twitter that we know today.

Twitter Should Go For A Netscape-Like IPO
Goal: A Billion People On Twitter
Google Wave For The Masses

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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

DGDM: Digital Development Partners

Punch Pizza Web Coupon - Expires 12/19/08Image by The Punch Pizza via Flickr

Digital Development Partners, Inc. (OTCBB: DGDM) has a flagship company:, in beta. What does YuDeal do?

You own a restaurant. You see half your tables are empty. YuDeal would allow you to reach by text message potential customers to whom you might offer 20% off should they drop by within two hours. This is real time, social networking, and advertising in one package. YuDeal is a game changing proposition. The coupon industry will not be the same ever again.

DGDM came into the YuDeal game early.

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123Print: Business Cards

Realize Business CardsImage by Thomas Rockstar via Flickr

If it is time for you get a new set of business cards, go to The site can be very helpful for your business card design.

Somethings don't go away, like business cards for example. The difference between making and not making a contact could be the difference between deal or no deal. Is your business card at hand?

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Has Your Debt Run Amok?

WASHINGTON - MARCH 26:  U.S. Secretary of the ...Image by Getty Images via Daylife
Don't get embarrassed if it has. Get help. Get your debt under control through consolidation services. Get help from those who are good at the fine art of debt negotiation. Sometimes debt consolidation can be a slippery slope that makes things worse for you. Don't fall into that trap.

But it can be done right. And it is also the right thing to do to repair your credit. Otherwise you keep working for money instead of making the money work for you.

These are hard times. Take the effort to make the right choices.

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Vegas Red: Online Casino

SAN FRANCISCO - DECEMBER 11:  Democratic presi...Image by Getty Images via Daylife
For the past decade and a half we have watched pretty much everything go online. Casinos have ended up there too. Expect that trend to only accentuate. You can look forward to richer media experiences. A parallel universe that comes to mind is gaming. Gambling is like gaming. Online gambling is a sport of sorts.

I am aware of of the social baggage tied to that word gambling. But there was gambling before the web came along. The big news is not that gambling has moved online. I think those who intend to play watchdog roles should focus primarily on making it a safe experience for those who are going to indulge in it anyway.
So I like sites that offer to be portals to online casinos. They do the vetting for you. They make sure the safety standards are met. And they work hard to inform you just as they intend to entertain.

And if you don't want to lose money, play it for free. There are those kinds as well. Some really smart people like Warren Buffett are into poker. Poker games are one of the staples at casinos. Online poker, how about it?

I hope the experience is safe, regulated and fun. And I am excited about the technological underpinnings of what the online casino experience might be in a few years, just like I would like to imagine what companies like Google might be doing in a few years.
A pachinko parlor in Tokyo, JapanImage via Wikipedia

News this morning is YouTube wants to get into gaming. You should be able to interact with your YouTube videos: that is the idea. The online casino experience could benefit from such advances.

And the free, no deposit online casinos naturally would have global appeal. Can come online, can play. It is all in the mind. Throw some music in there, will you?

I was past 20 when I landed in America. I don't follow baseball, or basketball or football. Give me my World Cup Soccer. There are many online casino games that run tournaments. Legions of fans follow them. The best online casino sites help fans follow the tournaments of interest.

Have fun. Be safe. Win if you can. Don't lose too much.

Go to Vegas. If you can't, go to Vegas Red.

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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A pachinko parlor in Tokyo, JapanImage via Wikipedia
There are a ton of casinos online. If you are one of those who has to gamble, it is best to play safe. is a portal. It is a leading resource for online gambling. It lists casinos that accept players from the US. The site also features "multi language casinos, no deposit casinos, free casino games."

The site offers reviews of casinos and rates them based on various variable. In the process the scam online casinos get weeded out. And that is good for you. Have fun. Play it safe. Be an informed player.

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

WildBlue Satellite Internet

The back panel of a satellite modem, with coax...Image via Wikipedia
The importance of broadband in this day and age can not be exaggerated. Broadband is as basic as electricity today, for work, for pleasure, for life activities. With the satellite option, the rural urban divide goes out the window. Wild Blue Internet is available anywhere in the continental US. The price is affordable.

Dial up just does not cut it these days. If you don't have broadband speed, you are missing out. On productivity, on pleasure. You need WildBlue Internet. WildBlue Satellite Internet fills in where cable internet is not an option.

Wildblue Satellite Internet might be the solution you are looking for.

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Sign up today.

USA Players Online

Casino Velden PanoramaImage by geek7 via Flickr

USA Players Welcome is an online gambling portal that welcomes players from all states in the US. If you are looking for a casino online, take a look at this one. You can find free casinos, you can find big bonus casinos. What is it that you are looking for? All the casinos listed at the portal have been reviewed and thoroughly tested. If you are going to gamble online anyways, play it safe. Don't go straight to a gambling site. Go there through a portal like this one. Playing it safe is the more fun way.

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Virgin Galactic