Tuesday, September 16, 2014


How Network Theory Is Revealing Previously Unknown Patterns in Sport
Tiki-taka is characterised by rapid short passes and fast movement by the players. The idea is to dominate possession of the ball. That’s in sharp contrast to conventional tactics that focus on player formations.

The Bourne Resurrection

Matt Damon at a presentation for The Bourne Ul...
Matt Damon at a presentation for The Bourne Ultimatum in Mexico (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

"I've always been open to it if Paul Greengrass is the director," Damon said to CNBC in May of this year. "We've just never been able to come up with a story. So, if any of your viewers have a story, please call Universal and submit it."
Matt Damon Will Probably Play Jason Bourne Again After All

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Gates And Musk On Energy

Going Corporate, Going Startup

Medium (TV series)
Medium (TV series) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This Medium post has been a social media viral hit the past few days.

How quitting my corporate job for my startup dream f*cked my life up

Why was this post a big hit?

It is well written. The title is catchy. Many more people do startups these days than was true before the 2008 recession. The title speaks to fears many people have. Most people avoid going into the startup grind because deep down they know it is going to f*ck up things.

The post has great introductory paragraphs. The writer seems to be a classic success story. He got a great education, then landed a great job. He was flying business class.

Then he pinches you the reality. It was not all that great. He was mostly staring at spreadsheets, all night long, all flight long. A lot of people relate to that.

They say that about marriage. People who are out, want in. People who are in, want out. People who are married think singles are having more fun. Singles think married people are having more fun.

A great, catchy title with great first few paragraphs can create a social media hit.

But even after that, the post is pretty good. It gives you a pretty good idea of what a sinkhole a startup can be.

One element though is missing. He is not talking about his idea. You don't create a successful startup just because you quit a great job. It is about your idea, and your execution.