Showing posts with label Operating system. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Operating system. Show all posts

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Bill Gates Drove Up Traffic To This Blog

This post went live Friday morning, yesterday, at six: Bill Gates On The Chrome OS. By the end of the day it had become the post at this blog that has garnered more visits than any other.

Google Analytics went live on this blog on May 11, 2009. On June 12, there were over 480 visits. That was the best day until yesterday at 1150 visits.

Saturday 1:28 AM update: 1172 visits on Friday.
In The News
  1. A Hard-Line Sequel to the Case of the Pregnant Nine-Year Old Time
  2. Why Girls Have BFFs and Boys Hang Out in Packs
  3. The Man with America's Trust: Walter Cronkite (1916-2009)
  4. California's Crisis Hits Its Prized Universities
  5. Clinton Off to Patch Relations with India
  6. The Hidden Side of the NYPD
  7. What's Wrong with Judges Legislating from the Bench?
  8. Teen Fined $25K for Cost of Mountain Rescue
  9. In Iran, the Opposition Delivers a Sermon
  10. Business Journalism: A Vanishing Necessity?

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Friday, July 17, 2009

Blog Carnival: Bill Gates, Chrome OS

BEIJING, CHINA - APRIL 19:  Microsoft Chairman...Image by Getty Images via Daylife

My Post: Bill Gates On The Chrome OS

July: Netizen Blog Carnival Month
  1. Blog Carnival: Internet For The Billions
  2. Blog Carnival: Wimax
  3. Blog Carnival: Cheap Laptops
  4. Blog Carnival: Microfinance
  5. Blog Carnival: Venture Capital
  6. Blog Carnival: Google
  7. Blog Carnival: Google (2)
Bill Gates, Chrome OS

Netizen: Bill Gates On The Chrome OS
Bill Gates on Chrome OS and browsers
Bill Gates on Google Chrome OS: Just a Linux Bistro

Google ChromeImage via Wikipedia

Bill Gates Responds to Chrome OS: It's Just Linux - AppScout
Geek In Disguise : Bill Gates talks Physics, Chrome OS, and ...
Bill Gates on Google's Chrome OS: Nothing New Here | John ...
Bill Gates on Google's Chrome OS
Computer Renaissance: Bill Gates on Google's Chrome OS
Bill Gates on Google's Chrome OS - Appfrica

my blog: Gates and Ballmer bash Google Chrome OS
Bill Gates Says Google's OS Is Nothing New (MSFT, GOOG)
Bill Gates calls Chrome OS more of the same, "surprised people are ...
Bill Gates calls Chrome OS more of the same, "surprised people are ...
Remains of the Day: Bill Gates Talks Chrome OS Edition [For What ...
Google's Chrome OS looks a lot like a familiar Linux: Bill Gates
Bill Gates on Chrome OS and browsers -

Image representing Steve Ballmer as depicted i...Image via CrunchBase

Bill Gates questions relevance of Chrome OS | PC Retail Industry | PCR
Asus Eee News, Mods, and Hacks: Bill Gates on Google's Chrome OS

Bill Gates on Chrome OS and browsers | BlogoFlux - Information ...
Bill Gates on Google's Chrome OS | Northloop Neighborhoods
Bill Gates: Google Chrome OS is nothing … « pingmicro
Bill Gates Expresses His Thoughts About Chrome OS - The Unofficial ...
Microsoft's Ballmer and Bill Gates on Chrome
Bill Gates calls Chrome OS more of the same, "surprised people are ...
Microsoft comments on Chrome OS | Google Chrome OS Update
Bill Gates on Google's Chrome OS | Joe Hosting
Bill Gates Slams Google Chrome
Just Another Mobile Phone Blog: Microsoft agree on Google Chrome OS

Google's Chrome OS looks a lot like a familiar Linux: Bill Gates ...
Bill Gates on Google's Chrome OS
Google Announces Chrome Operating System, Bill Gates Dies of Heart ...
Tech Trader Daily - Barron's Online : Microsoft: Citing Worries On ...
Windows 7E preorders – Bill Gates about Chrome OS – Windows 7 FUD ...
Bill Gates Comments on Chrome OS
MacUser: News: Ballmer and Gates dismiss Chrome
Bill Gates on Google's Chrome OS - CNET News
v2tech: Bill Gates on Google's Chrome OS
Natal is coming to PC too, says Gates - Microsoft, Xbox ...

Bill Gates On Google'S Chrome Os Beyond Binary
Bill Gates on Google's Chrome OS - CNET News
p2pnet news » Blog Archive » p2pnet World Headlines - July 15, 2009
Bill gatesten chrome os « openSUSE
Bill Gates on Google’s Chrome OS
Bill Gates on Google’s Chrome OS
Bill Gates on Google’s Chrome OS
Channelweb Connect: The Real Channel: Google Chrome Will Butcher ...
Bill Gates Puts Classic Feynman Lectures Online |

Eric Schmidt advises Bill Gates: Mum's the word on Google OS ...
Webbyist » » Webbyist Twits
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer comments on Google's Chrome OS - Specs ...
Since when is a relabeled Linux distro a new OS?- Chromeization
Goodbye Mr. Gates: HP And Acer NetBooks Will Be Running On Chrome ...
oculente: >CNET Biz Tech> Bill Gates on Google's Chrome OS: In his ...
Six reasons why Google's Chrome OS announcement is HUGE « Tech Lahore
Why Chrome OS? Google says, why not? | Webware - CNET
Bill Gates' hurricane stopper would be 'Plan C' for humanity ...

Google on offense: Chrome OS is a wager on the future of computing ...
Bill Gates Puts Classic Feynman Lectures Online | Computer Nerds Blog
HP and Acer are developing Google Chrome OS netbooks « Eideard
Bill Gates on Google’s Chrome …
Bored With PCs, Bill Gates Sets His Sights On Controlling the ...
Google Chrome OS vs Windows 7 vs Snow Leopard vs Linux ...
Google Chrome OS is 7 years too late - Articles -
Understanding competition — the Bill Gates way « Subba's ...
Gates Puts Feynman Lectures Online - TierneyLab Blog -
Chrome OS: But Will it Run Photoshop?

Bill Gates calls Chrome OS more of the same, “surprised people are ...
Security Guru Calls Chrome OS's Security Claims "Idiotic"
Bill Gates on Chrome OS and browsers | Easton (The Quince Man ...
Google Chrome OS for PCs: Look Out Windows and OS X - Windows 7 Forums
SHIFT: Google Chrome OS, dominating the world in 8 easy steps | DVICE
Robert S Williams » Google's Chrome OS will help everyone
Bill Gates calls Chrome OS more of the same, "surprised people are ...
Buzz Out Loud 1019: What is a browser anyway?! | ...
Google Chrome OS: here's what you think about Bill Gates | Technology
Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter: Google Announces Chrome OS

A dissection of the Google Chrome OS press release | ithinkdifferent
Google to Offer Chrome OS for Free | Maximized PC
Bill Gates on Google's Chrome OS | My Web Handbook
The Best of the Internet: Friday Links Edition for July 17, 2009
Updated: Google's Schmidt On Chrome, Android: “They May Merge Even ...
Massucci's Take: Google Chrome challenges Microsoft's future
Google 'Beggar' Debuts New DOA Project - Chrome OS
What Microsoft Needs to Do To Fight Against Google Chrome OS?
Remains of the Day: Bill Gates Talks Chrome OS Edition [For What ...
» Netbook operating system

Microsoft OS vs Google Chrome | Sai Bharadwaj's Personal Blog
The Smart Asset - Profits vs. privacy: The implications of Google ...
Bill Gates calls Chrome OS more of the same, “surprised people are ...
Bill Gates calls Chrome OS more of the same, "surprised people are ...
Computer Repair by Bill Gates on Google's ...
Remains of the Day: Bill Gates Talks Chrome OS Edition [For What ...
Bill Gates calls Chrome OS more of the same, "surprised people are ...
Bill Gates on Chrome OS: 'I am surprised people are acting like ...
gulli: Bill Gates: Chrome OS wird nichts Besonderes
Google's OS Looks like Linux Says Bill Gates - Serchen Interactive ...

Bill Gates, Chrome OS, Natal, Wave
Bill Gates: Behind The Curve On Chrome OS
Blog Carnival: Bill Gates, Chrome OS
Bill Gates On The Chrome OS
Bing ---> Chrome OS ---> Office 2010
Google Chrome Operating System: Pinging Bing

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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bing ---> Chrome OS ---> Office 2010

Image representing Google as depicted in Crunc...Image via CrunchBase

Google Chrome Operating System: Pinging Bing
Google took over with Search. Microsoft responded with Bing. Google countered with the Chrome Operating System. Microsoft answered with Office 2010. It is called Capitalism 101.


Image representing Microsoft as depicted in Cr...Image via CrunchBase

Bing Delivers Credibility to Microsoft New York Times
Bing manages to hold onto its initial explosion of growth DVICE
Op-Ed Contributor Chrome vs. Bing vs. You and Me New York Times
Chrome OS

Google Chrome OS: Still Early On The Hype Curve ChannelWeb
Dell May Test Google's Chrome OS PC World
The Google OS surfaced in March--or did it? CNET News
Google's Chrome OS: Reaching for the Cloud New York Times
Big Winner in Office Web App Announcement: Google Chrome OS? jkOnTheRun
Microsoft counterpunches with free Web-based version of Office Los Angeles
Dual Boot Android Netbook Paves the Way for Chrome OS Mashable

Office 2010

Microsoft Reveals Office 2010 Timing, Technical Preview PC World
CNET News Daily Podcast: Opening the door on Office 2010 CNET News
Windows 7, Office 2010, Google Chrome OS: Never a Dull Tech Moment PC World

Bill Gates, Chrome OS, Natal, Wave
Bill Gates: Behind The Curve On Chrome OS
Blog Carnival: Bill Gates, Chrome OS
Bill Gates On The Chrome OS
Bing ---> Chrome OS ---> Office 2010
Google Chrome Operating System: Pinging Bing
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Monday, July 13, 2009

Google Chrome Operating System: Pinging Bing

Image representing Microsoft as depicted in Cr...Image via CrunchBase
The war is on. Microsoft wants to do search. Google wants to do operating system. The days of Google gingerly wading into Microsoft territory with the likes of Google Docs are over. Now it is a frontal attack. It is face time. Don't sue Microsoft. Don't sue Google. Let them face each other. Let the game begin.

The war is on. The consumer stands to benefit.

The announcement of the Google Chrome Operating System is a big win for the concept of cloud computing. I don't want to host an operating system on my desk either. Take it away. Host it in the cloud. You can keep the browser too. Take me straight to the web. I don't want to stare at my windscreen. I want to look through it. (David Gelernter: Manifesto)

This ties into my IC vision, Internet Computer. The IC is not a cheaper PC any more than
Google ChromeImage via Wikipedia
the PC was a smaller mainframe. The IC is a departure from the PC. The Google Chrome OS is a giant leap towards that IC vision. (JyotiConnect Inc.)

Google Chrome OS is going to be open source. It is going to be free. And Google will still make a ton of money. How? If more people come online, and more people spend more time online, Google wins because search is a central function on the web, and Google rules that turf. They have more people to click on their ads. It is roundabout, but it works swell.

Microsoft is going online and ad-based or Microsoft is going bust.

Google Plans a PC Operating System New York Times initially intended for use in the tiny, low-cost portable computers known as netbooks, which have been selling quickly even as demand for other PCs has plummeted. Google said it believed the software would also be able to power full-size PCs.......... move is likely to sharpen the already intense competition between Google and Microsoft ...... Netbooks running the software will go on sale in the second half of 2010. ....... applications run directly inside an Internet browser ...... challenges not only Microsoft’s lucrative Windows business but also its applications business, which is built largely on selling software than runs on PCs. ...... Google has been adding features to Chrome, like the ability to run such applications even when a user is not connected to the Internet. ..... “Chrome is basically a modern operating system,” Mr. Andreessen said. ...... Microsoft began offering its older Windows XP operating system for use on netbooks at a low price.
Introducing the Google Chrome OS the operating systems that browsers run on were designed in an era where there was no web. So today, we're announcing a new project that's a natural extension of Google Chrome — the Google Chrome Operating System. It's our attempt to re-think what operating systems should be. ....... Speed, simplicity and security are the key aspects of Google Chrome OS. We're designing the OS to be fast and lightweight, to start up and get you onto the web in a few seconds. The user interface is minimal to stay out of your way, and most of the user experience takes place on the web. And as we did for the Google Chrome browser, we are going back to the basics and completely redesigning the underlying security architecture of the OS so that users don't have to deal with viruses, malware and security updates. It should just work. .......... Google Chrome running within a new windowing system on top of a Linux kernel. For application developers, the web is the platform. ....... Google Chrome OS is being created for people who spend most of their time on the web, and is being designed to power computers ranging from small netbooks to full-size desktop systems. ....... People want to get to their email instantly, without wasting time waiting for their computers to boot and browsers to start up. They want their computers to always run as fast as when they first bought them. ........ they don't want to spend hours configuring their computers to work with every new piece of hardware, or have to worry about constant software updates. ...... happier users who are more likely to spend time on the Internet.
Google Chrome OS - FAQ

Bill Gates, Chrome OS, Natal, Wave
Bill Gates: Behind The Curve On Chrome OS
Blog Carnival: Bill Gates, Chrome OS
Bill Gates On The Chrome OS
Bing ---> Chrome OS ---> Office 2010
Google Chrome Operating System: Pinging Bing
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Monday, June 15, 2009

Five Blind Men And Google Wave

Telecom's Tsunami Blog: Google Wave is a virtual desktop what the future Google PC desktop will look and function like. ....... In sports, coaches tell players that when the umpires negative attention is focused on the other team, do not do anything to draw attention to back to your team. This is the strategy Google has chosen for Google Wave. The EU and SEC are focused on fining Microsoft for every infraction that they can find. Don't draw attention away from Microsoft. ......... If most of the PC applications that you are using today can be utilized from within a web service (GMail), then do you really need a dedicated PC desktop from Microsoft, no! Do you need a PC running an OS from Microsoft, no! What you can use is a netbook PC running Google Android OS and only supports one application, Google Wave which is your Internet based PC Desktop. ..... VoIP services is probably already built into the internal Wave API ...... Google Voice product which is 100% web based ..... a real time speech to text engine ..... Google's stock has only begun to catch that next Wave
Google's Wave an online 'Swiss Army knife' > Personal and Office ...
Google's Wave Consolidates Core Online Features in One Tool Wave has the potential to drive people away from popular Google products like Gmail, Google Docs, Google Talk, Picasa, Blogger and Sites, as well as from similar products from competitors like Yahoo, Microsoft and AOL. ....... Google Maps, a service credited with igniting the mashup frenzy. ...... Wave lets people create a document to which multiple users can add rich text, multimedia, gadget applications and feeds, and do so concurrently in the way in which people interact ....... remains to be seen whether Wave will cannibalize Gmail and other popular Google products, but the culture of innovation at the company trumps those types of concerns. ....... Rasmussen warns that the Wave code will appear rough even to developers, so those interested should be of the adventurous type ...... developers will build integration links for it with social-networking sites
Google Wave: Taking the Enterprise from Microsoft?
It is too early to tell what Google Wave is. Right now what we have is the equivalent of a basic operating system. The programs for it have not been written yet. Once the most ambitious programs have been written, the most dashing gadgets have been put on top of it, many enterprise applications have been put in motion, the Google Wave that we know today will start to look basic, barebones. The promise is immense and unrealized.

I think one big thing about Google Wave is going to be that it will show the thinking that the consumer space and the enterprise space are separate just is not true. There is only one space, the collaboration space. The division always was artificial.

And there is always the money part. How will money be made? I think Google is resigned to making big bucks by simply expanding the web space. The Google search box will be ubiquitous in Wave just like it has been ubiquitous on the web. The AdSense space will expand. Kaching. And there will be money for developers. The top developers will make money like successful startup founders. They could follow the ad model, or the pay per download model, or they could go enterprise with some features. There are several ways, all of them public and not secret at all.

I have no idea what Google Wave will look like in a year. I have some idea, but no specific idea.

A Little Trouble At The Google Wave API Google Group
Google Wave Developer Community: Asking For A Culture?
The Google Corporate Culture
Google Wave: Organizations Will Go Topsy Turvy
Google Wave: Enormous Buzz
Possible Google Wave Applications And Innovations
Google Wave Architecture: Designed For Mass, Massive, Global Innovation
The Google Wave Architecture
Google Wave Ripples
Is Google Wave Social Enough To Challenge Facebook, Twitter?
Of Waves And Tsunamis
Google Wave: Wave Of The Future?
Google Wave: If Email Were Invented Today

From The Google Wave Developer Blog

1 Wave Sandbox, 5 Hours, 17 Awesome Demos
The Making of the Sudoku Gadget
Google Wave API Office Hours
Google Wave team heads to Google Developer Days in Asia
Introducing the Google Wave APIs: what can you build?

From The Official Google Blog

Went Walkabout. Brought back Google Wave.

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