Showing posts with label Intel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Intel. Show all posts

Saturday, July 06, 2013

Ingress: 7,000,000 AP

I hit 7,000,000 in AP today. I have a feeling that makes me one of the top three blue agents in the city, all of whom are way behind the two green agents derp and Das. I started on February 1, hit Level 8 by the end of that month. And without meaning to I have been doing at least a Level 8 like AP every month since.

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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Ingress: The Cross Faction Squad

(1) You are past 2.5 million in AP.
(2) You play Ingress for at least 10 hours a week. Staring at the Intel map and G+ and COMM socializing does not count. This is 10 hours of actively interacting with portals.
(3) You personally know someone who is already a member of either The Squad or The Cross Faction Squad.
(4) Induction happens only in person.
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