Showing posts with label Game. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Game. Show all posts

Monday, July 08, 2013

Ingress: More Portals Are Needed

I started a discussion with this comment:
Is there a limit to how many portals you can submit? Only 50 of mine have gone through so far. I am past 7 million in AP. I have made close to 1,000 portal submissions, all of which are needed right away. Not having enough portals is hindering my team building efforts. You can't attempt complex fielding if you don't have enough portals. I say, 5 times more players, 10 times more portals.
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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Ingress: The Cross Faction Squad

(1) You are past 2.5 million in AP.
(2) You play Ingress for at least 10 hours a week. Staring at the Intel map and G+ and COMM socializing does not count. This is 10 hours of actively interacting with portals.
(3) You personally know someone who is already a member of either The Squad or The Cross Faction Squad.
(4) Induction happens only in person.
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Monday, June 24, 2013

Ingress: 5 Times More Players, 10 Times More Portals

I believe the game has reached that point where it is ready for five times as many players. Niantic not long back sent out five invites to each agent. I believe it has also been approving more requests made directly to it through its site for membership.

When you have five times more players, you can not have the same number of portals. You can not even have five times more portals. You want 10 times more portals - at least 10 - for those five times as many players.

All that increases the velocity of the game. The game changes as you keep adding more and more people to it. Just like the Internet changed as more and more computers got connected to it.

There are agents today who feel like they pretty much know everyone who is playing. That will soon no longer be true. You ride the subway, but you don't know everyone who is on the train. You hardly know anyone who is on the train. Ingress has to reach for those scales.

I think Niantic should approve more portals faster. One should not have to wait two months to get a portal approved. The wait should be more like two weeks.
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Sunday, June 09, 2013

Ingress: The Squad: Racially Coded Language

You can see fatasses on both sides engaging in racially coded language. They act like they are but on the same team.

Ingress (27)
Ingress (28)
Ingress: Portal Building, Field Building, Farm Building, Team Building

This reaching across the team dividing line (there are only two global teams possible) with racially coded language is not exactly a new observation on my part. But Ingress in its purity is supposed to help you cut across social barriers. But it is a knife. You can cut vegetables with it, or you can cause harm. Some people use the game to express their prejudices. It's their choice.

G+ socializing is mostly a waste of time. COMM socializing is mostly a waste of time. This game is played outdoors where you actively interact with portals. But faction chat verbal wars are I guess part and parcel of the game. Once in a while you just have to engage.

As I build The Squad I am going to keep chat verbal action and racially coded language in mind.
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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Ingress: Team? What Team?

Dutch F-16 Demo
Dutch F-16 Demo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
There are hundreds of people who have signed up to play Ingress in New York City over the months. Of those less than 200 have signed up for this or that G+ group on both teams combined. Of those less than two dozen are active in both the game and on G+. The blue team is slightly ahead and does more L8 farm events. The green team mostly does L7 events.

My point being the vast majority of Ingress players act solo. Even those hard core ones who meet to create their L8 and L7 farms mostly act solo. They might meet for some farming, but mostly they go out to play solo.

You can think this is about territory but this really is an AP (Action Points) game. A lot of L8 agents will tell you it is not about AP anymore. And what they mean is there is no Level 9. But strictly speaking it is about AP. It is about fun, and it is about AP. If your idea of fun is playing solo, that is your game. If your idea of fun is teaming up and doing events together, that is your game.

But there really is no team. The global score keeping makes it even less so. Vaguely speaking you do choose one of the two teams. But actual teams that have coalesced are not necessarily essential to the gaming experience.

I do think the game is more fun through the team experience, but with the right kind of team. Many team types are possible.

In New York City currently blue is the slightly more dominant team, but the top agent in the city is on the green side, and by a wide margin too. Actually both of the top two agents are on the green side. And I think that is not accidental. Perhaps that top agent needs to belong to the team that is not dominant. It goes together.

The majority of agents are free agents. Even the tiny minority of agents who are part of loosely organized teams spend much of their game time in solo action. That makes team a rather vague, unessential concept in the scheme of things.

But when there are 10 times more people playing the game, and there are many types of teams moving around trying to put together spectacular events the game is going to be more fun.
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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Ingress: The Game Changes

I don't understand people who hit Level 8 and then give up. I can understand slowing down because you are pressed for time, you have other obligations. But plain giving up? Why did you get started in the first place?

Not only am I in, at four million action points I feel like I am just getting started. This is a game. And it is great fun. That is the starting point. It is a great game.

In 2010 I wrote a blog post called Mobile First. Fred Wilson read it and wrote a blog post echoing the theme, and that blog post of his became his top post for that year. Ingress is futuristic, in that it it about mobile, about gaming, about location, and a few other things. So for industry watchers it is a great way to get into the action. This is not a waste of time.

It also allows you to get to know a neighborhood like a local. It opens up the city's geography. And that is a big part of the game for me. Seeking opportunities to deploy Level 1 resonators still has appeal for me, and this is a big reason why. I am at a point where I can get any amount of ammo of any level. Ammo is no constraint. Time is. And you use up low level resonators like anything when you go for it.

The point of having high level ammo is to have the option to use it when it makes sense to do so.

This is a simple game like a knife is a simple weapon. I don't think a knife is a simple weapon, if you know how to use it. Some very complex strategies will become possible when there are 10 times more people playing the game, or even 100 times. The velocity of the game increases and more options open up.

Most people who play the game think there are two sides in the game. And the mind unit count makes that suggestion as well. But I think that is the simplistic version. More than two sides are possible. There are many many sides in the game. The AP count is the compass, and many, many sides are possible. Small, agile teams can do more, I believe, than large, scattered teams that waste a lot of time "socializing" on G+.

You still have two basic tools, you have the app, and you have the Intel map. And you are good to go. Time is the only ammo worth counting.

I am at a phase where I need 10 times more people playing the game in New York City to seek the next level of fun in the game for me. Until then I practice the basics, get to know the terrain better, get more intimate with the city's geography, make good use of the two tools and, yes, socialize.

Ingress And Complex Strategies
Ingress: Phase 3
Ingress: A Great Game For The Knowledge Worker
Ingress Tips
Level 8 In A Month

Level 8 farming for Level 8 ammo is probably the top collective activity in the game right now. And it is no secret. A secret is something that only one side knows. If both sides are doing it, it is not a secret. Both sides build and harvest L8 farms. Both sides try to be as secretive about it as possible. My observation has been most of the harvests get used for vain claims to territories. People use up a lot of ammo to keep what I call their vanity portals. I wish more of that high level ammo were used to create spectacular events. You are not building anything permanent in the game. All you can hope for is screenshots. And perhaps event reports when the screenshots do not do justice.
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